After the deluge

from Washington's Blog.

There are many questions about the “official story” we were told about the Sept. 11 incident. Yet many people dismiss as conspiracy theory any idea that exists outside that narrative. Even our most trusted newscasters — Maddow, Olbermann, Jon Stewart and others — will not question the official dogma. Most of us don’t know enough to question the many parts of the story that simply don’t add up, and we think we need to be an expert to see the obvious. This is a collection of quotations by former members of the official Sept. 11 inquiry — people we could certainly say are experts. Read the full article here.

11 thoughts on “After the deluge”

  1. Hello Mandy,

    My concept for the article was to recast the chart in a simple way, using the basic rules of horary. I haven’t told the story of the expert seminar I gave among some advanced horary astrologers in Toronto — the kind who have worked the craft for years, and studied Lilly and other masters. So I presented the 8:46 am chart (Flight 11 hits North Tower) to about 10 people all of whom know more traditional astrology than I do. We had all afternoon. In a sense I subjected my collusion theory of the chart to peer review of much more advanced astrologers than I am. (I cover this theory in articles “A second look” and others.)

    Then I would demonstrate how certain historical facts, or questions, bear out the chart. The three examples I would give are:

    1. No airplane at the Pentagon. (Please see my article “Were It So,” published March 2002).

    2. Larry Silverstein, the landlord (when asked), tells the fire chief that its okay to pull Building 7. How do they pull Building 7 in the midst of the chaos and carnage at Ground Zero? When exactly does the truck full of dynamite arrive, and who exactly rigs the building? Check Wikipedia and see who the tenants were. How do they not remove the files and computers that were in the building? To those who want to assume that Silverstein didn’t say that (it’s on video), how do we explain a skyscraper that was not hit by an airplane falling in its footprint at 5:20 pm that day, just like that?

    3. Molten steel flowing “like a foundry” beneath WTC rubble, according to FDNY officers.

    These three examples make the official version impossible.

    I would also recommend the article “The So Called Evidence Is A Farce” by Master Sgt. Stan Goff, a former West Point instructor — it should still be online. That came out in Sept ’01. Google that whole title and it will come up. All he gets into is the story of the hijackers and the events of that day. He doesn’t know 1% of what we know now; he’s just responding to the official narrative and is especially suspicious of details presented about Flight 77 that didn’t hit the Pentagon.


    Re the Plame-Kelly connection, it’s chilling and yet I have little doubt. Judith Miller is just so special, isn’t she? I mean…what is she doing now? Where doesn’t she show up? She ain’t no reporter. The Godfather has as many judges in his pocket as a bootblack has silver coins.


    Michele, faith based indeed. You got it.

  2. Crime fighters’ nightmare; the psychopathic criminal mind. Perhaps rather than “war” or other responses that feeds the beast, we must regularly discover new ways to disarm it.


    Psychologists estimate that at least one in every 100 people is unfeeling enough to qualify as a psychopath, with an especially heavy concentration among criminals. The ranks include serial killers as well as a great many others who never commit a crime punishable by law, but go through life abusing and manipulating others without remorse. … In essence, said professor Robert D. Hare of the University of British Columbia [widely considered the world’s foremost authority on psychopaths], it appears that ”emotion for the psychopath is like a second language,” one he or she must struggle to speak and never master deep down. Emotions for psychopaths are abstractions, much as they are for Data or Mr. Spock on ”Star Trek,” he said. … As for treatment, past research has shown that most conventional treatment, like group therapy, only makes psychopaths worse; it seems to train them in manipulating people and faking emotions.
    Excerpted from The Boston Globe – 15 July 2003″

  3. All of this makes me feel ill; however, the following drove it home hard…

    Journalist Ron Suskind wrote an article, “Faith, Certainty and the Presidency of George W. Bush,” for the October 17, 2004 New York Times Magazine, in which he said:

    In the summer of 2002 … I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House’s displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn’t fully comprehend — but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

    The aide said that guys like me were “in what we call the reality-based community,’ which he defined as people who “believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.’ I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. “That’s not the way the world really works anymore,’ he continued. “We’re an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you’re studying that reality — judiciously, as you will — we’ll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that’s how things will sort out. We’re history’s actors… and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.”

  4. There’s a whole thread running through from 9-11 through David Kelly to valerie Plame to Iraq and so on.

    Did you know Judith Miller was one of the last people to be in contact with David Kelly – interesting where she next pops us isn’t it?. interestingly, there are moves afoot to reassess the death of Kelly.

    Too many questions and too many coincidences for my liking… but you knew that anyway!

    Would like to have seen your ‘too dark’ article.

  5. e:

    Thought you might like this diary:

    If there’s anything we need to adjust first, is to educate and train ourselves and our kids from being manipulated by fear.

    The 9-11 Brand is exactly that model, upon which modern media and advertising have built fortunes. And the phases as to when it becomes more pronounced and popular are similar to our current times–economic downturn and uncertainty. Fear of the other.

    We need the revolution to start with a War on Fear-Mongering. And if anyone has a better name, I am open to suggestions.

  6. It’s a goddamn shame we haven’t blown the lid off this lie yet. I suspect the Truth will arrive any day now. Has to.

  7. Eric,
    Thank you for this piece. Keeping the truth alive, like keeping the Vestal flame, is a task for the devoted few upon which the many will depend.

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