Could It Be

By Len Wallick

Today is the first full day Sun in Taurus. This ingress is normally synchronous with a pronounced internal shift reflecting the full integration of the new season that began with the the vernal equinox one month ago. Recently, however, the idea of normal has been profoundly shifting in and of itself. Practical experience has shown, for example, that it no longer works to interpret Pluto or Eris in the same way we did just three or four years ago.

So could it be that this day will no longer herald an awakening to lush abundance? Would it be that we no longer find ourselves opening up to restorative nourishment? May it be that some longer cycle is taking hold that inhibits fixing and extending the initiative of Aries? We will find those questions answered in some form over the next four weeks.

Meanwhile however the Moon in Cancer is holding out for the Taurus we know and love. Starting the day with an encouraging sextile to retrograde Mercury, it conjoins its own South node. This takes it below the ecliptic, a period of reflection and re-collection. Shortly after starting this sentimental journey it will trine Jupiter, located in Pisces. Luna will end the day with another sextile, this time to Venus, still in Taurus with Mercury. Whether in sympathy with the messenger in review or in harmony with the best known benefics, the Moon’s message is clear. Let Taurus begin as we have known it, taste your food, enjoy your refreshment, breathe deeply and be grounded.

Today is also the first full day for Chiron in Pisces. This is just a toe in the water for now. Just passin’ through to size things up, but not a moment too soon. You see, the last time Sheriff Chiron was in town, there was a bit of a dust up. Uranus was joined up with Pluto and they were working up a lot of change that made folks uncomfortable. Chiron helped that change along all right, but he also made it easier to take. That’s a bit of common good manners that we don’t see much of `round these parts.

Now Uranus and Pluto are fixing to work up another round of disturbance. Except this time instead of joining forces they will be squaring off while standing in the first degrees of Aries and Capricorn. That means we are all going to be a part of it. There won’t be no hiding behind the bar in the saloon or in the hay loft at the livery stable. No sirree pardner. On top of that the ruckus will go on for a long time, over the next couple years or so. Fear not, good citizens, after a return to Aquarius to take care of unfinished business, Sheriff Chiron will be back in town next year. Back to open our eyes and help us pull it together while Uranus and Pluto settle their affairs and for some time thereafter. For now, let’s pay attention and get the feel again. After all, it’s been about fifty years.

Speaking of looking ahead, It’s time to check in with Mars. Whatever you do, don’t ask if we are there yet. We don’t want him pulling off to the side of the road and threatening to turn around. Not after this long. Nevertheless, it has been a long time Leo. All the way back to October 16, before the first time Saturn squared Pluto. That’s a long time. The very next day, it goes into the echo (or shadow phase), the point where it finally stationed forward this last March 10th after going retrograde on the Capricorn solstice. Now its just short of one more month before it reaches new ground for the first time in 2010.

Of course, in the long run, we will come to realize that we really did need every day Mars gave us on this long journey of figuring out just what we want while it was in retrograde, and precisely how we plan to get it, after stationing forward. So don’t get fatigued, get motivated. All of us should have had a glimpse of where our heart is at between late December and early March. Even if it came to you in a dream, admit it, you hold it somewhere, somehow. Now is the time to believe. With all the red-blooded vigor that Mars would coach you to have, believe. Believe that where your heart is at is where the rest of you can be. What is truly believed can be achieved.

So, get it back.  Find it — the desire you stuffed while so many other things demanded your attention. We have crossed the threshold of the first cross quarter of the year. We have left the equinox behind us. The Sun is in Taurus now. Another cross quarter, Beltane, approaches. Take encouragement with your nourishment and dust off that dream. Get into the idea that the new beginnings for the Sun and Chiron are concurrent with a new beginning for us all. You know what you want, get back to making it happen. Its not too late. Matter of fact, you’re right on time.

Offered In Service

10 thoughts on “Could It Be”

  1. “So could it be that this day will no longer herald an awakening to lush abundance?”

    ah, len dear — as a taurus who was just saying to someone last night, “this is *my* season,” only to feel dashed upon the rocks by quite the opposite, your post feels all too appropriate and uncanny. it sounds like many of our regular “wavers” are feeling similarly crashed and smashed, so i take some solace in knowing i’m not alone, but even more by the rest of your words, “Let Taurus begin as we have known it, taste your food, enjoy your refreshment, breathe deeply and be grounded.”

    that sounds a lot more like the windy, sunny, run i took on the trail by the sea this afternoon.

    i’ll keep your words about mars in mind, and open my heart back up a bit.

    thank you,

  2. In the past 2 weeks I have gone from loving the animal shelter I work for and applying for my boss’ old job to meeting with the board and finding that I can’t work with them and don’t believe in the governance of our organization. So, after becoming a troublemaker with them by disagreeing, I’m now looking for another job. So it’s a new day for the sun and Chiron and I’m trying to remember what my heart’s wish is so that I can keep the faith and keep moving on. But, like Gladys, I have big waves of just wanting to disappear.

  3. Since sep 2009, I have been really sucking up to Saturn. I thought I have him on my good side, but last night excrutiating pain in both my knees which I thought was gone told me It is NOT easy to please Big Daddy.

  4. I’m a Virgo who feels every Mercury retrograde intensely. Saturn is back in Virgo and all I want to do is pull out every strand of my red hair. Yesterday I had an unexpected expense when one of my major appliances broke. Why was I not surprised when I woke up to that mess? I thought that I was finally headed in the right direction with my ‘dreams’, however, I went to bed feeling quite drained and just wanted to disappear.

    Thank you, Len, for the timely words. Perhaps I will make it through the next couple of months with all my hair!

  5. Jin, Orah, be & Ursula – Thank you. Glad it hit the spot.

    Fe and Eric – Thank you for the legibility quotient.

  6. After yesterday’s phenomenal post that appeared like a fabulously nutritious meal (which I was only too eager to devour and digest) I love this morning’s followup dessert of “encouragement to go with (my) nourishment”.

    You are quite the cheer leader Len. I’m now all revved up again, ready to put one foot in front of the other and refocus my eyes on my dream ahead, and just I love that fellow wavers are doing the very same.
    Great stuff.


  7. Me too Len . . like jinspace, your words sound real good for today. My last free lunch, courtesy of visiting kin, will be relished in appropriate Taurean gusto, ‘cuz, unlike a few weeks ago, I can chew by golly! (When my mouth is happy my heart is happy and the rest of me will follow along for sure.)

    Jin. . .is your Cancer Moon so different than my Cancer Sun in that it never stays down and out for very long? Can’t a moving Cancer Moon just see the tides shifting in Leo’s direction where, like the last time, doubt and retreat dissolved and you drifted into that place where joy can never be stolen? You remember!

  8. Hi Len Wallick, I second jinspace’s reply…thank you kindly for your words today, great arrangement and I feel better already. xo

  9. “Take encouragement with your nourishment and dust off that dream. Get into the idea that the new beginnings for the Sun and Chiron are concurrent with a new beginning for us all. You know what you want, get back to making it happen. Its not too late. Matter of fact, you’re right on time.”

    Oh, thank you, Len! Precisely the words of encouragement I needed today, just when yesterday pushed me back into limbo, feeling suddenly doubtful, vulnerable and leaning towards retreat…

    Cancer Moon, I do not like you – alas, you are mine!

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