It’s In The Water

By Len Wallick

Today the waxing crescent Moon starts off in Pisces. Before the end of the day it will transit into Aries, setting off the cardinal points and drawing our attention once again to the long term cardinal point aspects.

Saturn is steadily back-tracking in the fourth degree of Libra, headed for Virgo and its penultimate opposition with Uranus this coming April. The ringed one is still in a functional sextile with Mars, reminding us to keep it real (but not mean). Also of note, Saturn has worked its way inside the degree Pluto occupies in Capricorn. The square of Saturn and Pluto remains functional for the remainder of this year and next. This “inside” position though seems intuitively to have given Saturn the greater leverage for the moment. This may coincide with a slowing down but not stopping the inevitable metamorphosis of the established order. In other words, take the short-term trends with a grain of salt.

Uranus and Jupiter are rolling down the Pisces runway at different speeds but will take off across the Aries point within ten days of each other and conjoin shortly thereafter for the third leg of the cardinal t-square along with Saturn, heading back to Libra by that time, and Pluto which will be right about where it is now due to retrograde early next June.

That’s the long term big picture. Today is a pretty big deal in and of itself, however, so let’s get back to that. The Sun crosses into the twenty-eighth degree of Aquarius, applying to an opposition with the hypothetical point Transpluto, in late Leo. Although the astrological community has not formed a firm consensus, Transpluto seems to carry the essence of a life’s journey from forming an identity in relationship to parents and immediate family through individuation, and finally a balanced re-integration with the family of humanity. After several weeks moving through the sign of the collective in loose opposition to retrograde Mars’ review of the Leo ego, this final opposition seems to be a fitting and well timed end to Sol’s Aquarian transit.

Finally, today’s big news aspect outshines the Sun figuratively and in a temporal sense, literally — Jupiter conjunct Venus in Pisces.

Literally because you will be able to see it. Once again, depending on the weather and your place on the Earth. If you have a good view to the west, watch the Sun go down. The closer you are to the equator, the faster the Sun will set and the less likely you will need binoculars to overcome the glare of the corona. Keeping those binoculars handy, check the area above and slightly to the left of where the disc has dipped below the horizon. Venus will be the brighter light, just below and to the left of Jupiter. Good luck, it should be a beautiful sight.

Figuratively because this is a rare astrological combination of planets and sign, like a flower it will be short-lived. A fact made all the more poignant by the nearly concurrent exactitude of the long, slow conjunction of Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius. So above all, appreciate the moment that is today and let today be a reminder to do that every day.

Let’s start off by looking at the sign Pisces, then the two conjoining planets and see what we can piece together in a meaningful way.

Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac currently in use in the western world. As such it represents the 12th house. The best definition of the twelfth house is that it defies easy definition. One could fairly say that it’s like the end of what could be described as a process or story. Because the zodiac is a continuum, however, there is no clearly defined end. The ending events are carried over and into the new cycle. Therefore, it would make just as much sense to say that the time before the beginning is actually the beginning. There is also a connection with really big mysteries like the ocean, outer space, the divine, and death. This would carry over to large institutions like the government, the health care system, and the prison system where an individual can be swallowed up and lost. On the flip side of being lost there is the choice of willful surrender to or fear of deep sleep, dreams and altered states of consciousness.

Pisces is also the house of paradox, collecting and condensing the experience of the previous eleven without resolving them. In fact, as a mutable sign, it dissolves them, breaking up the order formed by Capricorn and fixed by Aquarius so that a new beginning can be had. Finally, it is an emotional water sign, fittingly represented by two fish swimming in opposite directions.

Jupiter was the original ruler of Pisces. That makes sense. The majestic belongs with the grandeur. The mysterious belongs with the unassailable. It is the third brightest object in the night sky after the Moon and Venus. It is the largest planet in the solar system and its massive gravity has played a prominent role in keeping asteroids and comets away from our vicinity. It takes a little less than 12 years to go around the Sun and hence, the zodiac. In Greco-Roman mythology, it is the the founder, ruler and guardian of the pantheon of gods. In astrology it is referred to as a benefic, having to do with prosperity and good fortune. It is equivalent of a better, higher angel in its association with justice, good conscience and good faith. It has an expansive, magnifying quality that can go overboard into exaggeration.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus and Libra is what is known as exalted in Pisces. This is the next best thing to being a ruler. It means that the energy of the sign compliments and harmonizes with the planet and vice-versa. It also means that the positive aspects of the planet are emphasized. Also considered a benefic, in astrology Venus is associated with the feelings that bring people together. Taking about two-thirds of an earth year to go around the Sun, the last time she was in Pisces was in April of 2009 with a very different partner — Mars. That was a very personal transit.

