Sextile De Mayo

By Len Wallick

The aspects and transits today promise some personal relief from the bad-boy stuff that has been prevalent lately. The Moon reaches an auspicious point of opportunity in the sign of the collective. The Sun makes a beneficial conjunction in the sign ruled by Venus. Mars finds some springtime solace with Venus while Jupiter works the room with a host of minor planets.

Today begins with the Aquarius Moon forming a square (90 degrees of separation) with the Taurus Sun. In a temporal sense, Luna is halfway between the Full and New. As such, today’s square represents the Moon’s last quarter. It is about 6 hours ahead of the Sun. It rises about midnight, it reaches the mid point of its journey at about dawn and sets in the West about Noon. It represents the second half of the second half of the monthly cycle from one solar conjunction to the next. A disquieting time for those who would grasp and hoard indiscriminately. It is an opportunity to release attachment. Conversely it is also a chance to focus, gather one’s reserves and finish in good form. There is a danger that gain can be squandered. However, it is just as likely victory and vindication can be attained. We are just past halfway, moving from the tangible to the transcendental.

Hours after the last lunar quarter is exacted, the Sun forms a conjunction with the centaur planet Asbolus. This takes place just past the mid-point of Taurus. Just past halfway between the Vernal Equinox and the Cancer Solstice. This is a significant and synchronous aspect, so let’s break it down a bit.

In the mythology, some centaurs emphasized their human qualities, others allowed the animal half to dominate. Asbolus, it seems was a bridge of sorts. Intimately tuned in to nature as a animal might be, Asbolus read the signs and cycles for omens to augur as a human intuitive might do. It also seems that he had a sense of righteousness that would not leave well enough alone. This led him to blow the whistle when Hercules insisted that Pholus open the wine stash, precipitating an epic battle that led to his death (along with Pholus and others) as well as Chiron’s incurable wound.

Astronomically, the name Asbolus means “carbon dust” or “sooty” because this is a dark object that does not reflect much light. It was the fourth centaur planet discovered. It orbits between Jupiter and Neptune. It crosses the orbits of Saturn and Uranus. The length to width ratio of its orbit corresponds to that famous irrational number (1.618…) known as the golden mean. This is a ratio that shows up over and over again in the natural world, leading many to feel that it indicates some underlying principle of reality. Therefore, like the the oracle of myth, it is very much in resonance with natural events.

Astrologically, the discovery chart has a late Capricorn ascendant with Uranus rising and a Gemini Moon about where Venus is right now. Asbolus itself was in the eighth degree of Libra. The discovery date was May 4, 1995 (happy birthday, Asbolus!). As a group, centaur planets correspond to the psychological concept of “shadow material”. This, the behavioral residue of past trauma, holds both a threat to and a promise of well being. Denial and suppression will bring a systemic breakdown. Awareness and action can function to bring strength and sustenance to the whole person.

Eric Francis has noted that Asbolus is prominent in the natal charts of those who have survived harrowing events, especially in childhood. The nature of the shadow material that goes with Asbolus would seem to be the invisible scars that survivors carry, such as post traumatic stress syndrome. Having the Sun conjoin with any centaur planet can synchronize with the light of awareness being brought to the shadow, an important first step to healing. The timing is excellent. In less than a week Mercury, also in Taurus, will station forward with the ambiance of the truth coming out. Today, the Sun and Asbolus are resonating with the future, preparing the ground.

Speaking of preparing the ground, Venus is in a mutable sign, Gemini, and Mars is in a fixed sign, Leo. Gemini represents the element of air, ruled by Mercury. Leo represents the element the the element of fire, ruled by the Sun. Their aspect is a sextile, the astrological equivalent of a scholarship or grant. In synchrony this represents a supportive acknowledgment that lightens our burden and brings body, mind, spirit and emotions into harmony. You can be a part of this deal by giving in kind. It does not have to be expensive. Just be thoughtful and gentle. To give is to receive.

Finally, Jupiter seems to be preparing for its cardinal point face-offs with Saturn, Uranus, Pluto this summer with a grassroots campaign. Even if you narrow it down to only those applying within one degree of orb, Jupiter is forming no less than twelve aspects with dwarf planets, centaurs, trans-Neptunian objects, Uranians and asteroids today. Widen the orb just a bit and add those just separating and Jupiter would be “friending” half the solar system. Talk about the proverbial big tent. Jupiter in its wet ruling sign is doing that big benefic thing, spreading the wealth, collecting the gathered waters and reminding us what we have in common far outweighs our differences. After everything we have been through lately, that’s a good thing to remember.

