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Don’t miss this video of Dick Cheney saying he does not care that two-thirds of the American public are against the war. In particular, don’t miss his face. Dick is playing a game typical of intentional abusers — see how far you can push people. What used to be a smirk has morphed into a hearty smile. I suggest you watch it a few times and study him; focus on his very last line. The falsity of his tone sunk so deep that my belly twitched as he said it. The point is simply this — the majority of Americans did not elect him. When one is rightfully elected, one would naturally feel a sense of being beholden to the People. When one has gotten away with as much as he has, why should they care? And we have very good reason to ask: what is next?
Dear Friend and Reader:
One of my favorite asteroids is Hidalgo. I’ve always loved this one, but tonight since I’m writing about it, I gave it a Wiki. This is an asteroid associated with rebellion, and actually it’s pretty unique.
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Most asteroids you’ve heard of (Vesta, Ceres, Pallas, Juno) have an orbit in range of four years. Hidalgo’s is 13.7 years, but its orbit is extremely eccentric (egg-shaped). On the close end, it comes into the usual range of the inner asteroid belt, and on the far end, it goes out nearly as far as Saturn. So it’s considered a “Saturn grazer,” a term I had not heard till three minutes ago.
It’s orbit is also extremely inclined against the ecliptic — it comes in at a 43 degree angle. Discovered in 1920, it was once thought to be a comet. In reality it has more in common with Chiron than it does with a regular asteroid. Chiron also straddles the definition between an asteroid and a comet. Its orbit is uber-elliptical, it’s steeply inclined to the ecliptic and it’s Uranus-grazer: Chirion goes almost out to Uranus but does not cross the orbit. On the close end (perihelion), Chiron enters inside the orbit of Saturn for part of every cycle — one of its most distinctive properties. Truthfully, I don’t know why Hidalgo isn’t considered a Centaur planet. I’ll poke around the astronomy neighborhood and see if I can find out why.
Hidalgo is named for Padre Hidalgo (1753-1811). Wiki says, “He is regarded by most Mexican people as the ‘Father of the Country’; and was the founder of the Mexican War of Independence movement which fought for independence from Spain in the early 19th century.”
When you delineate an asteroid, it usually differs from the root source of its name in history or mythology. Of course there can be some striking parallels between the myth and the delineation, but not always. Hidalgo, for example, seems to be associated with questioning stupid social conventions on the one hand; and putting up with them, on the other. It’s also connected with all things Latino. You may wonder: how is it possible that an asteroid named for one of the great historical figures who stood up against the Spanish comes to represent social double standards?
Maybe it’s as difficult for most people as it was for Padre Hidalgo to stand up to the Conquistadors!
Also, if I were doing a reading and saw Hidalgo very prominent — in the ascendant, conjunct the Sun or Moon or sitting in an important midpoint, I would give it much more emphasis.
Asteroid Hidalgo is in Scorpio at the moment, so Mercury and Venus in Pisces are about to trine it. Trines open the discussion, the energy flow, the sequence of events. What do you associate with Scorpio? That is the discussion that can happen. It’s Pisces styled — oriented on pleasure. As an astrological theme park, Scorpio is associated with all the most controversial things in our society; with all the taboos, such as sex, money and death. Pisces, graced by Venus and Mercury, takes these on a poetic level.
Today I saw a stunning display of honesty when Dave Peterson, the new governor of New York State, admitted to having used cocaine in a televised interview. (He didn’t do it on the show, but rather when he was about 23, he said. He did not try to claim that he hadn’t inhaled the cocaine.) This extravaganza was broadcast on Channel 1, a slightly kitsch station out of New York City. I knew I was witnessing a moment of history. And I dig Dave Peterson a thousand percent — it’s fun to say that about a politician.
This episode is what I would call a beautiful moment of truth-telling that did not result in a scandal; it’s so disarming, what can you say? And like, duh, how much of the audience has done the same thing?
Of note, in another part of the sky, Pluto is slowing to a station-retrograde. It’s currently at 1 degree and 8 arc minutes of Capricorn — the exact location where it will turn retrograde on April 2. In other words, it’s currently at a dead halt in longitude, relative to the Earth’s movement. Once it changes apparent direction, it slowly heads back into Sagittarius, where it will remain until November, before entering Capricorn until approximately 2023.
Below are the full aspects of the day, followed by a random selection from the Planet Waves Oracle.
Tuesday is the day I write the weekly horoscope. Usually it’s my day to get out of the house and write somewhere new. I feel like I’ve been riveted to my desk for two weeks! It’s a good thing I live next door to a deli, so I can slip in and read the Sally Brompton horoscope in the New York Post, get a small coffee and disappear back into my treehouse to keep writing.
Tuesday 25 March 2008, aspects by Serennu.
Pandora (22+ Scorpio Rx) sesquiquadrate Pallas (7+ Aries)
Venus (15+ Pisces) sesquiquadrate Sisyphus (0+ Scorpio Rx)
Sisyphus (0 Scorpio Rx) quincunx Aries Point (0 Aries)
Sisyphus enters Libra (retrograde)
Mars (7+ Cancer) sesquiquadrate Pandora (22+ Scorpio Rx)
Sun (5+ Aries) septile Nessus (13+ Aquarius)
Sun (5+ Aries) semisquare Sedna (20+ Taurus)
Amor (17+ Aries) square Varuna (17+ Cancer Rx)
Mercury (16+ Pisces) trine Hidalgo (16+ Scorpio Rx)
Apollo (14+ Cancer) quincunx Ixion (14+ Sagittarius Rx)
Dec 03, 2004 Virgo – Weekly
Relatives have a way of not just pushing our buttons but also of enticing us to regress to the people they are more comfortable knowing and manipulating. If you find yourself bogged down in such a state unable to defend yourself or even speak your mind just remember to say Hmmm, this really sucks. Then add Wow, I wonder what it felt like to be a little kid in this very position. Then throw in But I’m not a kid. I’m a grownup with car keys in my pocket and an actual life of my own. Then wait 30 seconds for the remedy to take effect.