By Len Wallick
Friday the Moon will roll into the sign Cancer, which it rules. Shortly before midnight in the same time zone Venus will ingress Libra, where it is the ruling planet.
This dual homecoming, significant enough by itself, will function to convert our long-term cardinal T-square into yet another grand cardinal cross. We are going to consider this new one in comparison to the first big one, just six weeks ago.
We have asked you to draw some diagrams lately. Today that practice will begin to pay off for you. Please get out two pieces of paper and your writing instrument.
Remember this past June 26? It was a Saturday (at least in the Western Hemisphere) and there was a partial lunar eclipse that morning. All eclipses are special but this one was extra special: it was conjunct Pluto. To help you remember take the first piece of paper and draw our old familiar diagram of the circle divided into four equal parts by a cross. The four parts are the seasons. The four lines that make up the cross are where the seasons begin.
By definition those four lines are also where the four cardinal signs begin. The normal motion of a planet around the circle is counterclockwise, unless it is retrograde. It takes the Sun one year to move around the circle. This first diagram will help us remember the lunar eclipse on June 26.
At the top of the cross write “Uranus” and “Jupiter.” On June 26, both were direct and functionally conjunct in very nearly the same position where they are now retrograde. On the right hand side of the cross write “Moon” and “Pluto.” The full eclipsed Moon was conjunct Pluto in early Capricorn. On the left end of the cross write “Sun” and “Mercury.” A lunar eclipse takes place at a Full Moon. Because a Full Moon is an opposition to the Sun, it is no surprise the Sun is in early Cancer. To have Mercury in the same sign about two degrees behind and functionally conjunct was a bonus.
Finally, at the bottom of the cross, a smidgen to the left, write “Saturn,” which at that time was direct in the second to last degree of Virgo.
Please put your writing instrument down and take a look at your homemade chart for June 26. Retrograde Pluto had been in Capricorn for about two years. Saturn entered Libra in late 2009, stationed retrograde back to Virgo and was direct again on its way back to Libra. Uranus and Jupiter had recently made ingress to Aries and were both in direct motion. That was the cardinal T-square at the time.
The Sun, conjunct Mercury, turned the T-square into a cross by opposing Pluto and the Moon. See the four 90 degree angles? Those are the squares. Sun, Mercury, Moon and Pluto each squaring Uranus, Jupiter and Saturn. Three times four is twelve. A dozen squares. Remember that squares imply tension, usually internal. Action is the key to resolving the tension. Then, of course there were the oppositions, planets directly across the circle from each other. Those imply tension too, more of the external variety. The implied protocol to resolve those is negotiation.
Both action and negotiation start with awareness: awareness of how you feel, what you can live with and what your limits and boundaries are. Possession of such knowledge gives you a pretty good idea of what you can do and what you should ask for. Then of course, there is that cardinal point theme to keep in mind, “all of us together, all at the same time.”
Now, take a moment to remember what you did and what you remember of June 26. Also take some time to think about what has happened since. Now set that piece of paper aside and pick up the other one. We are going to draw out a diagram of tomorrow.
Please start with the cross in the circle. The label at the top is familiar, Jupiter and Uranus. The difference this time is that both are in retrograde motion. On the right side, the member of longest tenure, Pluto, still retrograde as before. On the left, this time it’s the Moon, in the sign it rules for the fist time since the total solar eclipse on July 11. Finally, at the bottom of the cross, all in Libra, all direct and all within five degrees of each other are Saturn, Mars and Venus. Set your paper scratcher down and look at that one. Quite the deal, eh?
Now, your faithful reporter is very aware that there may well be some fatigue setting in. The last few months have been a ride and a half. If we never see a right angle again, it will be too soon. And the tension, holy cow. If it’s not the end of the world one day, it’s the end of unemployment benefits the next. Believe you me, your faithful servant has given thought towards avoidance strategies. But if there was ever a time to engage with events, it’s now. It’s in our self interest to be a part of it all. We each may also make a big difference to those we encounter. So let’s look at the two diagrams we just drew, make some comparisons and figure up some strategy.
Besides the obvious continuum of aspects and signs, the main similarity is that Pluto and the Moon are opposed on the same axis where they were conjunct six weeks ago. To the degree. That’s huge. Remember, eclipses have legs. The effects go on and on and on. Tomorrow night’s opposition between crescent Luna and retrograde Pluto should have some sort of re-collective synchronicity if we are willing to keep our eyes open.
What, besides the direction of Uranus and Jupiter, are the differences? Venus and Mars come to mind. Venus has been in pursuit of Mars for months. It is two weeks yet before their conjunction (concurrent with the Mercury retrograde station), but they are close. Having Saturn in between them may seem like a chaperon is in the house, but that won’t last long.
