Creating a Second Chance

By Len Wallick

It seems right to start this week by telling you about the end of it.

This week will finish with a Full Moon. Last month, the opposition of the luminaries followed the the equinox by just minutes, with Luna on the Aries Point. This month the Full Moon will occur in the last degree of that sign, as if to see both sides of it.

But it is more than Aries that the September and October Full Moons have in common. Thanks to a rare retrograde station in the interim, Venus will occupy precisely the same spot on the zodiac for both events. To the degree. Indeed, to within two arc minutes. This unique confluence of repetitions will be the theme that we develop this week. But before we start on that, let’s take a brief look back to last week and then position ourselves in the big picture.

The euphoria that ensued with the improbable and unprecedented rescue of the Chilean miners was a reflection of our potential as well as our need at this time in history. For reasons we may never understand, circumstances combined in such a way as to make the impossible a reality. It was very much a counterpart to the first lunar landing just over 41 years ago and reflects the astrological connection between that year and this one — a conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus on the Aries Point — the expansion of potential, only this time on the opposite side of the zodiac. This phenomenon of obversion (defined as the act of immediate inference, by which we deny the opposite of anything which has been affirmed) is demonstrated by contrasting the two events.

In 1969 we left the Earth and went out. Last week we drilled into it. The heroes of the Apollo 11 mission were elite specialists from the Northern Hemisphere. Last week, the celebrated personalities were from the working class in the Southern Hemisphere.

Now that the rescued miners have returned to the surface of the Earth, they will face a period of transition and this is reflected in our current period of transition for the planets. Like their previous lives, the cardinal T-square is at once a thing of the past, and also an influence on the present. Having passed its own square with the lunar nodes, Saturn’s limiting and stabilizing role in the cardinal point pattern has passed on as well. Much as we may have felt hamstrung by the presence of the ringed one, its departure from the cardinal point action may ultimately have us wishing it would come back. That could lead to some unfortunate choices if we are unable to release attachment to the past. We would be better served embracing the dynamic and creative possibilities of an unstable and uncertain future.

Similarly, at least some of the stalwart Peruvian miners may soon find themselves wishing they could go back to their previous existence in spite of the danger and the drudgery. But they and we all know that the stability and structure that their previous employment provided are not worth their squandering a second chance at life. The only thing to do is move forward and engage the potentials of both prosperity and service that their newly unstable and uncertain lives will offer. The new basis on which to build is not their past but what they learned from being buried a half mile down with nothing but each other.

And if today’s astrology is any indication, the rest of us can learn something from them. With Mercury forming a Libra-to-Aquarius air trine with Neptune first, followed by Chiron, we have an opportunity to pull our heads out of the ground and breathe some fresh air into the relationship between how we feel and what we think. One does not necessarily need to dominate. There can be balance and indeed, there needs to be. As Mercury goes on to end the day in a supportive sextile to the Sagittarian center of our galaxy, the emphasis is clearly on our relationships and our constructive engagement with each other.

Speaking of relationships, one of the recently transitioned goddess asteroids provides further elaboration. In mythology, Juno was Jupiter’s spouse and that relationship served to both define and test her. Today the asteroid Juno forms a Virgo-to-Capricorn earth trine with the lunar nodes.

The lunar nodes are the two places where the Moon’s orbit around the Earth intersects with the Earth’s orbit around the Sun. Perpetually in opposition, eternally synchronized in a complex cycle of kata, they, like Juno symbolize the concept of relationship but from a different perspective. With Juno it’s the emotional quality, with the nodes it’s the sustenance. In an earth trine, there is the implication that these elements can support each other and create a broader and more stable base to build on.

And that’s what we need. There will be times when we find it an attractive proposition to abdicate responsibility and give away our power. Such will be the trials we will face. Such will be the changes we must adapt to. But going back down into the mine will not accomplish anything. Security and safety cannot be given to us by those who demand that we place ourselves in unsafe and insecure circumstances in order to serve them.

We can only do those things for ourselves, in relationship with those who have gone through the same thing we have. If there is to be a second chance, we must give it to ourselves.

Offered In Service

9 thoughts on “Creating a Second Chance”

  1. sara, Jere, susyc, aword, Hazel 1,

    aword – more valuable than gold – indeed, a lot of alchemy down there! A gift from the Universe to us all.

    Hazel 1 – Good luck. It IS hard to let go and move on sometimes. Time heals though, so be happy!

    susyc – You’re too funny! Either way (trypto or divine) Neptune and Chiron have cast their spell on you!

