Our Place In The Sun

By Len Wallick

“Any experiment that shows results is a good experiment”
— Rudy Ballentine

Here’s some homework for the weekend. An easy and decidedly un-scientific experiment. It will give you a chance to learn something about astrology in your own body without having some dude (or dudette) you never met telling you what to think.

One of the cool things about a New Moon is what happens after Luna’s conjunction with the Sun. The lesser luminary moves on and it moves fast. It forms aspects (angles) to other planets along the way. Some of those aspects are with slower-moving planets that have hardly budged by the time the Sun moves in to occupy the same degree of the same sign where the Moon was just a few days before.

That gives us a constant, the slow moving planets, against which to compare the variables. We get a chance to compare with our intuitions and feelings the difference between the Sun and Moon. Isn’t that better than being told?

Last Saturday, June 12th, we had a New Moon.

Think back to late last Sunday, June 13th when Luna had moved on to late Gemini. There it squared (90 degrees) Saturn in Virgo while simultaneously forming a trine (120 degrees) with Neptune in Aquarius. How did the structures in your life interact with your dreams that evening? This coming Saturday the same square and trine will be repeated except it will be the Sun in place of the Moon. Remember your dreams this coming Saturday night and let us know what happened in “comments” next week. What have you got to lose?

In the meantime (which is a groovy time) we are on the threshold of two big astrological events. This coming Monday, June 21st, is the Cancer solstice. Sol moves into the cardinal sign of Cancer and we have a change of season. First day of summer for those of us north of the equator, longest day of the year. First day of winter for the southerm hemisphere, shortest day of the year for those down under. It happens just once a year, folks.

On the following Saturday, June 26th, we have a Full Moon in Capricorn. Which also happens to be a partial lunar eclipse. Which also happens to be be a grand cross in the early degrees of all four cardinal signs. Which happens to involve five planets, both luminaries and the lunar nodes. No doubt about it, it’s a big deal. So far as we can tell, a never before and never again big deal. So far as we can tell.

Your curmudgeon correspondent is not going to tell you what all that means. Not today. You don’t need that. Heck, we are on the threshold of actual experience. Instead, the service offered today is a bit of perspective. Something which, frankly, we could use a little more of around here.

The blogs of this past Monday and Tuesday have had as their theme the idea that we should approach the solstice and grand cross one day at a time, picking up awareness from the daily aspects along the way. We continue that theme today with a focus on just one aspect involving the Sun.

Today finds the Sun in late Gemini applying to oppose the Great Attractor in late Sagittarius. Do not be mistaken, this is a big deal too. It happens just once a year. It puts us in our place.

Most of the time we walk around with the consciousness that the Sun is big daddy. As the center of our local gravity well, source of all life on earth and a star in its own right, that’s not far off. Then we become aware that Sol is part of a larger collection, a galaxy. That this galaxy has a center. That our solar system and billions of others rotate around that mysterious, energetic, massive, unseen core like the Moon around the Earth, like the Earth around the Sun.

This changes our perspective; it pulls us out, way out. Big daddy is suddenly a very little guy. Our planet is even smaller. This changes our awareness. The seasons and cycles on our scale of existence are replicated by seasons and cycles on a scale beyond our comprehension. That the unavoidable conclusion is all seasons and cycles are connected in synchrony. That each and every one of us are a part of that whether we know it or not. That knowing it, accepting it and being conscious of it can, does and will make us into something different that we were before.

Late tonight or early tomorrow depending, we here on earth will be in the middle with our Sun on one side and the Galactic Core opposing it. Their gravity will pull on us from either side. The powerful energy they both put out will meet where we exist and we will have cause to consider the following.

Earlier this year the Galactic Core moved into the 28th degree of Sagittarius after nearly 70 years in the 27th. That means this is the first time in nearly 23 thousand years that the Sun has opposed the Galactic Core in that degree of that sign. Multiply 23 thousand years by ten thousand and get over 230 million years and that’s how long it takes our solar system to make one orbit around the center of our galaxy. Our planet, as part of the solar system, has made that trip nearly 20 times.

So, yeah, we have some big honkin’ aspects and transits going down. We have some big scary disasters happening. Some of our own making. Some just passing through. Yeah, people just like you and me are hurtin’ and struggling and dying and being born faster than you can shake a stick at. But think. The rock you are on right now has made maybe twenty trips around the Galactic Core and it’s still here for you to cling on to.

There’s a lot more astrology we could write about today, but, really, isn’t that enough?

Besides, you’ve got homework to do. Expecting a full report on Monday.

Offered In Service

24 thoughts on “Our Place In The Sun”

  1. Fe delines:

    [. . .]Does that cover why Iโ€™m caught in a fever organizing my fricking pantry on a Friday night?

    So, we’re in good company? Caught all day in that wandering-around-the-cottage-looking-for-the-right-place-to-give-birth mode. Fidgety, febrile, dazed, a bit compulsive. The only thing I could actually *manage* was to clean my cupboards, desk, shelves.

    (Here’s a clue: Touch it all as if it were the last time.)

