Neither rain nor snow

Volunteer workers from the 89412 post office arrive at Poly Paradise, 4:30 and Chaos, with the morning mail. Photo by Eric Francis.
Volunteer workers from the 89412 post office arrive at Poly Paradise, 4:30 and Chaos, with the morning mail. Photo by Eric Francis.

Burning Man’s image as the sex- and drug-crazed capital of existence somehow blends with the notion of an all-volunteer, efficient and lawful post office. Here, two letter carriers show up with mail for Poly Paradise residents. One of the things that makes Burning Man such an interesting environment is the fusion of individual responsibility, community service and pushing limits. We take care of one another and we take care of ourselves align more closely here than many other places, and Black Rock City seems to be a kind of cultural incubator for the idea of affirmative exchange.

2 thoughts on “Neither rain nor snow”

  1. Yes indeed, Shanna, this fits the Moon having moved into Taurus this morning. Feet on the ground. Neither sand, nor sun nor lack of water shall stay these faithful messengers from their appointed rounds. While it fits to get real today, please be gentle with yourself and each other. Take the time to feel the earth and partake of its bounty.

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