The Sky Does Not Lie

By Len Wallick

Yup, Mercury is still retrograde in Virgo. If we could see that planet right now, it would appear to be going backward even though we know good and well that it is not. That’s how the phenomenon of the truth coming out can be associated with this period: knowing better than to be deceived and acting to overcome deception. Knowing and acting, as it turns out, are also the essential elements of a seditious act. Our unhidden agenda today is to recruit you in just such a act.

Hearkening back to last Thursday’s blog, the seventh annual “big Mars in the sky” Internet hoax has been making the rounds. Every August since 2003 the bogus e-mail is believed and forwarded by nearly everyone who reads it. Fooled for seven years in a row — sound familiar?

With all due respect to those who feel that being repeatedly led down the garden path may eventually lead to some sort of enlightenment, your skeptical correspondent feels strongly that the time has come to say enough is enough. It is in this spirit that we encourage you to make a practice of looking at the night sky as soon as you can, as often as you can. Tell your friends. Call the folks who have taken up permanent residence in a traffic jam in China. Tweet the tea party. Send a letter to a soldier. Tell them to stop looking at lies and look at the gosh-darned sky. The rest will follow of its own course.

That’s the seditious act.

Don’t think so? Consider how many times you have seen a sunrise versus how many times you have looked at this computer display. Think about how many times you have seen Jupiter or Venus lately versus how may times you have watched a so-called news program. Pause and contemplate — do you know what time the Moon rises tonight? Bet you know what time your favorite program is on, don’t cha?

So, now the part of you that wants to be lied to is making a point of order. You cite the dictionary that defines sedition as the incitement of public disorder or rebellion against a government. Come on, really, what’s the government? After recent events can you even begin to tell where the government leaves off and British Petroleum (or banks, or stock markets, or the media, or the Internet, or the gun-toting mercenary) begins?

And don’t you think that encouraging everybody to turn off the devices, pull out the buds, go outside and look up is not an incitement to disorder? Try it sometime. See what the police do. Find out what the officer says when you say that you and your friends are looking at the Moon. When you hear the answer you will realize it is almost too late.

You see, the sky does not lie. The Moon cannot be bought. The planets cannot be influenced. The stars cannot be intimidated. Believe that someone is indeed working on those things, but not yet. In the meantime, the work has been done on us. Let’s take a cursory look at history.

The last time Pluto was in early Capricorn, over 200 years ago, the majority of human beings the world over made a living directly off the land. This is not an easy life but it does have some advantages. If you grow your own food, it is difficult for someone else to withhold it from you, or poison it. If you are in a field or paddy, you can talk without being heard. You can also see the sky in detail as it goes through its cycles. Heck, you live with it.

Contrast that to living in glorified rabbit-warrens most of us reside in. Compare that to working in a cubicle. Consider how so many of us go from one stationary box to a moving box to a stationary box and then reverse the process to end our day. We are surveyed, marketed and observed, evaluated, irradiated and recorded nearly every moment. In the name of what? You believe that?

So, if the sky is visible tonight, go out and look at it. Take a friend. Call up your neighbor to join you. Contact everyone you know, wherever they are and ask them to do the same and keep doing it. Look up and witness truth. It will change you. It can change the world. If we do it right, there will be those who try to stop us. Drive us back inside our separate boxes to plug into our separate boxes and be deceived alone. Those who attempt that will show their true colors and we will transform this T-square from something happening to us into something we are creating.

And what do we look for up there while we are finding ourselves again? Stay tuned. We will offer a tip three times a week. For tonight, just go out and look without an agenda. Be free.

Meantime, what’s up with today’s astrology? Begin by remembering that the four elements of ancient natural science are fire, earth, air and water. Also remember there are twelve signs among which the elements are evenly divided in a manner that is at once arbitrary and esthetically correct.

Mercury retrograde in Virgo is a good place to start. Recall that Virgo is an Earth sign. Another good place to start on any given day is by locating the Moon. Today, the Moon is in Taurus all day long. Taurus is also an earth sign.

Signs of the same element generally get along with each other. Planets or luminaries in signs of the same element usually follow suit. Think support, think flow. That’s the relation between the Moon and Mercury today. Especially during the part of the day when they are both in the middle of their respective signs.