Both Venus and Jupiter have a 12th house connection, Jupiter being the familiar and Venus the more arcane. All taken together: the sign, the house and the planets, the conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in Pisces would seem to be overwhelmingly positive. With two benefics in an emotional, dreamy sign, one Valentine’s Day extended and expanded outwards. Perhaps even more would be taking this aspect as an inspiration to be more considerate to each other as regards to the water we share.

The water on this planet is pretty much the same water that has been here for hundreds of millions of years. Some of the water that has gone through your body in your lifetime has also gone through mine. All water returns to the ocean, represented by Pisces, with a little piece of each of us, to begin again. Let’s be a little more careful about what we put in that water, in the ocean and in each others bodies. That would be the the most magnificent, harmonious and benefic way that all of us could take today’s brief transit and make it last.

Offered In Service.

9 thoughts on “It’s In The Water”

  1. Outside of this situation, I am spending a lot of time thinking about the different ways that men handle authority (perceived or active), and how that underwrites military, monastic and corporate orders. Your choice of deep pacifism in the face of aggression may have worked to keep you alive, but at what cost?

    There is a distinction to be made between, as my situation clearly reveals, clean anger and dirty dealing. It has been my unwillingness to acknowledge the reality of either of these that put the kiddo in the karmically-untenable position of a) lying to his Source, while b) carrying a dangerous vector in his body.

    The Source is not “me,” it is what my son used to procure an incarnation. The uncanny quality of building and birthing carnal envelopes has always produced a queasy, WTF awe in malekind. And that awe runs down two basic channels: into love and devotion; or into aggregating power.

    Okay, I’m gonna pipe down now, and get back to work. This is all part of the 4th Bobos essay on the Beloved – where it is as important to comprehend hatred as it to understand craving. Love feeds both.

  2. Startrek, I am sure this must seem weird to you, but it is important to realize that there are people in the world who are “against” whatever it is that you represent. My stupidity (well, oblivion) has been to think that it couldn’t possibly be someone with whom I’ve had a child.

    I was as angry as I have ever been. Ever. No doubt that energy has a murderous aura, but the thunder that follows the lightning has nothing to do with vengenance or violence.

    Forgivenness is a strange concept. I have long resisted it, but used it to some extent to meet your term and appease you. To “forgive” I would have to believe that there was something wrong with my life and that someone else “did” the wronging. I believe nothing of the kind.

    I observe, however, that my son’s physiology has been compromised, and he’s been told lying to me is appropriate in relation to health matters. These are not the actions of someone who likes, respects or is even neutral toward me.

    Awareness *is* love. And sometimes awareness says: Don’t be stupid. There is hatred in the room.

    What I do with that awareness is find the remedy to what has been done to my kid.

    Aspects: Natal Chiron in Aquarius (swimming through the Neptune viral haze) opposite Mars Rx in Leo. Revelation, healing, action.

  3. mystes, I am not liking what I am hearing or feeling, something is defintly wrong,
    you say you have forgiven this is not comming through as such, I feel there is still still much bitterness which should not be the case if the forgivness was truly soul centered.
    No do not treat anyone as an enemy or see how they may be feeling as negative , to envision this installs in us a negative reaction.
    I battled with my X early 1980 , she took every of mine she could (huge value) and worse poisoned the two boys against me, these two now late twenties I have no idea where they are or what they are doing, the pain and anger was endless for a long time.
    In the christain tradition we are taught to forgive our enemies, in more deeper traditions, in my case in the 1980’s it was the White Eagle teaching channeled through Grace Cook although I have moved on from this I learnt a huge amount, one was not to even think of the word hate, but most of all how to surround those who tresspased against us or have done us great wrong with strong white spiritual light, this took time but eventally I could feel a great lot lifted from my shoulders, and in recent years several close family have passed over one begins to realise the mortality of life and every moment has to be spent to the best advantage in each round.
    In my prevous blog I mentioned the unique experiences I am going through this I feel would not have been remotely possible if there was any feeling of discord toward another or any residue or baggage from negative past reactions, this has been a very difficult process and I feel by following the astrology over the last many years I learnt how to go with the flow to speak, yes it has been a sole process apart from two children I raised from dipers but now satisfied no one can possibly hate me as it would be disolved instantly.
    Don in Australia still very wet.

