‘Something… to take away and chew on’

Editor’s Note: We’ve been asking our clients for feedback about the professional services we publish, and your responses have created the opportunity for an exciting dialog.

Dear Eric,

It was the grand cross in 1999 [that got me to subscribe]. I have Sun, Mars, Mercury and Venus in Leo and Moon in Aquarius, and your words (and Planet Waves generally) were the the only meaningful external source of wisdom I found at the time that were both practical and mind-expanding. That experience really made me think of myself as someone who was now permanently associated with Planet Waves.

It’s the practical/esoteric combination — I can read PW for a stimulating and really refreshing alternative perspective on the world when I’m cruising along, but when things get challenging, there’s something really constructive and helpful for me to take away and chew on.

About that perspective, I love PW and feel at home here because it is organic and open and it reflects my primary interests. Its focus is on humans, their relationships (with each other and with culture, including science), their bodies, their spirit and the beautiful and precarious world of which we are custodians.

Love your work,
Katie from Canberra

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