Thinking of You

By Len Wallick

Wouldn’t you know it. While you were reading here two days ago about Neptune’s natal deja vu, it stationed retrograde. Isn’t it just like the Wet One to slip away under scrutiny. It won’t get off so easy this time. Today Mars in late Leo continues to apply in opposition (180 degrees of separation) to this long-term resident of Aquarius. This aspect will exact tomorrow (Friday) in most time zones. It will be another step in our gradual re-discovery of Neptune’s true identity signature. Watch here for further developments.

This morning, the Moon briefly conjoins with Neptune in late Aquarius as if to continue the process of revelation. Pay attention to what your intuition and emotions tell you in the first part of today, but don’t respond just yet. Build that file. Later on, Luna transits into Pisces where, late tomorrow it will form a square (90 degrees of separation) with the Gemini Sun. This aspect is another way of saying that the Moon is in its last quarter, halfway between the full and the new. Fittingly, it looks like a circle neatly cut in half.

Meanwhile, the Sun and Mercury as expression of our ego, identity and intellect are confronting some shadow material in the form of two of the most potent centaur planets. For many of us, contemplating the interminable magnitude of death and destruction in the Gulf of Mexico, shadow material is a constant companion. It is the continuing experience of experiences past. It is created by trauma. It is triggered by the perceived potential for more. It is not resolved by denial or suppression. It must be engaged with awareness and healed by integration.

The Sun’s part in today’s scenario is an opposition with Pholus in Sagittarius. Oppositions represent an external bind that requires a separate negotiation with each side of the polarity. In mythology, Pholus, like Chiron, was a cerebral centaur, a scientist of sorts. After Hercules slaughtered most of his kind in a row over a vessel of wine, Pholus inspected one of the poisoned arrowheads that Hercules used. While musing over how such a small thing could have such a big effect, he inadvertently injured himself, quickly ending his life.

As we ourselves contemplate how one, well out of thousands, could be the source of widespread damage we must also deal with the uncertainty of how long it will last, how bad it will get. On one side of the bind is ourselves and those close to us. The key is not to allow the consciousness of the toxins in the Gulf spill over and pollute those relationships. The other side is to grow our awareness of what’s really going on, separate from the narrative of media and public relations. That awareness will gradually awaken us to how we can engage, participate and do our part to move things into a better direction on the other side of the polarity.

Mercury in turn, is building up speed in Taurus and applying to square (90 degrees of separation) Nessus in Aquarius. A square represents internal tension. The imperative is to act decisively and with awareness. This is easier said than done. This particular aspect is especially challenging. Mercury represents the paradigm of the intellect, communication, exchange of ideas. The implied shadow of Nessus is about what we don’t want to speak of. So this is tension about speaking the unspeakable.

As we contemplate our helplessness as a mile under the ocean the Earth hemorrhages petroleum, we may well be triggered. We may take advantage of the noise on the outside to cover the turmoil inside. We may withdraw and allow the toxic fumes to accumulate under pressure. We may feel shame and then guilt as the pressure releases passing the poison on to a new generation. The key is to act before that by integrating the qualities of Mercury. Talk about what comes up. Write about it if you can. Exchange information with an informed peer and spare the uninformed subordinate. Bring those plumes to the surface of your consciousness and allow yourself to forgive them in the light of day.

From the personal to the political we find Ceres, mythology’s expression, staggering backwards in the last degree of Capricorn — a cardinal point, connected to the Aries Point. Today we may see strength in her as she separates from a supportive sextile with Chiron in Pisces, considering the past. Thus fortified, moving on to issue challenge and offer support in turn: Ceres in Sagittarius for a while is about considering the cosmic nature of the Earth, that we are part of something much larger than anything we’ve considered in the past.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “Thinking of You”

  1. Mr. Wallick:

    Whatever revolution is coming, it starts with art. A friend of mine was talking about “Catch a Fire”, the biography of Bob Marley, a light being if ever there was one. His is the voice of the sufferer, and its them who I think will lead the musical charge.

    On to something? I started knitting when I was nine years old!

    Just call me Ms. DeFarge, jah mon.

  2. Fe,
    `Tis a far, far better thing than you may have dreamed before. On this day in 1789 Jupiter was in late Cancer and Uranus in Late Leo. In other words pretty much in trine to where they are now. Just as now they were approaching conjunction in the early degrees of a fire sign (Leo) which was exacted just days before the Bastille was stormed. It is woth noting that between then and now that Jupiter and Uranus have conjoined but 15 times. Hence the synchronicity of your waking thoughts may indicate that you are on to something…just what, i cannot say. Have you been knitting by any chance?

