Enough To Make Your Head Spin

By Len Wallick

If it’s made out of atoms, it’s baryonic matter. That’s what science tells us. Just about every material thing you can think of is baryonic matter. It’s what we are made of. Among the characteristics of this form are relationship and exchange. When we get a sunburn, when we get wet, when we get hot or cold, sick or well there is a relationship of exchange going on. The one exception at least so far is gravity. We all know what it is. We deal with it every day. Even though it is apparently a property of matter, there is no demonstrated mechanism of relationship by exchange. Good old familiar gravity is, at its root, a mystery.

The astrological theme for today seems to be one of relationship and exchange and the possible bridge to mystery.

Sun in Pisces starts the day off with a sextile (60 degrees of separation) to Pluto in Capricorn to once again bring our attention to the long term, big picture aspects of the outer planets. Sextiles seem to involve the theme of relationship if relationship is defined as a supportive exchange. In this case the friendly Sun that illuminates our every day is lending its support to Pluto’s tenure of metamorphosis and transformation in the sign of the established order.

This is fitting since Pisces is a mutable sign that prepares the way for a new order in the form of a change of seasons. Pluto in turn is lending its support to the Sun’s transit of Pisces. This makes sense because Pisces is associated with the twelfth house, an energy that Pluto is comfortable with (although it has no traditional exaltation). It has to do with mysterious energies that operate in the dark. We know the results, but the process of getting there is a mystery. For today, the aspect seems to be focused on the Sun, encouraging us to bring our own processes out of the dark so that we can work with them intelligently.

The Moon wraps up its time in Gemini today by opposing the Galactic Center in Sagittarius. An opposition is a different kind of relationship. Because it is often characterized as a “hard aspect” it has a bad reputation of representing conflict and polarity. While this can be the case upon occasion, it has been your reporter’s humble observation that it is more likely to represent exchange with the proverbial “other”. The key to stabilizing this sort of exchange is the willingness to integrate some of what is opposite to what we are.

Sagittarius is recognized as a highly spiritual sign, especially if spirituality can be defined as relationship to the powerful and unknowable. The presence of the Great Attractor and Galactic Center as long term residents of this sign lends considerable weight to that assessment. Both of them are far away. Both of them are evidently large in mass, conferring powerful gravity. Both of them are shrouded from view. Both of them are a mystery, an “other” with which we have a rather one-sided relationship and very little exchange.

If yesterday’s Moon aspects can be said to have been associated to emotional intelligence, today’s opposition can be fairly interpreted as an integration of that experience with the spiritual other. This will be an excellent preparation for Luna to ingress Cancer, the sign it rules, before today ends.

As if Luna had made an introduction, it is also worth noting that the separating conjunction of Chiron and Neptune (in Aquarius) and Uranus (in Pisces) are applying in aspect to the Galactic Center.

For Chiron and Neptune the aspect will be a sextile (same as the Sun and Moon), Chiron will get there first, just as February ends. Neptune will exact the same sextile with the Galactic Center in the second week of March. Both are functional now. A sextile aspect to a mystery is a little tricky, almost an oxymoron. Let’s start by looking at the obvious.

The center of the galaxy has a lot of gravity and radiates a lot of energy because there are a lot of stars there, very close together. In addition, there is well founded speculation that there is a big black hole smack in the middle. Black holes are NOT baryonic matter, not like you and me in the least. So far we got a lot of what we don’t know or understand.

What we can understand is that the galaxy is our finite island in the infinite universe and that it rotates and that the center of that rotation is the place from which the whole thing can be perceived at once – the ultimate place of awareness. Chiron is, among other things, about conscious awareness of that which we hide from ourselves. Neptune is among other things about that which resists or conceals conscious awareness. If those things can be said to be true, can it not also be said that their sextile to the galactic center can bring us in contact with a new perspective, heretofore a mystery? Let’s watch the events, both personal and public in the next few weeks. It has been a long time since this aspect has taken place, and the concurrent events could have been a long time coming.

Finally, Uranus will square the Galactic Center in the last week of March. This could be the kicker somehow. A square is an aspect of action taken to relieve stress. Uranus is all about doing that, about breaking things wide open. There could be some very interesting developments with this aspect. There is no predicting what they will be. One would be very surprised however, if they did not somehow involve some long term relationships, some surprising exchange and the extension of awareness into the previously unknown.