  4. Thanks, Patty… I looked up the oil pulling, will do what I can when the kiddo comes home later this week.

    I just needed to vent yesterday, realize it set up a weird resonance on this article, so I appreciate Len’s kindness and patience.

    Fe, it sounds like your New Year’s sweep has done it’s work. Your V-day is coming… no one who cooks like you do can beat them away for long.

    Startrek, this isn’t a matter of ‘forgivenness.’ He was forgiven a long time ago (hence the support for his health, Father’s Day presents, co-parenting, astrological help, etc. over the last 13 years). I’m learning to shake off my oblivion, and begin to understand that this is not a friend. He is and has been an enemy for many years, and it is time I begin to treat him in the way that he self-identifies. The very best I can do in this situation is to start respecting the *fact* that he hates and fears me.

    Reality is always good. No matter how unsavory or difficult its content.

  5. Thanks Len, much to absorb here, you have helped me in my transition which is not so easy at our age, my birthday very early hours friday here in Australia, still Aquariaus, I feel of the last few weeks like I am on an unknown planet as the past has gone into a very misty totally surreal very unerving situation where one has to try to restablish some sort of foothold or handle on everything that is appearing now, I am feeling some gratude to you ,Eric and Priya in helping me with this process.
    To the writer who is still having trouble with her X all I can say this was a huge process I went through as early as the 1980’s and the biggest lesson I had to learn was to forgive, this was not easy but I feel so many hold on to bitterness which in turn greatly hinders one’s own progress, through the 1990’s and early 2000’s I managed to totally forgive the many who had hurt me and move on, I feel that without the totally letting go of all the past I was able to embrace the huge gift of changes that that are being presented to us at this time.
    Yes the one who mentioned rain on the Eastern coast of Australia, this is the so called Sunshine Coast just north of Brisbane, rain you would not believe, thunder and lightning added to the mix.

  6. It has been pouring rain here on the east coast of Australia for the last 5 days – buckets and buckets – the most in one hit in a decade! Yee haw!

    And to continue the elemental Piscean theme….. at work I did a phone marathon and called 40 people in 6 hours. Why is this worthy of note on this topic?

    Because I work for a funeral company and I was contacting these folks to come collect their loved ones ASHES – some as old as 30 years ago and left in our closet to gather more dust.

    The epitome of ‘end of a cycle’ Piscean energy – for sure!

  7. Mystes – I hear you. Good thoughts are flowing like a river. have him do oil pulling – read at He will be well.

  8. I worked my ass off catering this weekend so I had only little chance for some love and affection, though I was pouring out the food like no one’s business.

    Nothing like the inspiration of love with Jup in Pisces to make for a feast. The baby portobello roasted garlic almond tart was unbelievable.

  9. Well, Luna on the Aries Point, eh… Great. It always feels like I get to experience lunar transits a day in advance.

    To wit: I just found out that my ex administered H1N1 vaccine (the *live* virus via nosespray in addition to the shot!) to my son behind my back — and not only without my consent, but after several days of reasoned discussion back in October about why that wasn’t a good idea.

    For one thing, I have saved *the ex’s* ass with the 5-root tea on a half-dozen occasions. He knows it is a formidable weapon, and he chose instead to a) lie to me, b) expose our son to live virus that was rush manufactured with a cancer-causing strand of DNA.

    Oh, and here is the final straw: the Ex is blaming our son, saying the 14 year old *made* this decision. Eh? The kid says, “well, we were already there, the doctor already had the spray and shot out, and then they asked me…”

    I can’t remember *ever* having been this enraged. He deliberately exposed our child to a dangerous vaccine that is currently under investigation by the EU Health Commission, and did it utterly without cause.

    I am really, really ready to see Neptune leave Aquarius…

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