In astrology the Moon represents our emotional, intuitive selves; the part that feels. Mercury, on the other hand, corresponds with our analytical and intellectual selves; the part that thinks. Finally the earth element is usually interpreted to combine the image of the practical, stable and nourishing. A mix of sensations that characterize the ground under our feet.

So the relationship of retrograde Mercury and the Moon augurs well for a balanced, nurtured harmony between our thinking and feeling selves and that’s a welcome thing for a Monday. But all is seldom well, even in paradise. In the middle of another sign is an indicator of not only potential trouble but how to see it coming.

Let’s go back to the four elements. We already know that signs of the same element get along with each other pretty well. Proceeding from that, it stands to reason that there would be some combinations of differing elements that do not play well together. Fire and water would probably be an obvious first choice. Oddly enough that combination is not the slam dunk of a thumbs down it would seem to be — but give it time and form will tend to function.

Another, not so obvious mismatch is earth and fire. Once again, not one hundred percent, but especially in retrospect, the relationship is nearly always one-sided and hence unstable.

In the middle of the mutable fire sign Sagittarius is something that is so far away that it seems to be standing still relative to us. It is called the Great Attractor. In reality it is powerful and unknowable. In astrology it functions to represent the same things.

All we really know about the Great Attractor is that millions of galaxies, including ours, are moving in that direction like so many lemmings. It also seems to be retreating from us as fast as we are moving toward it. We can’t see it. We don’t know what it is. Gravity is apparently what is being expressed, but even that is not clear. We are not equipped to do much more than be aware of it. This mystery and power lends it a spiritual component but the aura also includes the polarizing and unsettling.

At the same spot is a mysterious object from our own solar system. It follows an orbit that, at one point, carries it out past the orbit of Neptune. It is hence categorized as a Trans-Neptunian Object. Its name is Ixion. As much as the centaurs of mythology were trouble makers, they had nothing on this guy.

By tomorrow the Moon will have moved on. In a few days the same can be said for Mercury, although it will return to the point where it is today when its apparent motion is forward again. But Ixion and the Great Attractor have been conjunct for a long while and will remain so. We can afford to return to their story in the future, more than once, at opportune times, a little piece at a time.

Meanwhile, take this with you for today. Where and when we find power, influence, arrogance, disrespect and indecency congregating we should not avoid or deny it. That will only make it a more potent brew. Neither should we partake of it; we may be tempted, but it is not nourishment.

Instead, observe it. Take the grounded balance of feeling and thought that the Moon and Mercury provide us with today and use it as a baseline. Notice where it finds confrontation. Notice where you find tension. There you will notice some very interesting correlations if you are honest and courageous.

In the meantime, go outside and share the news. The sky does not lie.

Offered In Service

20 thoughts on “The Sky Does Not Lie”

  1. lissam,

    Your energy is so beautiful. You must be from really powerful stardust. i love you and i hope we are looking at the same stars tonight.

    Please don’t count yourself out. You have big, important things to do here. We need you.

    No wow, just service.

  2. Len,

    I ask those question specifically to the writer that’s you! If you have sans answers to share that is of course okie dokie.

    Serioso, I’ll target and question assumptions when the voice behind them seems laden with them. It’s just part of how I help. Your voice in this article seems overburdened. Woe to the retrograde. ‘We’ submit.

    My experience in the world, in the public sphere, in front of police, as part of a We is, decidedly much different than yours, and maybe most, on this blog, myeah. I don’t have much conformity anxiety left in me (insert witch face here) so I think I’ve lapped you. But? Maybe not? You can’t know that I actually do live the moonrise, the moon cycle, hello? The sunrise, not internet religion.

    You can’t know that my awareness of deceit is preternatural, it makes me recoil, that I could write a book on the dis-ease of lying: how it poisons the ether- throat passage from the body to brain. Lies poison the body first, the spirit, second, and yawn, humanity too late to change that one.

    So, to the love of lying again I say Nay to that, not mine, and move merrily along. You will Wow me again in due time, dear Sir. I am sincere in questioning your assumptions here, and mean no offense by calling them such. I believe what you’re ultimately getting at here is something regarding truth, and I support you wholeheartedly.

  3. Today I gave a(n ill) friend a copy of her astrological chart with transits – pointing out that this was a picture of her, surrounded by the universe.

