Perseid Peak

While meteor showers are not technically an astrological event, they are one of the rare times the cosmos seems to literally come down to meet us. For those of us in the northern hemisphere, the Perseid shower is the only one watchable without risking hypothermia and therefore the best known. Apparently there is a renaissance of sorts in the US regarding meteor shower research after a 20-year lapse, according to this article in the Christian Science Monitor.

The article notes, “Meteors may be prime vehicles for delivering some of the organic molecules involved in the emergence of life on Earth. They have become cosmic bread crumbs leading back to the discovery of new sources for meteor shows, beyond the occasional passage of active comets. And some may be direct messengers from nearby stars hosting planets or a dusty disk from which planets are forming.”

Cosmic breadcrumbs, huh? Sounds like quite the trail to follow home.

1 thought on “Perseid Peak”

  1. Even in London, where you normally can’t see much in the night sky, it was a lovely show last night. I felt it was somehow meaningful, wondered if it was just my imagination, or silly hopefulness. At the very least meteor showers can inspire a sense of wonder and awe and connection to something bigger – so that’s not a bad thing! Glad to have the link to the article in CSM.

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