1 thought on “Secrets of the Sphinx…”

  1. “Is it possible that Leo represents the feminine aspect of the solar, which one of my readers pointed out is an archetype that is barely recognized by any culture? With the tarot image of spreading the vulva (a posture called anaserma, in Greek, which is the explicit revealing of the sexual nature or body), we have both a key to the goddess, and a depiction of what female sexual and creative self-mastery might look like.”

    This is beautiful, and calls me to locate my inner Lioness. In my 20’s, I had a series of dreams where I was being chased by a mountain lion. When it caught me, I would wake up in sheer ecstasy.

    The lioness owns her power, and is not afraid to use it. Her power is innate, congruent with her whole being.

    I have attended a number of workshops with a yoga master named Angela Farmer. She is a Leo (turning 71 this year), and she embodies this kind of lioness/goddess energy. She has a wonderful DVD called ‘The Feminine Unfolding’ – a beautiful exploration into her style of yoga that embraces the feminine, and encourages practitioners to embody the goddess. Worth tracking down if you are interested.

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