    Big Smiles and chart hugging happened…

    Stardust R Us.

    Thanks Len.

  4. It’s true, you know. i assume all readers reside in bodies made of stardust. That we are sisters and brothers connected with the stars in a literally elemental manner. That we recognize ourselves and our one-with when we look up.

    Yup, that’s what i assume. Guilty as charged.

    Go out tonight. Pick a star, any star, or a planet, or the Moon and greet it in your own way. i will be out there under that same sky. Somewhere on the surface of the same Earth you are standing on. Looking at the same sky. You can feel safe in assuming that i love you. You can be safe in assuming that i am grateful to be in service to you.

  5. Len: I rarely comment on your posts as you tend to send me flying off into deep thought. But today I want to say you are ALWAYS a lovely bright spot and I want to thank you for that.


  6. Mia, we cross posted; I was addressing Len with mine….. but jumping right back in to thank you for your questioning and for speaking to the speaker in that meeting with some hard questions raised. I really like this: “We all know so much more than we let on. Even to ourselves,” and think you are definitely on to something.


  7. Oh good, I’m glad we are still friends. Writing is hard, being clear is hard, trying to do either of those things to deadline is hard, and we humans so often misunderstand each other even when we are face to face! Language has so many pitfalls and places where we can “lose the plot”……. I admire anyone who regularly writes for any kind of publication. I am a rank amateur by choice as I don’t like the thought of living with that kind of pressure.

    And then we have Mercury the Trickster regularly “pretending” to go backwards in the sky….. gosh, how does anyone keep track of anything real around this Earthly joint!?!?

    What are we taking for granted? What are we not noticing and therefore not questioning? Lots of stuff, usually…….


  8. Last night, I attended a Town Meeting held by Senator Bernie Sanders. One of the good guys. Sincere. He and the local leaders he assembled covered the topics you would expect to be covered at a Town Meeting:

    Health Care
    The Economy
    Social Security
    Democrats versus Republicans
    Perscription Drugs

    He was honest and said that the difficulties we are having are not over.
    It is clear that he and is staff work very hard. However, I wanted to ask and never got the chance to ask about whether or not our government has a fail safe for the next big dip in the economy, or many other things such as:

    What is really going on behind the scene?
    Who is really making decisions for us?
    The Bilderberg Group?
    Bohemian Grove?
    Scull and Bones?

    Eric has written that 9/11 may have been a false flag event. Don’t you want to know the answer to that question? I sure do. I talked to Bernie briefly after his talk. He did acknowledge that we had not gotten into what was going on behind the scene. Are we really ready to take a look?

    Has participating in this blog inspired anyone to take action? We all think Eric and Len and Fe and everyone are great, and we say so, but have we taken what we have learned out into the world? I think that is what Len is getting at.

    We can continue to work on ourselves and raise our own consciousness and in turn raise that of others who interact with us or we can become visible symbols of change to those around us in addition to raising our own consciousness. We can shine a light quietly or with sound. We all know so much more than we let on. Even to ourselves.

  9. Kyla,

    Oh golly, thank you! You do far better with no editors than i do with three (thanks again, Fe, Eric and Amanda). Thank you for getting it, thank you for your humor, thank you for your eloquence, thank you for holding up more than your share of the sky.

    Oh golly, Kyla, i am a big fan of yours.

  10. Dear Len, and all,

    Len, if it is me to whom you refer with this statement, “With all due respect to those who feel that being repeatedly led down the garden path may eventually lead to some sort of enlightenment,” then I fear I must have badly misrepresented myself.

    I am not in favor of anyone lying to anyone. Those, for example, who defend so called “Crazy Wisdom” “spiritual teachers” who abuse their followers with mental and physical hijinks tend to piss me off.

    The comment that I made and which I feel perhaps I did not clarify sufficiently — and I am not going to try to find the quote! — was intended to speak to my own observation that most of us in fact do believe in lies and often we believe in those lies in the shadowy parts of ourselves where our consciousness has not fully penetrated if it has at all, and often the reasons we believe those lies are complex and in many cases we have in fact been manipulated skillfully to stay fooled. In those circumstances that within which “leads you down the garden path” following the lie, can ultimately serve you, by bringing you — by what is sometimes the only way you are open to! — to the necessity of facing a truth you had been blinded to. Ultimately, that will happen. Or so it has appeared to me.

