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Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric Francis

We’re putting the last touches on this week’s edition of Planet Waves Astrology News, our twice-weekly magazine containing astrology new, current events and horosocpes that is emailed to to subscribers each Tuesday and Friday.

Due to the nature of developments this week, we’re posting full coverage from the Friday edition to this space. That will be between 9:30 and 10 am, if everything goes well. We trust this will give you an idea of what we do and how we do it.

I have no background in macroeconomics, but I never let that kind of thing get in the way of journalism. I spent much of the week speaking and emailing with several of my clients and colleagues in the financial services sector, getting a grip on what happened the past five days and, as it turns out, the past nine years. This week’s events go back to the repeal of an important law — and a total solar eclipse — in 1999.

Stay tuned for part one of Full Moon Over Wall Street.

Yours & truly,

Eric Francis

PS, meanwhile, you may find this entertaining.

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