Making Do

By Len Wallick

“If the Super Bowl is the Ultimate Game, why are they playing it again next year?”
— Duane Thomas

The Sun takes 365 days to go around the 360 degree circle that is the zodiac. That’s the baseline for astrology and everything else is in comparison to that. Once a year during this circuit Sol will conjoin with Saturn. It’s not rare like Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions in Aries or Pisces. It’s not exceptional either. The Sun bumps into everything on your ephemeris while taking a lap.

So what is it about this year? You can feel it. It’s been coming on for days, at least. Eric felt compelled to write a short but cogent blog about “The highlight of this week’s astrology” just this last Monday, and he’s a busy man. Perhaps we should start with the highlight’s of Eric’s highlight.

There were three salient points. The first had to do with your work and authority. Notice that relationship. Most of us feed, clothe and shelter ourselves by devoting our time and energy to someone else’s satisfaction. Eric’s point was to be present to the mutuality of the relationship between employer and employed. It makes sense because Saturn has to do with authority and what each of us do to fit in to avoid being ostracized to society’s fringes. Then again, if everybody said “no, I’m not going to work anymore”, on the same day at the same time well, the tables would turn. That’s why certain natural substances are against the law, by the way.

Second, the “do or die” feeling of a deadline. Actually, probably, a lot of deadlines. The recommendation here was to avoid putting any more on your plate during this aspect. To focus on doing well what you already have. That makes sense because Saturn is also about limits and focus.

Finally, working on, or at least paying attention to pressures to restore balance in our lives overall. This makes sense because Saturn is in Libra, where it is exalted, for the long haul now. Libra is energy perhaps more active than most folks give it credit for. From this perch it is more about attaining balance than being so.

Hopefully this is a fair and thorough reiteration of the ideas Eric was advancing. You have also read about four times this week that Saturn passed the lunar nodes. Leaving the cardinal T-square behind yet continuing in the spirit of creating a new paradigm, even while moving on to different business.

But what of the Sun? Must have left that hot piece of dim sum for yours truly. After all, old Sol is part of this conjunction too. So, appropriately the “high light” is where your faithful curmudgeon will pick the ball up and carry it a spell. So, again, what is this conjunction with Saturn all about this time?

In astrology, the Sun is dominant. Sure, a zodiac is terra-centric because that’s where we are. But the greater luminary calls the tune. Eclipses — what’s bigger than a solar eclipse? It burns a hole in the wheel that everything passing by falls into for years afterward. If one were to begin explaining astrology, you could do a lot worse than starting with an eclipse.

Symbolically, the Sun can represent the self as it is consciously created, expressed, and known by others. What you put out there that reflects back. It also represents leaders, kings, presidents, the one every body recognizes. The one who finishes first and is remembered for it. Or in the story where John the Baptist realized “oh, it’s you, here let me get you a towel.” That’s the feel of it. All earthlings know the Sun when exposed to it. It is that it is.

Yet, in astrology, it’s not exempted from the influence of the sign and/or house it occupies. Its influence is mediated, tempered, even transformed by spatial and angular relationships to the other objects on a chart. And that’s part of what is about to happen. When the Sun conjoins Saturn today (or tomorrow, depending on where you are), its relationship with a certain class of planets will enter an interesting period between now and shortly after the Capricorn solstice.

The class of planet referred to are called the malefic. As in the word malice. In traditional astrology there are benefics and malefics. Sort of like there are cherubim and seraphim among angels. One brings the good news, the other brings the bad news. The malefic are the bad boys. Nothing personal you understand. Realistically, it’s not always bad. Unpleasant-tasting medicine can often do wonders to improve your health and disposition. The advice you don’t want to hear is often what you need to heed. What you don’t want to do can be the best thing that ever happened to you.

Still, the malefics are not the most pleasant company. Some days, Mars would just as soon spin on you as look at you. Saturn can be cold enough to make brass monkeys remember how to run. Those are the two malefics of classical astrology. In more recent times, Pluto has been counted among them. One has yet to see a convincing argument against that. Or could you see Pluto skipping along scattering flower petals?

Didn’t think so.

After today and until the first week of February 2011, right about the time of the Super Bowl, the Sun will be in between malefics. First in between Saturn and Mars with Pluto on the far flank. Then between Pluto and Mars with Saturn going deep. Wouldn’t you know there is a name for that, and the word is besieged. That means the Sun’s style is due up to be cramped for the next four months or so. So, you may be asking yourselves, what’s up with that?

To start of with, anyone with birthdays between today and the fourth or fifth of February should not bet on football. Send your money to me instead. But seriously folks, a lot of Libras, most Scorpios, Sagittarians, Capricorns and some Aquarians are well advised to prepare for an ego bruising. To repeat, that may not be such a bad thing. To the best of one’s knowledge, nobody ever died from an insulted ego and if it does not kill you, you are bound to bounce back better than before.

