By Len Wallick with Eric Francis
Yesterday was the Capricorn solstice (first day of winter in the Northern Hemisphere, first day of summer south of the equator). There were a lot of big aspects that day, particularly Jupiter making its last conjunction to Neptune in 14 years. It’s also the first solstice with Pluto in Capricorn. Coming down off those momentous events today heralds something more subtle but perhaps useful — the Sun and several minor planets in the degree of their respective signs.
For as long as astrology has been around one would think that there would be consensus on what the first degree means. That, however is not the case, leaving your sophomoric reporter to stick his neck out with some opinions of his own.
First, it’s either/or. Just as there is no such thing as a little bit pregnant, neither is there a little bit Capricorn. Just as Mercury stations on a dime, the cusp between signs is a razor’s edge, not some sort of gradient. The change is abrupt and total. Another observation is that the first degree of any sign exhibits a cardinal point quality, not just in the sense that the personal is political (as Eric has so often said) but also the idea of a reset, a new beginning in a new pattern. Finally, the first degree has a quality that ranges from refreshment to excitement, depending on who you are, and this can most often serve to awaken awareness.
With the Sun there is a 5th house quality of daring self expression, in the first degree of Capricorn, the key words might be structured use of creative energy.
Capricorn also implies a social role — a role in society, which all of us have, but few of us recognize.
For a few days things will seem to hang in the balance awakening us to the awareness that this is a turning point in the the cycle of darkness and light; we might be reassessing that role we don’t quite know we possess.
Ceres, now classified as a dwarf planet (making up about one third of the mass of the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter), concurrently finds itself in the first degree of Sagittarius (the sign just vacated by the Sun). It’s graphic representation (or glyph) is strikingly similar to Venus with the form of a sickle (used to gather the harvest represented by Ceres) replacing the circle in the upper part of the female gender symbol. Hence we have a decidedly female energy associated with harvest, nourishment and food.
With the Jupiter-colored energy of Sagittarius one can perhaps consider physical nourishment; but really Ceres in Sagittarius seems to be about spiritual nourishment. Also, after a couple months in Scorpio, one might expect a shift in how we connect to what we eat: we might be seeking a more enlightened view. With the recent, compromised conclusion of the UN Climate conference in Copenhagen, we could be thinking more and more globally about where our next meal is coming from: where as in, was your grape juice grown in Argentina? Did your Whopper come from Brazil?
Sagittarius is about where something happens — especially if it’s far away.
Believe it or not, there are even more planets in the first degrees of their signs, but to go there we must get a little more obscure. Note, some of the planets we’re about to mention are covered in a Planet Waves annual edition called Small World Stories.
Those eccentric, unstable, comet-like bodies now known as Centaur planets have, in Planet Waves, come to be associated with what Eric (borrowing from Carl Jung) has referred as shadow material. The community of minor planet astrologers is in agreement here. The first Centaur planet discovered was Chiron, who is about healing through the raising of awareness.
You know, bringing stuff from shadow to light. Shadow the collected baggage of our early knocks; what we deny about ourselves; the parts of us that are cast off or in conflict. There are three Centaurs currently in the first degree of signs, suggesting that they are working together as an influence to help us shift awareness. Can you spot that influence in your life? How do you want your change to come? ‘Out of nowhere’ or in a way that you have planned?
Finally, perhaps the most significant: asteroid Juno, one of the classical asteroids, has just arrived in Aries (and is on the Aries Point right now). She represents our ideas about marriage, whether true or not, which are now being transformed as she is in the first sign; and is square Pluto and the Sun — representing imminent change, from the inside.
She was Jupiter’s wife. As the protector of women and marriage, it was her unique irony to be betrothed to the most notorious of philanderers. She was known for her jealous rages which resulted in most of Jupiter’s lovers suffering an ignominious fate. When she finally found an attraction of her own (Narcissus) it was unrequited because he preferred to spend his time loving himself. The woman could not buy a break. However, if we look at this group of myths about marriage we will see that it’s precisely that.
In the first degree of the first sign (square to the Sun), there fresh start implied for all that Juno represents, if (and only if) she can reject the role of victim and the reflex of vengeance to find a new way to express her identity. But the thing is, that means she has to change; if we want our relationships to change, we must reject the role of victim. We do need a new story in our relationships.
Offered In Service
Thanks Patty!
I just came back here, not sure if you will ever check back, but your insights are very helpful. I have Chiron in Pisces in the 12th. I even asked for my life to give me a break, and looks like I’m being forced to learn how to ask for one from everyone. acceptance and forgiveness, ankles, breath, blood. It fits.
Thank you BK, the snow is pretty and the pooches love it, totally rolling in it, if I could upload some pics of them playing in it I would share! I shall be taking them out in it again later. It even brought the inner child out in me…must be that Leo rising,I built a snow man and have been playing, I couldn’t resist and we have to make the most of our days even if we are not were we thought we would be during this period.