    But Mysti and Fe aren’t alone. I’ve heard from 4 others today we’re zagzigging through some violet plasma – not quite water, not quite fire. Irresistible and opt-able.

    Time to wax the skis.

  2. Saturn in Virgo and Sol moving to Cancer, Pluto in Cap and Uranus and Jupiter in Aries. My natal Jupiter and Uranus is in Cancer in the 5th., my Node in Cap and I’ve got Ceres in Cap in the 10th.

    Does that cover why I’m caught in a fever organizing my fricking pantry on a Friday night?

  3. Len,

    You give difficult homework because I don’t often remember my dreams. I don’t know why but I just rarely remember them.

    I feel like I live in several worlds though; one where mundane things occupy my mind such as the grocery list, surviving here now that we have decided to stay, finding ways to balance my school work this fall with my kids’ needs. Then there is the one with all the political concerns; writing to congress, facebooking people about issues, protesting and writing on my blog about it all, reducing consumption. Then the one overarching all those with the deeper, cosmic issues like the Big Changes I know we are in (and the Aries point stuff) as well as the changes within myself these days. Keeping up with current events and the inner world while remembering to pay the household bills…..that’s my life. Sometimes all this feels like a circus juggler juggling several spinning plates and trying to keep them all spinning at the same time. It’s ok, though because I am rather good at that kind of juggling….keeps me on my toes.

  4. Fe,

    re: Thoughts, anyone? Funny you should ask as I was just thinking of how historians like Michael Beschloss and David McCullough will comb through letters, newspapers and books to gain insight on what was going on in earlier times; times before we who listen to and read their works were aware or even alive. I was thinking of the historians who will be combing the resources of these times in the future. Instead of letters and newspapers they will have access to hours upon hours of video and web articles and, for Pete’s sake, blog responses! When they see the state of confusion we were all in they might think that it was a time of mass hysteria.

    Well, of course it is a time of mass hysteria; not necessarily out in the streets, but inside, yes, hysteria. People cling to the past “solid rocks” that supported their beliefs, left or right of center, not just because of nostalgia, but also to keep from getting seasick. Not everyone can cope with the excitement (and terror) that goes with living in historic times, and those beliefs that served them for most of their lives give them a sense of stability; an illusion of course, but stability. Like the tower of Babel, nobody understands the foreign languages they hear and they seek out anyone who still speaks their language. It is very traumatic for many to see “what is”. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

    Just imagine what it will be like to read what commenters to blogs like PlanetWaves were saying back when the whole world was going through transformation. It makes me giggle just to think! (of course, if they were astrologers, they would understand.)

  5. Len, love the idea of homework! Thank you. I don’t remember well if I dreamt last Saturday-Sunday but I sure have had quite a bit of dream activity since. That I’m able to remember, which is not often the case. I don’t see any particular Neptune aspects occurring in my chart that would account for this, though. My Neptune is at 19 Scorpio.

    But, I’ll be paying attention this weekend to see what might come up from submarine depths. Or any particular anything that stands out unique.

    I’ve been a little crankier than usual today, but looking at the calendar I see hormones as driving that train.

    Our Mother Earth is resilient, isn’t she? Thank goddess for that.

    Paola, great poem!

    Patricia MoonRose

  6. waxing nostalgic over the times when I looked forward to rest, relaxation and carefree play on the weekends…. saturdays have become more intense than the workweek daze…

    strength in numbers,
    peace and love

  7. wow. Things don’t usually match up so perfectly, but I DID have an exceptionally weird sleeping dream nighttime last Saturday/early Sunday.

    Normally, its all a blur but this stood out so much.

    I won’t bore you with details, but apparently I kept my sleeping partner up all night because I was talking all through the night and I kept grabbing his hand and placing it on my face, or my head, or my shoulders, in an attempt to find the perfect position, tossing and turning and talking….

    I loved hearing all about it in the morning, and reveled in the idea that I was so wild and demanding the entire night night-even though I was unconscious! ๐Ÿ™‚

    so, thank you Len…I love our assignment. very exciting!

  8. There is often more true-to-life in my son’s video games than what he reads in school ‘history’ books.

  9. Len:

    Interesting how frequently we borrow concepts to fit our reality, and most of our concepts are misquoted–particularly the 18th and 19th century.

    Classic case: “Founding Fathers.” “Life. Liberty. Pursuit of happiness” are prime examples of a “paradigm brands” which have a framework in a history of struggle against a monarchy–used to support corporate plutocracy.

    Our civilization withers in the face of history poorly written, even more poorly understood.

  10. Fe,

    What was done “in previous centuries when the paradigm window was repidly moving” was attempting to stuff the expanding reality into the same old paradigm container while trying to ignore that the container could not hold it anymore. Finally a draft-dodging, underemployed clerk working for the patent department in Switzerland came up with an alternate idea. Instead of trying to make the reality fit the paradigm, change the paradigm to fit the reality. Hence the advent of General and Special Relativity. Many people still resist and/or deny it because it rightfully threatens the 17th century framework in which they conduct their lives.

    As to the last words of a French aristocrat. Would it have made a difference?