    Jere – My soul brother! Which hurts most, Chiron or Saturn? Later we’ll compare love.

    sara – Old fears rising up . . me too. Big bugs and tight places have returned to haunt me recently. But your understanding of the clearing process of shadow seems to be working fine as “safe” protection. Say goodbye to that old garbage. bye bye!

  2. “Security and safety cannot be given to us by those who demand that we place ourselves in unsafe and insecure circumstances in order to serve them.” A few days ago the daily oracle referred to the shadow side arising at a time when one is in contact with their own light.
    THis is my experience lately in two of my work places. I recognize it as one of my most intense (old and karmic) fears rising up again as it does every so often to be addressed on a deeper level. I feel child-like intense fear (and at times a helplessness) in the face of extended nastiness/cattiness/spite that exists in general in the environment or worse, might be directed at me as a holder of a more innocent, good will- light. Wow, the terror that I feel in the midst of what can feel like energetic, psychic warfare (which is in my cellular memory from teenage years). I know this can be cleared and addressed from within on some levels and I have more to do on this front.
    But the terror…it’s the feeling I remember from elementary school. Feeling a purity within, an innocence, a good will and not understanding the nastiness that young girls were putting out to one another. At the time I decided I was too pure or good and had to alter that. I no longer feel that way (and understand we all have shadow aspects) but I am not always clear how to feel “safe” in the midst of other shadow energy around me. Any thoughts, suggestions are welcome~

    And now I go off to work…

  3. Be, your saturn take is really cool. I’ve got the cat opp. my Jup. as well. I suppose I may ride my sun and moon sextiles relatively well, and I’m pretty cool with the full moon being on my natal chiron.

    Take care love,


  4. I don’t know if I’m taking too much tryptophan or am spending too much time in the hand of the divine (which I am not sure can actually be done), but I have been seized by an unrealistic generosity that makes amends for past stinginess and fear. I pray to be a bit of yeast in the dough helping raise all boats to mix metaphors, birds and bushes notwithstanding. Think I’m a little punchy. Think I’ll go to bed now….

  5. aword – “my personal future has opportunity that may otherwise have passed by”, Len: “going back down the mine will not accomplish anything”. Both perfect things to read on the day that I finally got a really good job interview at a veterinarian’s office, leaving behind the animal shelter I’ve worked at for almost 7 years. I feel terribly sad to not work for the shelter anymore, but I really need to get moving on to the stuff I want to do in my life and the new job will pay me enough to be able to start to do that. I have a good feeling about this interview, wish me luck!

  6. and of course other “unsafe and insecure” places we have been are in our personal relationships themselves. While the miners where in the dark, truth about their multiple relationships came to light (while before, it was the multiple wives/girlfriends that had been in the dark).

    Also, digging for gold has been the pursuit of men for a long time. Deep in the ground with only the gold and the other men, it would seem the feminine presence surrounding them day in and out was that of Mother Earth.

    It would seem at first glance, that while they were confined together in her belly, they found something more valuable than gold.


    Len, today I see that your work here has given me insight to track the patterns of where I have been and now to see correlation between events – and planets – wishing I had had foresight of this in the past is not of use now; only the going forward. Much has been “coming to light” and painstaking as it may be, my personal future has opportunity that may otherwise have passed by – at least in the trying – in the focus. Thanks for this.

  7. and both involved NASA scientists…

    when do you think the Chile rescue deniers will pop up, claiming that it was just a staged media event like the moon landing deniers?

    😉 just a little something eric and i were joking about the other night.

  8. Len,

    Now that you bring it up, there was a similarity in the experiencing of the Moon Landing and the returning to home for the Chilean miners. For me they both involved somersaults in the belly region and a reluctance to exhale at reasonable intervals. Both included eye-popping theater too, and unscripted events were always a possibility. Bravo.

    For those wishing for the return of Saturn to the t-square, I’d be glad to share as he is opposing my Jupiter, squaring my Sun, trining my Moon and, on Friday, this Full Moon will conjunct my natal taskmaster. I’ll let you know how that works out. But for all the discussion of Saturn’s refusal to be lenient, I am reminded that fear is his great motivater and courage in the face of that fear is his great gift. He was there in the equal-partnership sign of Libra from the very beginning of the miners ordeal and immediately joined by equally hard-working and dedicated Vesta. Facing fear, together, and not giving an inch to it has to be the biggest part of explaining why they survived.

    Adapting to change comes a little easier to me than holding my ground so perhaps that’s why the present wealth of Saturnian support. So it’s forward . . .and upward. . . and no looking back, but in the spirit of Libra and Venus, I’d be glad to share with you, no kidding! Thanks for the Monday morning pep talk Len; looking forward to more.

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