Startrek, I forget Australia is in the heat of summer, sending you some snowflake magic your way, hope it cools a little soon or people realise that it’s too hot and they need to slow down a little.
Have a peaceful festive period and enjoy what it brings.
Len, that is fab! Thank you, it makes a lot sense with what is happening down here and what is happening up there in the sky.
Interesting comments but hey wait a minute, this is Australia, mars retragrade partially responsible to the snow falls!!!! wiping brow with the incredible heat down here, no snow, cant see any on the horizon weep weep.
I only wish there was some event to slow everyone down here like snowfalls , I miss snow as in my birth country (New Zealand).
In the last few days trying to catch up on last minute shopping in this high population area north of Brisbane, today was the extreme in madness with everyone in the shopping centres pushing and shoving to to get their expectations filled and on the roads extreme insanity!! where is it all heading???The heat?? no I dont think so as my experience of mental heat recording has not changed since I arrived here in the summer of 1990, back then and even further back there was a much more careing and slower pace with a very real spirit of christmas which I feel sadly is gone, where are we heading? is this materialism gone stupid,
Comments welcome.
Aussie Downunder.
You have received the message loud and clear. Not everybody, obviously, IS getting the message! Len has given you the multiple reasons for the slowdown, and you yourself recognize that people are trying to do too much in this season. We get so focused on the things we want to do and the things we (think we) have to do that it is insane sometimes.
I bet the snow is beautiful at your home and your friends and pooches might get some enjoyment from that. Mars is in dramatic Leo and it wouldn’t surprise me to learn that its retrograde is at least partly responsible for the incredible snows in your country and mine. Snow is fun for kids and Leo loves kids. Take those pooches out for a romp!
Len, you’re brilliant and so are you Patty. My dad was dyslexic when he was young, but he either grew out of it or overcame it. He was a voracious reader by the time I knew him. He was brilliant too!
Patty – thank you for your contributions today as well. Youu and BK make me look like a stiff by comparison.
spacesurfer – as to your “slow down question”. Well, of course there is Mercury stationing on Boxing Day. Right now its apparent motion is about as slow as it ever gets (third of a degree or so per day). Weather is a part of the synchronicity, obviously. Another part is the shift from Sagittarius to Capricorn energy as a dominant force in the Zodiac (especially considering that Saturn, so powerfully placed and aspected, is the ruler of Capricorn). Finally, even the apparent Sun has slowed down – for several days on either side of the solstice its trip across the sky seems pretty much the same as the day before. – how’s that?
I just wondered, is there anything in the sky that suggests a slow down quality and telling people to slow down or even trying to force people to slow down. The UK is experiencing some of the worst snow and ice in years, Preston the area I live in is covered and it is throwing more snow out of the sky as I type…for Preston to get a heavy snowfall the UK has to be bad as it is an area of the country that is protected geographically by other parts of the uk. I have lived in this area of the UK for 9 years now and have not seen anything like this. So the UK is seeing some of the worst snow and ice, the states is too I believe as I am in contact with a friend over there. It is also christmas approaching, everybody is usually rushing around like headless chickens this time of year, shopping for gifts, food, rushing to go on hols or traveling to be with other people, yet we have this weather at the mo that is almost like forcing us to slow down, we have no choice on that matter, the roads are risky to drive on, airports are having to close, trains are delayed. I just feel like something is saying “Woah, hold it there you are not going anywhere even if you want to!”. I have decided to go with the flow on this one, there are a lot of people out there who are not slowing down and there has been many bumps on the roads, breakdowns as everyone is still pushing to be somewhere else when maybe the better place to be is right where they were before they left the house. My plans were to be with my family on christmas day in London, but I am taking each day as it comes, monitoring the situation, it would be great if I could be with them but I know I will make it at some point during the holiday period, the weather will change. In the meantime christmas day is looking like it’ll be spent with my other family…housemates and pooches…this isn’t a bad alternative, it is also home!
Going with the flow
Nance, I have saturn in the 12th house in virgo, as does my friend. Our birthdates are two weeks apart and we are both Libra rising. That said, I have read that virgo in saturn on the 12th house can give one the appearance of not being as smart as the person really is. My friend is brilliant, but certainly can’t communicate clearly. He may be dyslexic. My eye doctor tells me I am dyslexic – i read the chart (and other things) backwards. This placement also causes problems with sex, due to the karmic nature. Virgo rules the reproductive organs. My friend and I share an identical history, both married many years to people with burdensome health problems that have gifted us with no sex life since 1994. We just discovered this in October. What a shock – not. It is the 12th house prison I guess. I’m happily married, and not at all afraid of doing the time. Sex is a problem, or I should say – the lack of sex is a problem, but one I’ve learned to live with. I’ve compensated for this in many ways, and so has my friend. Our lives are interesting and the envy of many. If they only knew?