  11. haha!! Yes Len, I think she’s for sure gettin’ the edge on the Full Moon! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Neptune…I will attempt to see something going on here….Tracy gave a good Astro 101 in blog yesterday….more homework! LOL! ..ok here goes…….:D

    Oh oh … clue? What exactly do you mean by “active”? Does that mean, like being in aspect with other planets? (Did that sound like I’m starting to get Astrology-like? haha!)

  12. I had a dream last Saturday which I think is worth sharing …
    Aspects Last Saturday and Sunday Were
    Luna in Gemini (my 12th house)
    Mercury in Gemini Quincunx Pluto ( 7th house)
    Venus in Cancer Sextile Saturn (Virgo) (3)

    In the dream I see two new born babies, each wrapped in white blanket. One baby is darker complexion familiar features as if from my own tribe, the other very fair complexion, new face, a foreigner to my tribe. In the dream I say that I will take the responsibilities of these babies. I was doing that because I thought should for the sake of babies. My mind was feeling pressure, and anxious about what a daunting task I am taking up. But at some level, my conscious was telling me I have to do this for the sake of the babies

    I am still trying to interprete this dream from astrology perspective.
    Any comments


  13. Len:

    General relativity only around for a century? What did we do in previous centuries when the paradigm window was rapidly moving?

    Was there no blog for a French aristocrat to write their last words before being carted to the guillotine?


  14. Paola and Asha, yes. And it also reminds me of this:

    “Correcting oneself is correcting the whole world. The sun is simply bright. It does not correct anyone. Because it shines, the whole world is full of light. Transforming yourself is a means of giving light to the whole world. ” Sri Ramana Maharishi (1879-1950)

    Fe, I agree with what you say as I also observe that, and as Len remarked, perspective is something we could all use a bigger measure of…. it seems…… I see many getting caught in looping patterns of the mind retracing old ground, never once looking up from the track and trap or catching the breeze or noticing the sky change or noticing much of anything, really, except that loop of a pattern that becomes less and less real…..

    what a time we are in.

    stop, children , what’s that sound? everybody look what’s goin down………

  15. Fe,
    Absolutely. You are on it like white on rice. This is along the lines of what Eric was talking about when he noted that the dominant paradigms can no longer contain reality. Unfortunately, outmoded and irrelevant paradigms don’t have an expiration date.
    The blogosphere participants you refer to, it’s like they are going to a bridge tournament prepared to play whist. Reality has moved on and one must make the effort to actually be aware of that and adjust accordingly – upgrades do not download automatically.
    Of course this has been going on for some time. General relativity has been around for over a century, yet most people still believe (1) matter and energy are different things (2) time and space are different things (3) parallel lines never converge.

    One is tempted to invoke the example of Babel, but it’s more complex than even that.

  16. Asha – your words remind me of this poem I just received:

    Even after all this time
    the sun never says to the earth,
    “You owe me.”
    Look what happens
    with a Love like that ~
    it lights the whole world.

    ~ Hafiz (c. 1320-1389)
    Translated by Daniel Ladinsky

  17. Len:

    Its really all about perspective, isn’t it?

    While researching the article above, I was monitoring the blogosphere and amongst the politicos, it seems as though there is no sense of perspective of history or for that matter, about what is happening, why its not getting fixed fast enough, and why we can’t have the same world we had during the New Deal. There’s alot of online warring going on in the political blogosphere.

    Times are different. Real different, so maybe its safe to say that both extremes of right and left are drifting in a picture of nostalgia for what was and not what is.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  18. aword – Thank you. Since the Moon is not full until June 26th, your neighbor must have been reacting to something else. Goodness knows there is no shortage of things to howl about.
    Neptune seems to have been very active for you lately. You may want to take the opportunity of your recent dream consciousness to check your chart and see what’s up with that.

  19. Len,

    OK. Homework assigned…and I’m still waiting for Pt. 2 of my latest dream-saga to unfold.
    Maybe wouldacoulda last night but my neighbor seems to have reacted like a werewolf to a full moon. There was no sleep last night for the howling. No doubt the planets are pullin’ on us all.

    ๐Ÿ™‚ and xo

  20. Jere – Thank you for your kind words. i agree with your understanding that we are each a star of a very special kind. If only all of us saw each other that way.

    Asha – Thank you. That is one of the all time great questions.

  21. Thanks Len,

    The times are changing, intense but inspiring in many ways.

    The thougths that are dominant in my mind these days are how all the cosmic/natural bodies perform their ‘dharma’ no matter what!
    Water gives you life, quenches your thirst, what in it for Water?
    Air breaths life force in you, what’s in it for the Air ?
    Sun gives you life giving Solar energy, what’s in for the Sun ?
    Mother earth who has unlimited capacity to bear the burden of this humanity, keeps us grounded, what’s in it for Her?

    Even then, see how they never fail to do what they are meant to do ?

    How come then we human beings have so much difficulty in even knowing what our dharam is ? Why we are so consumed by ourselves for ourselves.?

  22. So, Len, et all,.. from what I understand, and thank you for your insight, ..

    Each one of us, regardless of our stand-points, is a Star.

    ..This will be one bad-ass eclipse!..

    I Love you, my friend.

    Peace, Love, Joy…


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