It’s not so much the near conjunction that makes one catch breath, however. It’s that midnight opposition in the first degree. Quite literally bringing the personal to the political, Venus’ opposition to Uranus in particular would seem to indicate that even the most cynical and jaded still have a few surprises coming. Be aware of what you might be calling up if you should utter “What’s next?”
The aspects are tight this time too. Tighter than a Japanese condom. All the players are actually in cardinal signs and in the first five degrees. No almost, no functional, no virtual; this is the thing itself. The genuine article. With ten squares and seven oppositions, there seems to have been a shift away from the introspective.
Doing something. Doing it with others with whom we have established relationship was the theme of the lunar eclipse. This grand cross may well be challenging us to break ground in new relationships. And a challenge it will be. Never has it been more difficult to reach out to someone unfamiliar. Never has it been more important. If you can reduce the number of strangers by one this weekend, you may well have turned the key.
And the Sun? Remember that it was the other half of the eclipse? Well that’s where we wrap it up. Old Sol is applying to the middle of Leo, a fixed fire sign. The middle degree of a fixed sign is known as a cross quarter, the halfway point between seasons. It is a point that resonates with the cardinal points.
The Sun occupies the middle degree of a fixed sign but four times a year. To do so concurrent with the grandest of grand crosses places the astrological symbol of our highest expression in a very auspicious place at a very special time. It is a threshold placement. It is asking us to open the door, and there’s a square-resolving action if ever there was one.
Offered In Service
Thank you so much for your suggestion! And for the general reminder to look at other aspects of life, physical and emotional that may be in need of “correction” such as how I am carrying my body, where else am I hurting etc which yoga can attend to.
The VS is something I have 24/7 for my entire life (that I remember). That’s why I never understood why other’s didn’t see what I do. Really hard to drive at night in the city lights though! (I see great in the dark, but glare from lights makes it nearly impossible to see – as do flourscent lights which can bring ON a migraine in a moment! π
I was given ‘chinese herbs’ once that helped considerably with the “glare” but don’t know what it was. Maybe your suggestion will help that too.
Thank you so much!
awordedgewise, re your migraine if it still lingers, have you tried vipariti karani? Ancient panacean yoga posture. I have had migraines for 3 decades now, and the last decade have made a herculean attempt not to take nasty drugs when I get them. Magnesium deficiency, check, dehydration, check. I tried this posture after reading about it in 2004 perhaps in Yoga Journal, and it is the bomb. I recommend doing it supported (i.e. with a bolster under your hips), with an ICEPACK under your occipital lobes, and a gently weighted object over your eyes (like a lavendar bag) for 20 minutes, at onset, and anytime during, but even 5 minutes helps. If you get wonderful visual effects before to indicate to you that a migraine is coming, this posture can literally send it packing or mitigate it enormously. Great explanation of how to do posture can be found on
And thank you for your light within the darkness. Tibetan Buddhists talk about it a great deal … I see it too … migraine sufferers’ delight?
Thank you miaferoleto, I’ll bring it up. In Santa Fe we have a lot of artists and they usually love to help the animals. The “meeting” this morning was not pleasant, but we cleared the air and I think that’s probably the best we can do for now. We’re all still working together, we acknowledged huge differences, which remain, but it feels awful and better at the same time, so maybe something good will come of it after all.
Jeremy Nicholas Loscutoff,
The world needs and loves you too.
Thanks Len for doing this comparison of the June 26 chart and tomorrow…
Good Lord, is it almost over? I guess I am one of those definitely being triggered and challenged to grow, grow, grow! It’s felt like a strange roller coaster ride. Despite the fact that I was well aware for sometime that this challenging phase was coming, it didn’t seem to help prevent any of the challenges, but definitely helped to know that I wasn’t imagining these Squares and Oppositions of TENSION.
My deepest emotions related to my security have been “up” for examination and recently Eric mentioned something about how there have been some similarities to what we experienced in 2005. That for sure was one of the most difficult phases of my adult life-and many of the things that I experienced then, reared their ugly head again….hopefully for their last gasp of air. I guess the thing that keeps me going is that I have grown since then…..I have done a lot of work.
Thanks for reminding me that all things pass and that I am not alone. This one kicked my ass, but I’m still standing:)
The past two weeks have seen me beginning a new relationship that is daily blossoming for me. A blessing really, one for which I am extremely grateful. We have differences, yes, but none so great that they can’t be examined in an open way and acknowledged by both of us. So much has come forth, and yet there is even more to come for us. Euphoria is a verb for us both right now.
