‘Things that have always stirred my heart,’ Part Two: Fridays

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog. This is the second half of this particular reader letter; we ran part one yesterday.

I love Fridays for the following reasons:

1. It’s Venus Day! Being a Libra this makes me rejoice even if it’s not such a great Friday. And if anyone else is not having a great Friday, I remind them that it is the Goddess’s day and goodness and love will abound, no matter what — and then leave them with a huge smile — just in case they can’t find one of their own. (I give my smiles to everyone on other days of the week too — but on Fridays I get a booster shot!)

2. It’s Uncle Eric Day! I have to admit that I forward the weekly reports to many friends (one if whom is, sadly, not close anymore but I’m consoled to know she now advocates Planet Waves) and then, when I speak to them, I ask, “Have you read your Eric?” I know that some of my friends see the weekly PW from different perspectives, and all are overwhelmed by the depth of their own astrological report. I, for one, will look over my shoulder to see if Eric is standing there, because he can literally take the words from my — or someone else’s — mouth, and in spookier moments, take them from my mind. I feel like I’m being stalked… but in a really protective way. Eric is my remote therapist and I know that a few of my ‘forwardees’ feel the same way.

I’m always reminding everyone to read Eric & Judith’s reports because astrology is not just about the individual, it’s about all of us and all that we do, and the movements and placements of this precious, precious planet as it turns in relation to the forces that influence us and balance in its entirety.

My only regret is that as yet I have not actually seriously studied the art of astrology myself. I have bought the books — even signed up for a course which, as is my wont, I never finished. It’s something I’m struggling with at the moment and in some part, because I connect with PW, I realise that I have a fundamental need to engage more deeply but I can’t seem to get out of my own way and just get on with it and what freaks me out even more is that I know that ‘the time is drawing near’… and if I don’t plant my flag and stand by it with confidence and pride then I will have, in essence, failed and just remain a quirky dilettante.

I’m praying I get there soon… so, please keep calling so I can keep hearing.


SamBa from London

1 thought on “‘Things that have always stirred my heart,’ Part Two: Fridays”

  1. um, can anyone tell me how that first comment got here? it seemed to happen automatically…


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