Hurry Up and Wait

By Len Wallick

This is the time of year when perception can be misleading. The vernal equinox approaches as steadily as it always has, but it seems to be taking forever. On the other hand, events that reach our consciousness seem to be accelerating in number and increasing in amplitude. How can both be happening at the same time? Is that really what is happening? Given the recent weather in many parts of the Northern Hemisphere, we know from experience that it’s possible to be stuck and spinning our wheels at the same time. We also know that getting out of that situation requires action but also deliberation. A review of today’s transits can give us some perspective, helping us to sort through and set priorities for appropriate and constructive response.

Mars is taking its sweet time, isn’t it? Step back, however and that’s not inconsistent. Mars takes about two years between retrogrades, long enough for the last one to fade from memory. Once it is in retrograde, the whole process takes the better part of a year, long enough for to take it for granted. As we enter the last week before station forward, it behooves us to overcome complacency while also being deliberate. Pause to emulate Mars and take a long look at the opportunity that is there.

The sea changes that seem to be coming over the world are in synchrony with the gradual assembly of outer planets towards the cardinal points of the zodiac. In context, Mars retrograde in Leo has been the chance to figure out what we want from the uncertain future that is implied. If we are clear as to our desires and values we can know an opportunity when we see it and it will not pass us by. Even in a time of crisis there is opportunity equal to the peril. The next seven or eight days gives us the chance to get clear in preparation for the next stage when Mars stations forward to complete its third leg in Leo. Your humble correspondent submits that the time from the March 10th station to May 17th emergence from echo phase will be best devoted to the question of how to achieve what we decided we want. The time we need is available. Each of us has the answer inside. Use the time to find it. Have faith that contemplation will be the appropriate action for now.

There is another aspect today that provides fresh inspiration and impetus to bolster our faith as Venus swiftly applies to its conjunction with Uranus in Pisces. Venus, among other things is about desire. Venus is also exalted in Pisces. An exaltation is a strong placement when the energies of a planet can express fully in a creative manner. Uranus is among other things about waking up. While Uranus has no traditional exaltation, detriment or fall its apparent mutual reception with Neptune in Aquarius would seem to indicate that it is not impaired. Thus the conjunction of Venus with Uranus, functioning now would seem to be favorable for waking up to desire. The awareness may come suddenly. It may be disquieting. We may be intimidated or reflexively resist. The test is whether we can discern and overcome our conditioned response in order to be present with and open to a new idea that may well have been there all along.

The waning moon provides us with another clue. It is slowing down as it climbs towards the last quarter in Sagittarius and (after that) the North Lunar node in Capricorn, both next week. Today is spent entirely in Libra where it can lighten up a bit after opposing the Pisces stellium (Jupiter, Sun, Venus and Uranus) followed by a tour of the ongoing square between Saturn and Pluto. Today it can avail itself of the Libra ambiance where it is neither ruler nor exalted, and not in detriment or fall. So can we call take example and this opportunity to re-connect with harmony and balanced perspective. This, with some patience, will hold the promise of a respite that is constructive and directed by positive intention rather than negative pressure.

Finally, the Sun follows suit. For a day it is serendipitously without any aspects that would imply an imperative. Separated enough from Jupiter to be magnanimous without exaggeration, it gets a chance to stretch out and embrace the deeply felt transitional energy that is Pisces. Every day now it higher and longer in the sky. The light comes earlier every morning giving us a chance to imagine beginnings. Its illumination lasts longer into the evenings as well, affording a sensitivity to the dissolution of winter’s grip and the reformation that a new season will bring. Take the time that is given to you, feel the moment, open up a bit and you may be pleasantly surprised at what appears before you.

Offered In Service

8 thoughts on “Hurry Up and Wait”

  1. Hmm… how did I miss this? “Ex-Myst” – very nice. Reminds me of the ‘Ex-conventos’ that dot the Mexican landscape, church properties liberated by la Revolucion and turned into cavernous, chilly cheesecaves for aging spinsters.

    But you are remiss on one point: graduating from Dame Dodson’s. That, of course, is impossible. I am her humble ephebe until Gabriel blows his conch (it’s only a horn for the Boys).

    As for the location of the female comeuppance – what has never gone missing can never be found.

    Koanfully yours,


  2. Dear Len, You are very welcome. I wrote this poem on Monday night at my first writer’s group meeting. I love your work. You have touched my heart on many occasions with your compassionate and loving work. susyc

  3. susyc – absolutely beautiful. Thank you for blessing Planet Waves with your graceful artistry.

  4. A poem is less threatening
    than the most threatening
    Swirling clouds darkly lit
    Lightning bolts
    Winds ready to pick this
    House up and throw it
    Clean into another
    Dimension of desire.