Your prison is not going to look like my prison. Aquarius rules several body parts – ankles, breath, blood. You can become overly worried to the point of making yourself sick – and then you have all those planets too. I wonder if your Chiron is in Aquarius? If yes, then you really are in a learning curve aren’t you? It really is all about acceptance and forgiveness – certainly easier said than done. You probably know best what your lifetime challenges have been. I don’t think we should expect to be ill, but greeting a challenge with enthusiasm is the way to go. Go to the beach just before a hurricane and ride a big wave in – or something like that! Astound your family and friends with gusto.
Think of it this way, as a loving little spirit, you chose your life and your parents, so that you could learn the lesson that your life has provided. You’ve helped many others along the way, earning some golden stars I’m sure.
I’ve often said that I like Edgar Cayce – and what he says about saturn is that God likes people who want a second chance. He says saturn is our equivalent to purgatory. Do I believe that? You betcha.
It’s been quite a thrill, all these years. I’d only make a few decisions differently if I could do it all again. Those have to do with not getting mad about things that don’t matter.
I’d say saturn in the 12th during a transit can bring on some limitations. It is the time to raise awareness and not get so bogged down in heavy thoughts – take the bird’s eye view.
Saturn in the 12th in the birth sign is a different story, in my opinion – Pretend you are Audrey Hepburn is what my mother used to tell me when I was a teenager full on angst. LOL. It sort of works, because you need to be your own heroine at times – to rise above the chaos even when you are having a nervous breakdown.
You are the strong one, but all of those other planets are putting a wee bit of pressure on, and you are in need of a break!
Thank you, BK – you are a wonderful teacher.
BK – thanks so much for your insights, advice and blessings. Infinitely helpful.
Dear Nance,
My only thought is of your Saturn being smothered by Chiron, Neptune and Jupiter. As Saturn keeps us “in one piece”, that’s quite a blow to the body and mind. Since Mars has gone retro and Mercury in a few days will follow suite, there is a period of time to re-think and review any news, plans and fears associated with your health issue.
I recently read something in an article about the Full Moon in Gemini on Dec. 2, that you might appreciate. “. . Gemini reminds us not to grasp too tightly to one view of ourselves or a situation. That the mind plays tricks on us, and there’s always another angle to see from. Or something clicks into place, and everything changes.”
Take some time to consider other views and/or other diagnosis’ before making any final decisions. Chiron is trying to make you conscious of something and he wants you to become aware. It’s always best to listen to your body.
Bless you; I hope you get better and feel better soon!
This is all so true it hurts.
I have just been blindsided by a health issue. I am wondering about Patty’s assertion that Saturn in the 12th house affects health. I have Saturn in Aquarius, 12th house, 24 degrees.
Any thoughts?
Wow, that IS really odd.
I have been working on my own prayers, but much from my own set of beliefs rather than just praying to God. I find it works on a much more profound level as I have struggled for years on religion. (Taurus Sun in 9th house)
That Saturn placement at 29th, yeesh, no thanks. Whatever he is holding in has to come out. I am sure you encourage him in ways he doesn’t understand.
Much love and happiness
elle, Yes – the Aries friend is Libra rising at the 2nd degree. Odd how that works isn’t it? He’s having a rought time of it now, with all this astrology. He has saturn at 29 degrees of Virgo in the 12th house.
Sometimes when I start praying, the need comes to me and then i know how to pray. Seems like there are millions of people with no real voice – maybe they will be heard in the next few years.
Tropical signs are based on Earth’s tilted axis of rotation so that at one extreme of her orbit the north pole is tilted toward the sun and at the other extreme 180 degrees away the south pole is tilted toward the sun which is right now. The blue marble photo shows a slightly earlier time of year and all of Antarctica is illuminated. The equinoxes are square these two points and correspond to the sun shining directly down on Gaia’s equator.
The changing of the ages as in the Age of Aquarius and all that is due to the circle an imagined stick extending into space along Earth’s axis of rotation traces in the heavens over the course of around 26000 years. The North Star is only so for a few thousand years. North was once in the sign Draco. The equinoxes are always when the sun is conjunct in latitude the equator, but since there’s another circle in Gaia’s dance the equinox traces a counterclockwise path through the background stars that form the constellations used by sidereal astrologers like Vedic.
The first degree of Tropical Aries is the moment of the Aries Equinox, but the first degree of a sidereal system is usually a bright star in Taurus whose name I forget (Aldeberan?) or one in Virgo that I think is called Spica. So in those systems the first degree of Aries is measured in degrees from the root star in the sidereal zodiac and has no relationship to the seasons. This would be a lot easier to illustrate with 3 dimensional props.