Offered In Service

13 thoughts on “Sextile De Mayo”

  1. Len,

    You are such a sweetheart. 🙂

    And yes, nudged would be the word. It’s amazing how much more I have been able to be there for others in their times of crisis due to the simple lessons of ACIM.

    I recently had a good friend tell me:

    “I am not like you, who has faith in everything, much less faith in getting a job!”

    (He’s having employment bumps.)

    I said,

    “Did you just hear yourself?? You just made an analogy between faith and your inability to get a job?”

    It was like somebody found the light switch…

    I find that these times call for measures where we don’t feel so alone. Faith has been my ticket.

    You are welcome for the forgiveness…. 🙂

  2. Elle,
    Thank you for sharing your “keep the faith” journey. A Course In Miracles is an amazing and humbling piece of work, more like a living thing than a collection of words and ideas. Your own blog pilgrimage makes me feel proud of you, even though we have never met. A worthy effort. More than that, i’m sure somebody out there was nudged as if by an angel as a result of what you did.

    It is i who thank you. Especially for the forgiveness.

  3. Nice Len!

    Asbolus is a new one for me, yay, more information to open up my stable Taurus mind…plus my bday is coming up on the 10th, perhaps Mercury will give me a blast from the past to shoot me into the future!

    I love that you wrote “To give is to receive.”

    This year I started my very own blog, following each daily lesson of A Course in Miracles. I have proudly not missed one single day, all 126 so far! Today’s lesson was…

    “All that I give is given to myself.”

    To follow something so full of God made me a bit leery at first, since I still consider myself a believer of many deities and faith systems, but Len, you are proof that one can have those thoughts without saying “no” to other belief systems such as astrology.

    Woohoo!! Much love and happiness and forgiveness…


  4. (n) asbolus conj. ascendant exact sextile my sun.
    thank you for this information. fascinating… I must learn more…


  5. Len,

    I am really honoured by your gratification. It warmed the cockles of this Irish/Canadian’s heart no end! 😉

    Thank you so very much.

  6. shebear13,
    You have no idea how gratifying it is to read your post. That’s exactly what i was getting at. Today the Sun is squaring my natal Sun and it feels like nobody gets me (although i know that’s not really true, just a subjective thing). Thank you so much for a well-timed comment and affirmation that makes me feel like i’m not in a vacuum in a galaxy far, far away.

  7. Have a look at this article illustrating one reason why the Greek economy is teetering on the brink and how decisions being made right at this very moment can either help or hinder the world’s precarious economy. I sense that with both Chiron and Jupiter in Pisces along with the Sun and Asbolus alignment today, we’re been given brand new perspectives on what no longer serves us. Satellites capturing hidden swimming pools, volcanic ash disrupting commercial flight schedules, oil from the belly of planet earth gushing uncontrollably to challenge our addiction to an unsustainable way of life.

    I think the one choice we have to face each and every day going forth, is to consciously call forth the courage to make peace with our shadowy behaviors and wounds. That collectively in spirit we take bold baby steps along “Asbolus, that bridge of sorts.” (I really like that notion of Asbolus as a bridge Len.) A bridge that offers us somewhere awesome and fun, towards “the light of awareness” and away from death, destruction and fear.

  8. Oh, what a nice grin I got from your reference to Jupiter’s “friending” “big tent” and working the room. It’s a lovely thing, the power of language to edify and inspire.

    You turned me onto a different way of knowing the planets and signs way back when and thus I end up tuning into the quiet to hear the music in the background. Jupiter in Pisces friending the room … I get an “up, up with people” song … or a sousa marching band … or perhaps an impressive production by the school glee club!


  9. Len;
    I really like your words of today, ” In less than a week Mercury, also in Taurus, will station forward with the ambiance of the truth coming out. Today, the Sun and Asbolus are resonating with the future, preparing the ground.”. Maybe now the nonsense and the games will finally stop. Hopefully!

  10. one minor correction, I believe that Leo is a fixed and not mutable fire sign. thanks for all your great insights.

    Carol: thanks for the catch. fb

  11. word-play lover here likes your title 😉

    indeed, finally getting a break. woke up early to do some yoga this morning and break out of that rat race feeling. got on the computer and resolved to keep my mind clean and open by only coming here to read the morning post. sweetness.

  12. Len;
    I like your description of Abolus, in your words (Astronomically, the name Asbolus means “carbon dust” or “sooty” because this is a dark object that does not reflect much light.). You could also say the same description towards “oil”. And your usage of “Bad Boys Stopping”, today they will try a new procedure to stop the oli leak. Does this already have the notion that yes it will work?

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