Offered In Service

5 thoughts on “Enough To Make Your Head Spin”

  1. “What we can understand is that the galaxy is our finite island in the infinite universe and that it rotates and that the center of that rotation is the place from which the whole thing can be perceived at once – the ultimate place of awareness. Chiron is, among other things, about conscious awareness of that which we hide from ourselves. Neptune is among other things about that which resists or conceals conscious awareness. If those things can be said to be true, can it not also be said that their sextile to the galactic center can bring us in contact with a new perspective, heretofore a mystery? Let’s watch the events, both personal and public in the next few weeks. It has been a long time since this aspect has taken place, and the concurrent events could have been a long time coming.

    Finally, Uranus will square the Galactic Center in the last week of March. This could be the kicker somehow. A square is an aspect of action taken to relieve stress. Uranus is all about doing that, about breaking things wide open. There could be some very interesting developments with this aspect. There is no predicting what they will be. One would be very surprised however, if they did not somehow involve some long term relationships, some surprising exchange and the extension of awareness into the previously unknown.”

    John Lennon wrote “God is a concept by which we measure our own pain”… it is in fact a great great song….


    I have read and re-read your final paragraphs of this mornings’ blog…Len….over and over …..as I have listened over and over to Lennon………and I have to say….. that the experience of Chironic awareness and Neptunian resistance … Aquarian style…. meeting in the mystery of the spiritual Sagittarean GC with a Uranian Piscean kicker… is the closest to an Astrological definition of God that I have ever truly experienced.

    Not to put too finer point on it like…. no pressure……!!

    I had the misfortune….many years ago…..to study for a degree in Psychology… Philosophy…. and Linguistics….. and there are Utilitarians and Existentialists everywhere…. who would die…… for an articulate approach such as this…..

    Julian Lennon tells a lovely story of how …in the midst of re-building a dysfunctional relationship with his dad….John said to him…”if ever anything happens to me…you will know that I am OK and talking to you….when you see a white feather”…….and that he Julian was presented with one such feather by an Aboriginal prince in Australia 10 years after John Lennon died.



  2. Be – thank you as always. The feeling i have been in touch with while writing these blogs lately is to not get breathless, not get ahead of ourselves, take one day at a time while keeping an eye on the long term outer planet transits. Each day, it seems holds aspects that build upon one another to such a degree that we might forget to keep our feet on the ground. As regards to the words “gravity” and “grave”, yes language has a deep intelligence doesn’t it? i would suggest that we balance with a measured dose of levity, if you will.

  3. Len,

    This is another breath-taking jewel of observation and thought. . . listen, I’m getting so excited about the upcoming weeks and months! It’s a real soap opera that makes you wonder what will happen tomorrow, you know?

    The relationship style of the opposition is much less threatening, I agree wholeheartedly, than with a square, or even sometimes a conjunction between astral bodies and points. At least it is once you accept that an exchange of some kind (ideas, words, peace pipe?) needs to take place. (Tell that to congress!)

    It is those outer planets and black holes and the like that are the most thrilling; I guess because of that mystery element you spoke of. I presume that gravity and grave have the same root meaning, and if so, should we maybe be looking for something weighty or something about death (and rebirth, hopefully) in the coming weeks?

    Louise Luna,

    Please keep your antenna up and in good working order, especially that last week of March; that bang to the left ear hurts just to read about!

  4. Ms. Luna, Thank you so very much for your cogent and erudite commentary. It’s cool that your ascendant is smack on my natal Mercury, less than three degrees past my natal Sun. You must be feeling Nessus too (albeit from a parallax perspective). We all look forward to your commentary participation in the future. Peace indeed.

  5. Dear Len: Thank you for today’s piece.

    Re: Pluto/Pisces – as you say there is no “traditional exaltation”, but in the Everyman theory, Pisces, being the last sign in the logic of stars, symbolically passes through the portal of death/rebirth, which of course Pluto, and in Capricorn, can easily feel comfortable in. Aries, being the infant, going on to Taurus the toddler, and so on reaches Pisces, where by then we hope, that with experience and knowledge we come to the level of Everyman. While this is a very basic approach, as no one is just their sun sign, it is the sun sign in my opinion that is the soul force. The leader of the parade so to speak.

    As to the black hole issue, Stephen Hawkings proved that while a black hole will suck in everything and anything that comes close to its rim, a positive proton has enough energy to elude it, while the negative proton falls in. Black holes also can fall in on themselves when the energy surrounding it starts to spin as such a rate that it just rotates until it explodes, which some believe is how the Big Bang happened.

    Lastly, thanks for the heads up on the Uranus square during the last week of March. If there is one thing I know about Uranus, and especially for those of us with a strong Aquarian placement (my 19 degrees Aquarian rising) anything can happen, and with shock value. It’s much like getting a bang on the ear from left field when you are looking at right field. I can hardly wait. Peace Be!

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