“An evolving group of consciousness”

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

Since I began subscribing to Planet Waves in 1998, I’ve always felt that I was a participant of a deeper intuitive, visionary, and highly talented home of information that I couldn’t get anywhere else. So I see myself as a member of an evolving group of consciousness.

From the beginning, to my joy and to my amazement, was the way the astrology was written — it presents mind-body-spirit growth factors in the fashion of a personal reading, which goes to the core of challenging spiritual and physical awareness, and balancing our feminine and masculine aspects.  Guiding us within these areas you pose the questions of balance, harmony, and authenticity.

Planet Waves is so far removed from the usual astrology of “your best date nights are June 21st, and…. “The most promising days to land that promotion are… You’ll be at your best to wow everyone at the party on…” Yawn..

Eric, you’re a visionary. You’re a seer. You don’t just present astrology. You teach spiritual growth and mass evolution, and bring it down to practical, physical terms for people to use. Judith Gayle is your earthy, mystical political counterpart, with whom I’d love to sit across the kitchen table with a cup of tea and listen to as well. I know a mystic when I see one. Perhaps it’s a bit unsettling to accept that, I know. Or, perhaps you totally embrace it. And I say USE it as a part of how you identify your work and who Planet Waves is! You quench a thirst for “value fulfillment” as “Seth” would say.

Sending love and abundance to you all!
Triza from Los Osos

3 thoughts on ““An evolving group of consciousness””

  1. How very nice to find myself included, Triza [and what a wonderful name!] I quite agree that there is a strong mystical thread through this work and isn’t it grand? No Yawns here! We’re a Light Island of like-minded souls, an extended family. Mutual appreciation all around : )

    Seth — like Ramptha — opened it all up for us. Love you back, Jere.

    Blessed be, us

  2. ..I’m with “Seth” on that one!

    ..seriously, I subscribed ’cause I finally had some cash! Seriously!

    I don’t do cash much these days, but when I get it, I value it, and allocate those funds to folks who can use it.

    ..You use it wisely, (at least your site has many wise folk on it.)

    p.s. I’m waiting for the commune, (I’ve already done the shit, so I know the personal space issue, and, I know how to get lost..!)

    Love you all, Beautifuls!

    p.p.s. “What exactly, are you trying to figure out?”


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