New Edition on Its Way

Today's edition should be arriving soon in subscribers' inboxes, if it hasn't already.

This week’s subscriber edition of Planet Waves presents an historic look at the astrology of the WTC7 collapse on Sept. 11, 2001 and its surrounding (if somewhat overlooked) controversy. Why now, since we’re past the anniversary of the disaster? Because as Eric notes, astrology keeps its own calendar and yesterday’s New Moon in Libra occupied the ascendant of the collapse of the North Tower to the degree — an astrological synchrony unseen before this week. Eric has written about the North Tower chart several times, with its telling placement of Mercury in that ascendant. With that astrology as a platform, Neptune in the Aquarius ascendant of the WTC7 chart makes for an intriguing investigation into a mystery holding its secrets close.

Not a subscriber yet? You can purchase this issue on its own at this link to read the full article along with Judith Gayle’s political analysis and this week’s horoscopes for all 12 signs.

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