‘We’re all in this together’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

When I first discovered Planet Waves Astrology News (many years ago) I’m sure I was looking for advice on how to cope with a love-life drama or a prediction for better times ahead. What I found was a bigger picture, a more global perspective, and a better understanding of my place in the universe.

Eric writes with a political voice. It’s honest and patient, convincing and compassionate. His message is clear: We’re all in this together.

Whether I’m looking for the micro perspective or macro (and I’ll admit that on any give day I can be at any place on the continuum between the two) Eric speaks to me.

Each edition of the News goes from out there among the planets with a cogent explanation of our universe to inside my very heart and soul with his spot-on horoscopes. It’s a holistic interpretation of our segmented world. It’s a must read.

Jane from Charlotte

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