Mars Busts A Move

By Len Wallick

It’s Monday and there’s a lot going on. Over the weekend Jupiter made its way into Aries. At the time it was  conjoined with the Moon. That’s right, they crossed the Aries point within minutes of each other. Hopefully this time corresponded with some emotional relief and a refreshed sense of possibility for you. Tomorrow the big conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus will be exacted but for all intents and purposes, we are in the midst of it right now.

Today has a significant sign transit of its own and it fits in with the rest — the first full day of Mars into Virgo. Take a minute and let that one sink in. With Chiron in Pisces for the first time in over four decades, Uranus is in Aries for the first time in over 75 years and with Jupiter yet. Add Pluto in Capricorn along with Neptune revisiting its discovery and Saturn soon coming home to Libra and it’s pretty easy to forget that Mars has been in Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun, since October 16, 2009.

Think about that. Over the last eight months Mars has become Leo. Leo has become Mars. Now it’s over, for a couple of years at least. This is not a trial transit. No toe in the water like Chiron, Uranus and Jupiter — each due to retrograde back a sign later this year before making a long term commitment. No sirree, Mars in Leo is kaput. It’s a whole new day.

It might do well to start off by taking a basic look at the signs involved in this Mars transit. Each sign is associated with one of the four classical elements of western alchemy. Either earth, air, fire or water. Because there are twelve signs, elements divide them into four groups of three. Separated by 120 degrees, signs of the same element form the aspect called a trine. Leo’s element is fire.

Fire, as experienced here on earth is a form of oxidation. That is to say that oxygen combines with something else which can broadly be described as fuel. There are two fundamental results. First there is a release of energy that existed in the chemical bonds that held the molecules and atoms of the fuel together. This energy is, at the very least in the form of heat and often visible light as well.

The second consequence of combustion is a change of form. The oxygen forms a chemical bond with part of the fuel to become something else, leaving the rest behind transmuted in form and function.

In astrology, the fire signs are associated with physical energy, assertive enthusiasm and aggressive courage. Fire is forthright zeal and not subtle. Following the doctrine of signatures (looks like a duck, walks like a duck, etc.), the red planet is a good match for the spirit of the warrior that characterizes a fire sign.

In addition to the elements, each sign is associated with a quality. Either cardinal, fixed or mutable. The Sun, when ingressing into the first degree of a cardinal sign, corresponds to a change of seasons. Fixed signs follow cardinal signs. Mutable signs follow fixed signs and precede the next cardinal. The qualities divide the zodiac into three groups of four. Like qualities are separated by ninety degrees, the aspect known as a square.

Leo is a fixed sign. Fixed signs, as implied by their name, are associated with crystallizing and stabilizing the pattern of a new season. Persistence, stamina and determination are also associated with fixed sign quality. Mars, being associated more with conquest and transmutation than consolidation, is not as comfortable with the fixed quality of Leo as it is with the fire element.

Thus, Mars in Leo found more sympathy and greater expression with the element than the quality. It was a period to become aware of our passions and desires. It was a time to experience our physical and energetic being with gusto. It was an opportunity to get things out of our system every which way we could so as to focus and think more clearly.

Hence Mars into Virgo, a mutable earth sign, ruled by Mercury. Say earth sign and you imply the state of being grounded. The exchange, evaluation and enjoyment of material things are at the core of an earth sign’s identity. This is an element that combines a sensual nature with a practical approach. Say mutable and you imply adaptable. Rather than stubbornly holding ground like their fixed counterparts, a mutable sign prioritizes solution and preparation for change.

Pulling it all together, lets put today’s Mars transit to Virgo in context. Shifting from a sign ruled by the Sun to one ruled by Mercury re-directs but does not dissipate the intense energy of Mars. From expression to intellect, from physical to mental, from a broad perception to a narrow focus. Temper this with an earthy practicality and you add precision. Blend in a mutable predilection for a shift of perspective and you harness invention. Precede it with the Moon-Jupiter conjunction on the Aries Point and you usher in with optimism. Follow it with the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and you add a huge surge of energy. The type of energy that can forge a breakthrough and overcome what seemed to be insurmountable. Something we could use a little more of around here.

And let’s not forget, Virgo’s opposing sign is Pisces. In the first degree of Pisces is the inconvenient benefic, Chiron. Mars moving into Virgo means an opposition with Chiron. That opposition will exact tomorrow, on the same day as the extraordinary conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus.

Offered In Service

12 thoughts on “Mars Busts A Move”

  1. Hypnotic, hella fun!

    Len, yeah, I know, Bobby & Co. switched up a bit. I dig how Jerry altered Hunter.

    Love, Life, Beauty, Peace…


  2. Be – thank for helping me to Ceta light.

    Jere – seeing that you are a poet, you should know that Mr. Weir changed Mr. Dylan’s lyrics slightly but significantly.

  3. Good call, Len.

    ..those mutables are up for change!

    (Listening to G.D. “When I paint my masterpiece” (10-1-89).

    Love ya, cat!


  4. “Reports say several dead after gas-line explosion in Johnson County TX

    JOHNSON COUNTY — Three people are reportedly dead and several others are unaccounted for after a ruptured gas line exploded near Pecan Plantation on Monday afternoon”

    The explosion and murders is certainly not about being responsible – but the company is NOT BP and the problem was apparently contained with automatic shut-off valves shortly after the explosion. And not deep-water.

  5. “Helen Thomas ends 5-decade career in controversy

    After more than 50 years covering the White House, journalist Helen Thomas announced Monday that she is retiring immediately from Hearst Newspapers, amid controversy over remarks she recently made about Israel.”

  6. Len,

    Your helpful and insightful descriptions are becoming more and more meaningful – they always were, but maybe it’s that over-time kind of thing where it all is less ethereal and more practical. Hm. Well, whatever the case, I take more notes than ever when reading your articles as they stimulate 1) re-reading and 2) my own reflections.


    Thanks for the tip on Ceta. Another ‘girlfriend’ to look up. 🙂

    Everything is so different today, and yet so the same – I’ve spent years leading up to now – yet the work is still to do. (with energy, focus, grounding – and lots of practice every day to have each of those!)

    My Scorpio son BTW came through that last blow out (along with the Gulf) beautifully – he’s soaring now (ok, well his wings are still wet and he’ll ALWAYS be a scorpion but); another big positive step along his road!


  7. I hope so, be – the optimism in your words sounds far better than anything else I’ve heard about what is going on in the Gulf. I will let that be my focus.

  8. Wow. This is great. When you explain I understand. The voice of calm and reason. For me it means the friggen’ wisdom tooth is coming out. After 8 long months of off then on again pain, the tooth will soon be history. And now I know why. I’m telling you, even a trine to Pluto is no picnic in the park, but I prefer it to a quincunx.

    I discovered two other things this weekend Len. I found out that Ceta the sea monster is a girl and I found out that she is at 0 degrees of Pisces in the progressed U.S. chart. She had a meaningful part in the Gulf disaster remember? She was conjunct the Moon in the Sun-Moon opposition in Scorpio, one of several deep water dieties with the Moon in that lunation just following the big explosion of the drilling rig. With Mars and Chiron in opposition and Ceta being the bullseye of the target, maybe something transformative is about to happen in that region of the country. Maybe the Gulf of Mexico is going to get some healing too. Maybe some optimism where there is none will come tomorrow.

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