  3. “…shadow material is a constant companion. It is the continuing experience of experiences past. It is created by trauma. It is triggered by the perceived potential for more. It is not resolved by denial or suppression. It must be engaged with awareness and healed by integration.”

    Thanks for the reminder, Len. And more.

    Patricia MoonRose

  4. Kyla,

    Love the “unfinished business” theory. Thanks for sharing that.

    Meantime as “it” continues…

    BREAKING: New Gulf Coast Drilling Approved While BP Oil Spill Continues To Grow

    “Although President Obama issued a moratorium on offshore drilling until the government and BP could get a handle on the current crisis, the Mineral Management Service (MMS) has found a loophole allowing some projects to continue.

    Just days after the moratorium on wells in deep water (like the Deepwater Horizon) was extended, the president quietly lifted a brief ban on drilling in shallow water just last week.”

  5. I have been struck repeatedly with the impression of oil as the blood of the earth, once again with your mention of the ‘leak’ as a hemorrhage. As our own blood carries the energy embodied in the sugars our body needs to function, so this oil carries embodied energy from millions of years. These wells are like mosquitoes (or, indeed many other parasites), sucking the blood from the earth, only taking and returning nothing but a gaping hole, perhaps stuffed with filler to keep the land above from collapsing.

    I imagine a mosquito sticking a proboscis in and hitting an artery, exploding, after which the proboscis remains implanted. The anti-coagulants used to promote blood flow prevent the blood from clotting and it rushes out unabated.

    Has anyone noticed that all of the ‘efforts’ BP has tried leave the well intact? If I had a tube stuck in me leaking my blood out, I wouldn’t try to cap the tube, I wouldn’t try to capture the blood, I wouldn’t try to stick another tube in to ‘relieve the pressure’, I’d pull the tube out, clean the area, and patch it up until it stopped. I have a hard time imagining why we cannot plug this up and seal it. Much to my dismay, I have a very easy time imagining executives coming up with ways to justify destroying an entire region containing an amazing abundance of life so that they can still profit, so that they can still extract, so that they can continue to endanger everyone for their own greed.

    If this is true cost of ‘cheap’ fuel, if this is the true cost of ‘prosperity’, if this is the true cost of ‘advancement’, thank you very much, but I am quite happy with who I am, where I am, and how I am.

  6. I love this one…… thank you Len! My terms for this time is that we are dealing with the Underworld – in all its versions at once, sort of. And the way I have been able, so far, to come to personal terms with that reality coming on full force is to remember that what the Underworld really is is just “unfinished business.” I don’t know if that is helpful to anyone else, but it has really given me a navigation tool for some of the bad passages.

    “Pay attention to what your intuition and emotions tell you in the first part of today, but don’t respond just yet. Build that file….” was spot on for me. I woke up very slowly and was finding an insight into a situation that has been building for some time — a situation that will unfold for the last couple of weeks of June….. an insight that gives me a perspective of understanding I can work with, rather than the sense of dread I was just hoping to avoid like, oh, maybe it won’t turn out that way — getting, oh yes it probably will but here is why here is the pattern underlying it here is a chance to walk through that old place “once more with feeling.” Meaning, once more only this time, with Consciousness. And, hopefully, Fe, “taking the rascals down.” 😉

  7. Len, my dear:

    Of all the thoughts, woke up this morning thinking about the French Revolution, and the recalcitrance and thuggery of the aristocracy that led to the bloodiness of the late 18th century.

    How much longer do workers have to sicken while BP tries to cover up the Gulf spill is deadly toxic?

    The earth gave us a clear signal, the first shot. Its not about how but WHEN will we begin taking these mega rascals down?

  8. Well Len, as usual your offering is eloquent and on target for me. I have a difficult negotiation today at work and will keep your wisdom with me as I move through this with as much grace and awareness as I can.
    “Pay attention to what your intuition and emotions tell you in the first part of today, but don’t respond just yet. Build that file.” and “The implied shadow of Nessus is about what we don’t want to speak of. So this is tension about speaking the unspeakable”. These two impactful offerings will be key to me. Thank you, as always for the grace and generosity of your wisdom.

  9. Well, if you insist. . just one little one. It’s been a rough week. Just to relax my nerves you know. To Neptune’s anniversary. Cheers!

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