“Time to connect with our ‘real’ families”

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

Your horoscopes are what first grabbed me — more real, organic, well thought out — not the trite ones with silly advice and very little substance. I respect astrology and can’t imagine it not being a very real powerful influence over us all. Your articles about world events are what keep me informed, and I appreciate that you are willing to dive into all that bullshit, sift through it, and discover what’s going on. I don’t spend the time exploring the Planet Waves site — summer chemistry course and a family = not much spare time — but read avidly what arrives in my inbox.

One of the pieces of information that I keep receiving is that it is time to connect with our ‘real’ families — those people we feel an instant connection with. You’ve probably said this yourself (my various readings get all mixed together). I’ve been yearning for this as I’m sure many have — most people you pass on the street have no spark, nothing going on. Connecting with you, your writings, and those who contribute — it feels real. That’s what keeps me coming back. Even when you share tiny personal tidbits, like you need some time at the land — that is always timely for me as well. It reminds me to slow down and reconnect with myself and the earth. Thank you for all your perseverance and passion.

Jennifer from Fayetteville

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