Another thing I think is really interesting is that this Libra Man is all about shadow. He spends so much time working on and in the shadows, especially with his photography that I think he is almost afraid of the light.
Patty – !!!!!
You just totally spoke of something that I have been recently thinking about in regards to my own beloved and he is a Libra with Aries Rising.
Spot on work Len and Eric. Thanks!
This piece was truly accessible to me as well….straight into something that happened recently that I don’t understand, but which I’m starting to understand. I prayed today for someone I love who is a fabulous artist, but who cannot express himself verbally or in writing. When I prayed that his voice be as brilliant as his fingertips, I got that startling vibration that overpowers and lifts and I knew the prayer was correctly identifying his greatest need – to be understood – the prayer was answered. A lot of people go through life unable to communicate. I’ll be shocked if there isn’t a real change in him immediately. I’m speaking of an Aries man.
LindaGM – Thank you for your kind words. Thank you for sharing your solstice experience. It is important to resonate with others. To think that we resonated with someone on the other side of the solstice is gratifying and more encouraging than you can possibly know. Service is the motivation, the calling, but it’s not as easy as it seemed it would be.
My friends, as always, I think I’m busy just experiencing the astrology. No time for story*; but I have just caught myself about to “give away” that which is rightly mine to hold and for my own source and power in the world. Oh it’s to be shared, but on my terms on my turf.
Sounds like this Piscean understanding the power within differently such that relationship (outside) shifts. Hm. I’m intrigued, enthused, and reminded to stay present.
*computer logging off.
” Finally, the first degree has a quality that ranges from refreshment to excitement, depending on who you are, and this can most often serve to awaken awareness.
With the Sun there is a 5th house quality of daring self expression, in the first degree of Capricorn, the key words might be structured use of creative energy. Capricorn also implies a social role — a role in society, which all of us have, but few of us recognize.
For a few days things will seem to hang in the balance awakening us to the awareness that this is a turning point in the the cycle of darkness and light; we might be reassessing that role we don’t quite know we possess. ”
L & E,
Firstly, IMO, this is one of your most ‘accessible’ pieces. It doesn’t tie influences into a neat package but sure served as a cosmic trigger as I read it. So many of your descriptions in the macro are happening on the ground in my orb of influence. I offer the following experience as witness to this hologram of wholeness:
Last night (Summer solstice) at 6pm in Sydney, I held a drop-in meditation practice at the Buddhist Centre. Although I have been holding this practice every Tuesday for almost 6 years, last night was unique.
Firstly, as the longest day of the year, the light had a special quality and to honor this I opened all curtains in the shrine room as wide as possible to let it flood in. After offering the sacred fire, air and water at the shrine, sunbeams pierced the wafting incense and illuminated the person-sized Buddha sitting in the noble posture of enlightened humanity.
It was good sized group that gathered and the practice was palpably powerful. I felt peace descend, the space open and we were all together, linked in the clear light of awareness. The energy we were witnessing/generating was much, much greater than the sum of its parts.
We were whole, healed, divine beings dancing the world – holding it together while simultaneously dissolving all our concepts of separateness and obstacles.
It is indeed a powerful moment to be human.
Now read this again:
” Finally, the first degree has a quality that ranges from refreshment to excitement, depending on who you are, and this can most often serve to awaken awareness.
With the Sun there is a 5th house quality of daring self expression, in the first degree of Capricorn, the key words might be structured use of creative energy. Capricorn also implies a social role — a role in society, which all of us have, but few of us recognize.
For a few days things will seem to hang in the balance awakening us to the awareness that this is a turning point in the the cycle of darkness and light; we might be reassessing that role we don’t quite know we possess. ”
Yours in the dharma,
I’m hoping with her return to Aries, Juno, poor girl, will be able to buy a break. Might not the emphasis be on the “self” for a while? Maybe not so completely narcissistic, but a little less “we” and a little more “me”? A little less “doormat” and a little more “ring my chime”? A little less “fair and equal” and a little more “what’s in it for me”?
Here’s to you Ms Juno. Good tidings.
I am still not sure how accessible this piece is, but I did my best. Thanks for the foundation to work with.
One point I would add: the signs are clear divisions; the houses are not. The houses transition with gradients and are active up to five degrees before the next house begins. Something at the ‘end of the 7th house’ will behave like the 8th or a morph of 7th/8th. This is from Lilly, who gives his five degree rule; and also note that there are house systems that all differ a little, but the signs are the signs, firm and clear in their measurement (which is based on the Sun’s angle to the Earth). Now — would someone like to have a gander at explaining what the TROPICAL SIGNS are? Clue — the winter solstice is in the picture, as is the Tropic of Capricorn.
Thank you, Eric. Once again you provide a generous insight into how good you really are.