‘A humbling dose of humanity’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

This community gives me what I (and perhaps everyone) needs to get out of bed every morning: reinforcement that this undertaking is not futile and the hope that something you can do that day will make this a better world — even if it only matters to one person for one moment.

As for what brought me here — I can’t really remember how I got linked to the website but it was through another online resource. What mattered most to me was what I found when I got here. Not cookie cutter, newspaper quality daily horoscopes but a much more soulful offering of a unique person who is much more than just an astrologer; he’s more like an amalgamation of an oracle, a seer, a mirror, a mystic, a mischievous fairy who sits on your shoulder and whispers in your ear and the unassuming guy sitting next to you at the bar who doesn’t engage in small talk. He’ll sit there quietly for the longest time, just simply noticing. But as you get up to leave, he’ll say something seemingly out of context that you think isn’t even directed to you, but hours later you’ll think about it and realize it was the most insightful thing anyone has said to you in days or weeks. Eric has a passion for his craft that imbues his perspective with true insight and delivers it with a humbling dose of humanity.

Thank you and wishing you wholeness,

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