There Goes the Neighborhood

By Len Wallick

Mars direct into Libra. Savor that one. For those of us west of zero degrees longitude (the vertical line that runs through London, France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso and Ghana) it will happen before midnight tonight. For those East, sometime tomorrow morning, sort of like the Full Moon that started our week.

Remember? Our very calendars, representing the established order, were not in agreement. Some said the Full Moon was on Sunday, some showed it to be on Monday. To heck with the calendars. They didn’t have their act together. We encouraged you to figure out where you were at on the face of the Earth so as to eliminate the unusual uncertainty of whether for YOU, the Moon was full on Sunday or Monday. Then we asked you to extend that idea and figure out where you are at inside of yourself, a first step of rising above and becoming an exception to the unusual uncertainty which has characterized our time. Just because Big Daddy is lost does not mean you have to be.

In the Monday blog we asked you to draw a cross inside a circle — the basic zodiac for our purposes. The cross divides the circle into four parts, the seasons. The lines are where each season begins, the cardinal points. The Sun moves around the circle counter-clockwise, initiating each season as it reaches each cardinal point. The full circuit is one solar year.

The seasons are fundamental to our existence. They are part of our shared consciousness, our common experience. Pluto, Saturn, Uranus and Jupiter have been squatting at three of those cardinal points. A process that started over two years ago. A process that will continue to function for the better part of this decade. Three points makes a “T” shape. This collection of slow moving planets in squat is the cardinal t-square.

So we have three points that correspond to our common experience occupied by four planets that correspond to eras in history, all at the same time. If you can accept the premise that cycles are synchronized, this alignment represents four cycles in time coming together where human beings come together in their experience. All at the same time.

Then an infrequent event known as a lunar eclipse superimposed over the t-square. The Sun itself occupied the fourth cardinal point in the sign of Cancer and for a short time the t-square became a grand cardinal cross. The luminaries that mark our daily cycles became part of the all of us together, all at the same time. They show us that every day every one of us is the final piece that creates a new pattern and completes the circle. None of us do this alone. We do this in relationship. We actually make it happen. It does not happen to us.

A month after the lunar eclipse, the most recent Full Moon in Aquarius, reflecting the Sun in Leo, instructed us that relationship with oneself is where it all begins. If we can get in touch with what we feel, like, want and can live with, then we can get a hold of ourselves. If we can get a hold of ourselves we can let go of empty suits who don’t know their holes from a donkey on the ground.

From there we can relate to others by consciously choosing to offer what we want for ourselves in exchange. If, in relationship we receive what we do not want, then we must take responsibility for having been unconscious in our exchange. These relationship fundamentals will allow us to adapt and survive as we navigate the all at the same time, all of us together. This is the nature of the cardinal t-square.

That brings us up to today.

Just as we are getting the hang of the cardinal t-square, Mars moves into Libra to oppose Uranus in Aries, conjoin Saturn and square Pluto in Capricorn. There goes the neighborhood, you might say. But if you do, it will be to pass up the chance of a lifetime. Like the centaur planet Chiron, having Mars join in on the cardinal t-square may seem inconvenient. In fact it’s the best thing that could happen to us, assuming we choose to see it that way.

Mars, you see has an unsavory reputation. You look up in the sky and it’s red. Think of things that are red. Stoplights, emergency vehicles, lines on paper, maps and instruments of measurement. Heck, even attractive red clothing items can raise the blood pressure. And if you burn your hand on something, what color was it – let me guess.

Then there is the mythology. God of war. Testosterone poisoning deluxe. Premature and inappropriate response. Cripes, that gets old fast.

So what are we going to do with this? Are going to get caught up in the hype? Are we going to go baa-baaa, whah whah and gaga? Face it, we have been superbly conditioned to do just that. Your own curmudgeon correspondent finds himself wanting to bleat, cry and behave like a sociopath intoxicated on alcohol and entitlement. Wants to but intends not to.

And that’s it. It’s the intent. That’s the part of the Mars hype we can use. Like fire, it’s a powerful thing. If consciously used it can be constructive, even trans-formative. If on the other hand, we are unconscious in our intent, we will get burned. Rather, we will have burned ourselves.

And it’s not like it will last forever. The apparent motion of Mars is not as fast as the Sun and Moon, to be sure. But neither is it in the same category of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Pluto. If we get a hold of ourselves for a couple days, offer others what our aware and conscious mind wants to receive for ourselves,  let go of our attachment to the established order imposed on us and release ourselves from the conditioning so painstakingly created by generations of advertising — this too will pass.

We will be able to say with pride that we were strengthened by what failed to kill us. We will know that we endured a test and created our own reality. It’s probably going to be messy. It will certainly be an opportunity. Intend to rise above the mess and seize this chance. Find out what it feels like to not burn yourself on purpose.

Some astrologers out there are really buying into the Mars thing. They are using the word climax like it’s all over or something. Consider refusing to buy what they are selling. Consider this to be a reboot instead. A fresh start. A new you. From here, you look beautiful.

Offered In Service

13 thoughts on “There Goes the Neighborhood”

  1. I JUST LOVE his writing, and interpretations. Soothing and insightful, to the point of transcendance. What we all need about now, yes?

