Today’s Oracle takes us back to the Scorpio weekly of March 14, 2002
You may find the actions of a close partner or associate to be emotionally confusing or threatening to your security. But why do you think this happens when you start to get what you want, in terms of having your intensity matched by another person? And if you’re being met in what feel like negative ways — for example, by strife instead of by love — do you see any choices you can make to help you move you beyond this condition? Remember, life is made of energy. Energy changes forms, and these changes are usually the result of awareness.
(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. New horoscopes by Eric are published weekly plus twice a month in Planet Waves Astrology News and Planet Waves Light. The Oracle itself is a divination tool available to subscribers to either of these services.)