Len – thanks for this, and every lesson. I’m learning so much here, and the thoughts of all who write are always adding to that education as well. What a great place PW is.
XOs from my extra tight condom
Thnks Len
(according to Cainer, this week’s migraine may be related to a “pimple” on sun (aka “tight fitting condoms?) and a l’ight show’ somewhere else on the planet. BUT vis-a-vis current migraine and looking for new answers, I DID discover that there is an actual NAME for the way my eyes work – it’s called “visual snow”. Now I know why people look at me weird when I talk about how there is no such thing as dark without light – I never see “pure” darkness (or black etc.) always always there is light….everything contains light – and I see it all……;-)
(nope, dehydration or magnesium deficency are ruled out – although what I usually mentnion to other people when they tell me about their migraines. I don’t know what this is, except that it’s a “doozie”. yep, any suggestions are welcome whether you be Stranger and thus my Key to the “T” or Old Friend π yeeha.
Invading Iraq was a grievous error. You did nothing like that. How about this. The Earth rotates towards the East but the Sun seems to move East-West. Does that work?
I realize that I made a grievous error. It is not that the houses go clockwise but that the horizon line seems to plant the first house below the horizon. If that is the case, why not start the cart with the 7th house so that the planets seem to rise above the horizon with the rising sign? does this make any more sense?
A few things:
* I want to thank Eric and Fe and Amanda and Chelsea, for making this website the truly inspirational and beautiful thing that is.
Oh, and Len too……he is not too bad π
I wonder if I could move hearts and minds if I too had Fe and Amanda to help me with my writing, which is not so good either.
( Is that better, Len?)
* I love this post, I would elaborate but everyone here has taken the words out of my mouth. I love the drawing part. And the part where it feels so tangible. And the Japanese condom part.
* I was particularly touched by Jere’s signing of his complete name, what an act of generosity! Maybe this is not the first time, either way…its nice.
* This weekend I inadvertently decided to return to the same place I went to on the eclipse of June 26th. how exciting is that! I went to this hot springs retreat place all by my lonesome and camped under the stars, I will return again…..and maybe smile to more strangers, or like Elle ,” just look at people”.
* Thanks, Len.
Zoe Alexandra Kalionzes
Thank you Len – thought provoking as usual. I see the tension all around me but have been oddly immune to its effects for the most part, and am positing in my astrological neophyte way that is because my on my natal chart the cardinal cross is virtually empty – other than Amor, hanging out at 0 degrees in Cancer. Karen – I hear you on the woohoo … and as your fellow Leo share the funny feeling of being at the eye of the storm, resting aware and at peace as it all swirls around me.
Quick question to all – Eric had suggested several places to get a natal chart, and I’ve been trying to understand the transits of the T-squares and crosses in the context of mine, but find them slightly different on different sites. Did one on, but did a much more detailed one on Serennu – presume it is valid to use a Serrenu ephemeris/chart at date, time and place of birth as a birth chart?
This comment is for Hazel1:
Having been involved in fundraising and helping animals for a long time, I have a suggestion for you that has worked very well for an organization in Hudson, New York called Animalkind. I organized an event that has become an annual benefit for them. Approximately 100 to 150 artists make small works of art that include images of animals and are donated to the organization. The work is hung for one month, you could hang it in your consignment shop or a local restaurant that is popular. Raffle tickets are sold for $100 each. People can leave checks with their list of top ten picks if they are not able to attend the actual raffle. When your name is called out, you choose the piece you want. If you organize a good benefit committee to sell tickets, you can pretty much predict how much money you will make. The interesting thing is each person got one of their favorite pieces of art, so everyone walked away happy. Values ranged from $500 to $3000, so people got something worth way more than their investment. I created ARTWALK NY for the Coalition for the Homeless in New York. The idea came to me from my first job after grad school, organizing the medical students for their 3rd year clerkship as they rotated through six different hospitals. You just never know where the ideas will come from. This raffle idea really works well and as an added benefit, it gets people excited about buying original art. Look at the connections that are right in front of you, like local artists.
Len –
thank you, thank you, thank you. It has really hit this week, the need for relationships but knowing fully well that I engage in avoidance behaviors because I don’t want to “need” someone. Instead of doing what every one else here in LA does, which is look down or look important, I have been trying to just look at people, without wincing or feeling like I need to get my trusty friend, Mrs. Iphone out.
Having you go beyond the tension into ecstasy was like a lightbulb went off for me. Really, it is all a choice for us. We can continue to say woe is me, this grand cardinal cross “SUCKS” or we can embrace it, honor it, love it for the growth that it most certainly is giving everyone, whether they like it or not.