  2. “don’t know their holes from a donkey on the ground”???????? Now I’m picturing being in a helicopter above a field and in the field is a naked person, a hole and a donkey. Beside the person on the ground is an empty, nicely pressed, suit. It’s gray. The person is running back and forth from the donkey to the hole to the suit. And I’m still watching this, helicopter noise and all. Now I need to read the rest of your article to see what you’re talking about today. Thanks for the visual!

  3. oooo….I LOVE riddles; mostly because I can never figure them out.

    That said, the community here at PW is bringing together many pieces of knowledge – facets of Life’s Riddles – that help me as an individual along the path to understanding.

    The symbolism of Tarot will assist with the symbolism of astrology and subsequently better understanding of how all this delicious myth and new-story fit together.

    No Longer Burrow-ing with the Donkey-in-the-Hole,

    Be, somehow your riddle-story fits my today in court…..from another riddle reference — me’n’gollum….I’ll figure it out and win back ‘our precious’. ‘-)

  4. Hi Len,

    Great piece on how to navigate the all-at-the-same-time times we are in. You know how obsessed I’ve been over that 0 Leo degree that was brutalized by Mars this past spring; how it continued to be sensitive to transits and all. Well, I was wondering if that would be evident as Mars sextiled that degree today. Sure’nuf it was. Today I heard about a $1.4 million prize for an oil cleanup idea called the Wendy Schmidt Oil Cleanup X Challenge. Wendy says spilled oil affects not only the eco-systems but families of marine life. . . a network of RELATIONSHIPS we are only just beginning to understand. Hah.

    So, not only is Mars opposed Aries’ Uranus/Jupiter conjunction, and neatly fits into the whole t-square shebang, he forms a yod with the sextile of Chiron and the Sun in the April 20 explosion chart.

    That means not only is it a single (Aries) prize of $1.4 million (Jupiter) for finding a creative (Leo!) new idea (Uranus) through the structure (Saturn) of a competition (Mars) with others (Libra) . . . .
    It is also the focus point of a yod in the chart of the BP Explosion between the Sun (consciousness) in Taurus ($$) and Chiron (healing) in Pisces (waters). Add Mars and Saturn in Libra and you got a solution to the quincunxes . . a contest with a big fat prize!

    Too much of a stretch? I don’t think so. It just all fits together so well; like a puzzle, or a riddle, you know?

  5. Len,
    So you’re saying Mars is a Homeopathic Healer?

    I mean, baabaabaa.

    Burrow-ing above ground,

  6. Both Len and Tracy’s pieces were amazing. (And thanks so much for the easily accessible legend!)

    So novice me did some exploring: My Mars is at 0 scorp 42, in my fourth house and forms a square with my sun and moon. From what I’m reading (elsewhere) that’s a right bloody mess.

    I’m going to have to re-read and re-read those these two pieces… Calming influence, I think. Certainly lots to think about.

    Thank you,

  7. I have a stellium in Aries in the 12th house so all this stuff is hitting me from behind (straight from the unconscious/unknown). Surviving the t-square has felt like I’m under some celestial flatiron and both heat and pressure are increasing exponentially. Forget trying to move, forget trying to think, forget being in relationship to anything, I’m having enough trouble drawing breath. Not feeling very optimistic about what the future is going to bring since the only guarantee is that I’ll be face down in the mud with burn marks on my back trying to figure out what hit me and how to get up again. All the upcoming transits through that stellium — and a Saturn return just in case I needed more work — leave me wondering whether I’ll keep having the strength to try.

  8. “We will be able to say with pride that we were strengthened by what failed to kill us. We will know that we endured a test and created our own reality. It’s probably going to be messy. It will certainly be an opportunity. Intend to rise above the mess and seize this chance.”

    Well, that about sums up where this Leo is at! Things are suddenly coming at me so fast and furious that I’m way past feeling any pain. The only way out is through…

    Len, you rock. Thanks for the perspective on the big, messy picture. No one around here understands why I’m smiling instead of freaking out 🙂

  9. Len,

    I’ve been meaning to leave you a message for a while now. From where I stand, you are gifted. Thank you for making the previously “unclear” very clear in my mind. The light went on a few days ago when you made us draw a circle on a piece of paper. A simple and effective exercise. Thank you for that, and thank you for your insightful articles and ongoing service. 🙂

    And, I have to say that this part made me giggle… “empty suits who don’t know their holes from a donkey on the ground”. Tee hee!

    I feel that I can’t properly express how grateful I am for your daily contribution here on Planet Waves. You provide a guiding light in some very confusing and emotionally-charged times. You make me think, and go deeper than I have in a long time. Merci.

    Sharon 🙂

  10. Off topic – Jere asked about corn syrup. Among other things, it turns to cholesterol and clogs one’s arteries; and guess what! Americans get 40% of their calories from the stuff.

    Here is what Joe Mercola has to say:

    Study after study are taking their place in a growing lineup of scientific research demonstrating that consuming high-fructose corn syrup is the fastest way to trash your health. It is now known without a doubt that sugar in your food, in all it’s myriad of forms, is taking a devastating toll.

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