    Dimension of desire
    for him, for her
    for the many mansions
    Seen through a glass

    The touch that speaks
    of all that came before and
    what is yet to be
    Informed by history and

    Why have I never let my self
    have this before
    Saying ‘No,’ to these words
    to protect myself
    against what?
    I forget.

    I will ‘drop into poetry’
    on this occasion
    and maybe the next
    Waiting for chill winds
    to subside and
    Peaceful calm to prevail.

    All is Allowed.
    Peaceful resting places,
    Muses independent of
    expectations and judgment
    Please themselves.

  5. Len,

    Do you think that Venus in Pisces on her way to meet Uranus has inspired our Musicman to prose? Or was it Luna all alone in Virgo giving us a reflection of ourselves under the plethora of Pisces? Whatever, it was a clever and delightful surprise from him and most welcome!

    Retro Mars HAS been frustrating, you betcha. Looking forward to that Equinox as the Sun will trine a direct Mars, which, hopefully, means more productivity than when Mars retro opposed Chiron (and Nessus and Neptune and Jupiter and the Moon) in the winter solstice chart. Oh sure, we needed that ram-headed energy turned inward to review and rearrange things to suit the changing times. No doubt it was necessary and fortuitous to do so. But a caged ram is difficult ram and sometimes just unbearable to live with.

    Louise Luna, I’m thinking you must love your life. What a wonderful talent you have and such a benefit for those of us so often stumbling in the dark. Please tell us more about them.

  6. Musicman – Thank you for the chuckle. As for the IQ of a rocking horse – hey, i resemble that remark!

    Ms. Luna – Thank you for your warm insight. Can feel it from here.

  7. Thank you as always Len. You seem to take the same approach I do with astrology. Insofar as each individual is doing, which of course becomes the collective whole. While it’s not easy to simply stop and regroup, when we need it the most, that is often what we need exactly to do. A man said to me the other day, “you walk with a purposeful stride, where are you going?” I said to him, “it’s not where I’m going, it’s the getting there”. Whether in baby steps, or just sitting under the Bodhi Tree, and contemplating which way should one go?

    Toward that end, I am a chandler, which is a very old word, for a candlemaker. I use them myself, and thousands have as well. I make them first of all, for me, but then to help others have a focal point in any number of areas, from New Beginnings, to, Creativity, Inner Love, The Goddess Within, Good Fortune,World Peace, Tranquillity, etc.

    They are called ‘CARE CANDLES’, and I created them many years ago, in service to those that needed something to hold on to. A light to center them, when maybe internally they were feeling great inner turmoil, and also Sobriety and Clarity, or Creating Love. I use herbs, spices, flowers, essential oils that are traditional in the art of a metaphysical life. Each comes with an affirmation for sometimes just a few words, as yours on these pages, can open a window and we can now see clearer, but most importantly, know when we are on the right path.

    I am a firm believer in being in our True Place (Edgar Cayce). We are are all linked together, although sometimes we forget. Peace Be Len. Louise Luna/Lunarlight Candles.

  8. Hi ho Hi ho…its off to work we go…..!!

    Have yourselves an exceptionally good day……… this spoof kind of just fell out onto the page around the time of the full moon…

    Appropos ….the resolution of non-astrological issues that arise during your time at the Planet Waves School of Astrological Studies.

    Any of you who are new to the site, particularly exiles from St. Trinians and expelled juniors from Hogwarts, may in the first instance address your questions to:-

    Professor BKoehler: Graduate of the Simone de Beauvoire Institute in Paris. Her specialist field is Gender Studies, with an area of expertise that includes motivating students with an IQ equivalent to that of a Rocking Horse.


    Dr. Excelsis Mystes: We are indeed lucky to have the guidance of one of the first graduates from the Betty Dodson clinic. Dr. Mystes work includes The Search for the Female Orgasm (including a free road map and Sat Nav of how to get there), and her specialist area of study includes The Sociological Effect of the Prohibition of Sex Toys on a blood soaked 15th century Europe.

    If, after consultation, your issues are still unresolved, you may appeal to the Board. Fe Bongolan, Judith Gale and Len Wallick will hear your appeal and make final pleas on your behalf to Dr. Cappuccino. He will, however, on receipt of anything the least bit frivolous or frothy, banish you to the Astrological Abnormalities and Corrections unit at the Sarah Palin School of Political Disasters.

    Finally, if your query is of a business nature, please refer to Chelsea Bottinelli. Chelsea was actually the inspiration for Botticelli’s Venus, but he always did have trouble spelling his name. He never really got over being able to travel into the future, and suffered enormously at the Age of Capricorn celebration dinner.

    All technical questions to Professor Anatomical Risotto!!

    I am simply here as a consultant in the resolution of conflict studies, on secondment from the Basil Fawlty Planetarium. Having spent my entire childhood starting arguments with cardboard boxes, it has become something of a specialist area of experience!

    Best Regards to all…I shall be back in some days time…!!


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