Welcome to the Black Rock Diner

Black Rock Diner at Burning Man 2009. Photo by Eric Francis.
Black Rock Diner at Burning Man 2009. Photo by Eric Francis.

One of the traditions of Burning Man is you do something extravagant and give it away free. There is a ban on selling anything, so whatever you bring is going to be a gift to the community. The Black Rock Diner served free grilled cheese, nearly around the clock, for a week. The mood inside was like a lounge, mellow and inviting. There was a deejay in one room of the diner and a hang-out area with a massage table on another room. Imagine it’s 4 am, you’ve wandered off the playa at the tail end of a night tripping and dancing, and you find this oasis of food and calm. Other camps served free drinks or coffee; offered free bicycle repair; teeshirt decoration with a spin art machine; and Poly Paradise, where I was staying, offered daily talks every morning (called Poly High Tea) and then, each afternoon, the Human Carcass Wash, where you could get a free shower, ably asssisted by people with squirt guns and soap.

1 thought on “Welcome to the Black Rock Diner”

  1. Ceres in Libra (Libre’ De Frommage!) or Mars in Cancer (curds, hold the whey and burn it!)? Love the sign!

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