    Don’t, please, take that “you” in any way personally; I am using it idiomatically, and I am writing off the cuff here without benefit of editors. 😉

    I detest intentional lying to the public by spinmeisters, whether the public “wants to be lied to” or not, frankly, and I wholeheartedly support the calls for calling a spade a spade and calling a pig a pig even if it is dressed up with red lipstick. When I was in high school, for example, I tried to organize my classmates to stop doing their homework because it was so clear to me that school was not about education or teaching anyone to think but instead was all about harnessing our minds and making us good little “citizens” or obedient followers of authority.

    And I also wholeheartedly agree that to the extent we can connect with some direct experience such as looking at the actual sky, digging our hands into actual dirt to grow something we then eat, etc., we do ourselves a big favor and may develop a stronger truth sense thereby.

    I was in SF during the Loma Prieta earthquake in 1989. Immediately after when the power was out suddenly and after my bodily panic subsided, I felt a giant sense of relief at the quiet of the electric grid, the stars that became visible, and then for a couple months after, at the “realness” of people with each other, the false fronts having been cracked through. It took two or three months for the “phoniness” to resume its normal level.

    So there is my response. Carry on; I am a big fan of yours.


  11. lissam,
    Thank you for asking the questions that need to be asked. It’s ok, i can take it, it’s what i was looking for from somebody, actually. Now, that i have provoked you, who else would you ask those questions of?

  12. hmmm, Len.

    makes me wonder who you are talking to here – and –

    what you are assuming about who you are talking to?

    what do those assumptions say about you?

    this article is full of assumptions about your reader… All due respect, I am not that reader.

  13. zk-
    You are a poet. You just did it.

    Speaking of poet. Thank you for citing Whitman. Those lines bring me to tears every time. A century and a half later and we are just now catching up with that man.

    Thank you for your editing and for the backup.

    Eris and Angie,
    Thank you for being such fearless co-conspirators. Wonder how many folks out there feel the same but are inhibited to respond in kind.

  14. I love how this is all developing, the drawings…the star gazing.

    last week on the full moon in Pieces, it was the hottest day of the year here in the bay area. it was a great gift for us sun starved this summer!

    I discovered an amazing spot in the Berkley hills to watch the moon rise.

    I had NEVER done that before, I had often looked up to enjoy the full moon but never made a point to find a spot to watch it rise. what a revelation!

    It was like drinking in thousands of years of beauty and wisdom ( if I were a poet, it would have inspired the most beautiful line!).

    Then, I went the next night and did it again…and took new people.

    It is my new favorite ritual, and I thank you for the inspiration.


  15. Len:

    I love it: It is SEDITION to turn off the noise.

    We need to start feeling part of the whole community on this planet, not just united in who watched last night’s episode of “Glee” on network tv. We need to wake up from the forced dream that sucks our will to be fully alive.

  16. I have a suggestion. When you go outside tonight and look up at the stars, ask our space brothers and sisters and all the other beneficial entities in the Universe to shine a little light our way. Ask them to support our planet and help us reach a level of Peace and Prosperity as a whole planet that we have not seen yet here on Earth. If you are open and can handle it, make contact. Right in your own backyard or even out your apartment window if you happen to live in a city. Dr. Steven Greer who created the Disclosure Project in the early 1990’s has created a protocol for contact. James Gilliland has a ranch in Oregon where people sit outside at night and make contact. They both have films on You Tube. See what happens.

    We are all connected and the sooner we realize this, the more we can open up the box we find ourselves in at the moment and expand our thinking and understanding of what it means to be alive. We are, in fact, members of a Universal community and when we acknowledge that fact, we expand beyond our current restrictions and open ourselves to our own creative potential in a new way. When we are able to see beyond ourselves we will find answers to our pressing global problems.

    “I sing the body Electric

    I celebrate the me yet to come

    I toast to my own reunion

    When I become one with the Sun.

    I look back on Venus

    I look back on Mars

    And I burn with the fire of ten million stars

    And in time

    And in time

    We will all be stars.”
    Walt Whitman

  17. Excellent advice, Len – getting in touch with nature. As Henry David so aptly said: “In wildness is the preservation of the world.” Thanks for your beautiful insights.

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