Also, the next four months may be a bit rough, even dangerous for Libra political leaders, Scorpio heads of state, and Sagittarian household names. Capricorn sports heroes should be careful about getting caught with their pants down. Aquarian prima ballerinas should tape their ankles. Divas should gargle a lot no matter what their sign, ascendant or moon.

But you know, a world full of impaired egos could be just what the doctor ordered. Imagine celebrating your birthday like hobbits do. Gifting your friends instead of the other way around. Imagine thinking of what others want and need, first thing in the morning, last thing at night. Imagine service and fidelity to other human beings as your path to joy. It’s easy if you try.

That does not mean it’s going to be easy to make do. If ever we were sent up by synchronicity for a winter of discontent, this would be it. Just to say, try it on. Your intent need not be extinguished, only dedicated and devoted. Sure, it may take some getting used to, putting your beer and pretzel money in the Salvation Army kettle, but how about every other weekend? Somebody sure could use it, you know that.

Offered In Service

16 thoughts on “Making Do”

  1. Carrie,
    The main this to remember is that an assult to the ego is not a life-or-death matter. It can feel that way but a bruised ego does not bleed real blood. The response should be appropriate to the stimulus. To act as if one’s life depends on something when it fact it does not is to put too much energy into a situation. That is how the old saying about “sticks and stones” came about.

    May you , your spouse and your children find a higher ground of joy in this new season of love and discovery.

  2. Carrie,
    Thank you for your question. As before, Scorpios are always “enhanced”, that’s what makes other people anything but neutral about them. They got it going on. Some folks find that attractive, some don’t. Right now, with Venus and Mars, they are in a good spot to help the rest of us figure things out. Perfect for a teacher.

  3. Len,

    Thanks for this. Question; can you connect the dots for me on how this will affect my Scorpio husband who just started teaching Middle School and who already has had his ego bruised so much in the past few years that he could use some relief instead? Losing seven jobs in 3 years and then having to fight just to get the degree for teaching has left him only the energy to teach and make a difference in these middle schoolers’ lives. He chose to teach on the rez because he feels those kids need a better chance than they have been having. Because of the 48 miles of travel one-way, it makes for long days and he is almost 58 years old as he starts this new career that he loves. Where does a Scorpio like him fit into your description? More angst is not what he needs right now so what does he have to look forward to in the next few months? I just wonder because I want to be as supportive of his transition from doing a job for the money to doing a job he loves.

    Is there anything I should do to help soften the ride while he deals with these next few months? I am a Pisces; you didn’t say Pisces would be as affected so I can maybe be of assistance to him. Thanks again for being the beacon to light our way.

  4. Kelly,
    Good point about the 6 signs. Suppose that it’s relative to circumstances, however.

    Scorpios are always enhanced and it’s not your back that you need to watch. Watch the sky instead, easier on your neck.

  5. Len are not the 6 signs starting with Libra through to Pisces the ‘older’ signs? They represent the age from late forties to death (Pisces). They would be equipped to handle sacrificing their egos for the greater good…I would think. Regards! Kelly
    p.s I thought we Scorpios were going to be enhanced around NOW, not watching over backs 🙁

  6. Wow- these are some of the most sophisticated, complex and diverse comments i’ve ever seen in response to any blog on Planet Waves. Something very special is going on here today. The complex electrical term “flux” comes to mind. You guys are great at capturing the zeitgeist. You are all the greatest, thanks!

  7. p.s. i’ve often wondered whether the “hardships” i endure aren’t often due more to my own tendency to stay and stick and hold on, rather than flow; rather than the inherent nature of most experiences..

  8. to anyone reading this late today: i’d urge yo to remember the helpful *drive* of mars and the genuinely *transformational* aspects of pluto; and not having saturn would be like not having a skeleton.

    so there are ways to use this astrology positively and productively, and many things to question about a tradition as old as this one.

    as you know, that has been eric’s mantra about most things: “question the old shit!” whether we’re talking about religion, politics, relationship models or astrology, it’s all up for scrutiny to find a way along this path that does not divide us from ourselves, our planet and each other.

    and yes, as yeti says, “imaginary suck is optional.”

  9. Len with the astrology – when I think of my aquarian friends they have all been living saturnian and plutonian difficulties I would say for years (and years) does the astrology have to mean more hardship, I’d say they all without exception could do with a break… could this time be a breakthrough in any way.

  10. Hello Len – best shot at a compliment – try the sax solo from that well known astrology song Romeo and Juliet (DS and EC dogswede1 on you tube) or actually the smile at 7.24ish says it all. OK part of team… and yes praps best heard in context of the whole thing to get all the wealth, but stand alone great too. (Accepting the song is praps not your style, but given that…)

  11. Once again, your insightful post has got me thinking and being grateful. Thank you, Len. “Every day above ground is a good one.”

    Libra sun sign and Libra ascendant – I’m looking forward to the adventure of the next few months.

  12. by Dorothy Parker

    Razors pain you;
    Rivers are damp;
    Acids stain you;
    And drugs cause cramp.
    Guns aren’t lawful;
    Nooses give;
    Gas smells awful;
    You might as well live.

    but i’m going to lie in bed until noon.

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