‘To make the divine simple’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

I have been reading your material since 1998; long before it was a subscriber service. Your uncanny ability to make me feel like you had written it just for me was sometimes shocking. I started sharing your scopes and soon people were calling me asking, “Did you read my horoscope? It’s like this guy knows what’s going on in my head. It’s amazing.”

Now we all filter our intake of information through the fine sieve of personal experience and expectation, and I know I’m preaching to the choir when I say there are a lot of people who think it’s all hooey. However your writing has spoken to me and my people in a clear and forthright language that somehow grounds and inspires us in one simple paragraph per week. Even non-believers and naysayers have wavered in their beliefs after reading a few of your missives.

To make the divine simple is greatest art and true grace. To speak to the masses as if you are sharing a secret with them alone, a rare ability. You have it all in spades and I am very thankful for your willingness to share your gifts.

Thank you for keeping on.

Many blessings,
Dana from Blue Mounds

2 thoughts on “‘To make the divine simple’”

  1. Eric & PW crew,

    Dana from Blue Mounds eloquently expresses many of my feelings about Planet Waves and the tremendous work you all are doing. Planet Waves has been such a gift in my life. I tell people about Planet Waves all the time. I have been listening to Eric’s recent Mid-Year audio report, alternately getting goosebumps, tearing up, or feeling thrilled with how right-on Eric’s words are. It is uncanny how much it reflects what’s going on in my life. And a shout-out to Dana – it’s wonderful to see that other folks from Wisconsin follow Planet Waves.

    Namaste, marileedawn from Madison

  2. btw folks, i just read through eric’s lead essay for tomorrow’s issue of astrology news, and it’s a really worthwhile meditation on water, our emotional bodies, the eclipses, and relationships. the horoscopes for this week are pretty potent, too.

    if you haven’t subscribed yet, i can’t think of a better time for a little extra astrological insight…

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