I’ve been falling asleep lately to Eric’s Birthday Audio for Taurus, something about listening to the final Tarot card reading has an almost hypnotic effect and gives hope and faith where there really was none at all…
Good grief, good golly!
Much love and happiness
Amanda (and Hazel) – good point. Collecting two salaries for the same time period is something only CEO’s and mambers of Congress can do, right?
hey hazel —
you didn’t hurt her feelings, you called her out on bullshit & bruised her ego because she thought she could get away with it. had she not done it while on salary, i think the story might be different. but she got paid by both places for that afternoon? and it was not her scheduled day off?
Jere & shebear: Thank you for your generous words. Please keep in mind that if Eric did not provide a place for my words i would be back out talking to myself at the bus stop, just another stop-and-frisk weido. Also remember that Fe and Amanda help make me readable because i don’t write so good.
carol latvala: If you look at the chart at the top of this column you will see that the signs and houses are proceeding counter-clockwise just like the motion of the planets and luminaries. The ascendant (the heavy line on the left) is at mid-Taurus. Moving counterclockwise is the cusp of the second house in mid-Gemini, then Moon in Cancer, etc. Please, feel free to ask further. Also, it may help to get out the paper and draw the recommended pictures.
How amazing it is to be navigating this energy. A door has opened for me to some truly wonderful new relationships.
Securing gainful employment is my big tension spot right now… my stepping out on faith into a new geographic location and a new social milieu will hopefully be balanced by my being able to pull my financial weight in it.
I have a mundane question. If the planets go in a counterclockwise direction, why are the signs and houses going a a clockwise direction?
“Both action and negotiation start with awareness. …..what you can live with and what your boundaries are”. Last week my boss, while on salary with our company, took the afternoon off to work for our direct competition. We’re a charity shop owned by an animal shelter. She went to work for the biggest resale shop in town, a store that makes 4 times the money we struggle to do. I couldn’t take it. I reported her to the bookkeeper/money person at the shelter. It’s a conflict of interest, etc. Well she got in trouble about it. She’s mad at me that I didn’t come to her about it, and I’m sorry I hurt her feelings but this is too much. This morning I have a meeting with her about it and she may very well ask me to quit because she’s angry about all of this. I’m not going to do that, I care too much about the shelter and I’ve put in 7 years to make this little store go. So if anybody out there can hold a good thought for me that I can have the right approach to all of this, I’d appreciate it. I am really sorry I hurt her feelings, but what she did was just plain wrong. You can’t cheat and have me see it and not say something, I just have to remember to breathe and try to help us move forward. The shelter is coming up with a policy about this, the bookkeeper thinks something good will come of it. She said she hopes the fallout isn’t “too uncomfortable” for me. So do I.
LOL at tight Japanese condoms in this neck of the woods too! Just so you know: that expression “Tighter than a Japanese condom” can worked musically to the phrase “Shake it like a Polaroid picture” from the song Hey Ya! π Just saying! (that’s how my musical brain functions!) Apologies if that becomes an ear worm for anyone…..
Wow Len, I had wild goosebumps from your writing this morning. I have joined a therapy group this week and it’s raw, raw, raw and I’m one foot in and one foot out yet feel so much can be gained from holding the tension and not drowning in it. “Never has it been more difficult to reach out to someone unfamiliar. Never has it been more important.” I too am living this planetary alignment and gathering the courage to unlock doors.
Karen: I feel your excitement dancing as you find your “difficult” chart making sense and coming alive for you. Fantastic! Blessings on you for your birthday Monday.
Jere: I totally agree with you — this world needs Len and his gift.
How lucky, lucky we are.
Len, keep going, please..
This world needs you..
I need you, and thanks.. (sorry dude, don’t mean to throw out weird.)
(I’ll go away now)
Jeremy Nicholas Loscutoff
Woohoo! There was me, sitting here reading, thinking ‘I’m living this; I’m really *living* this! And I’ve gone beyond the tension into the most wonderful ecstatic clarity and focus and somehow feel at the *centre* of all this (no, not that egotistical crap you get with the cheap rate take on Leo, though never on Planet Waves – I’m talking the cosmic stuff here)….so how come, when this is not about Leo – I’m double Leo, Sun & Venus rising π – and then I reached the bit about good old Sol in the centre of Leo….who has their birthday on the new moon Monday??? I’m loving it…feel like I’ve been waiting my whole life for this time….me with my ‘particularly difficult chart’ as told by one astrologer many moons ago. Bring it on! Thank you so much Len for your wisdom, humility, deep teaching; you’re the man!
btw, what’s that about tight Japanese condoms?!! Very earthy for you, Len!! Will have to check that out π