Leo New Moon: The Holistic Sense of Self

Dear Friend and Reader:

It’s a pleasure to be able to write about a solar-lunar event that is not an eclipse, or something sitting on the Aries Point. That has been the story behind every New Moon or Full Moon so far this summer. With the Leo New Moon of Aug. 20, we close the book on those events and move on to new territory.

This New Moon, placed at 27+ Leo, happens in the last few days before the Sun ingresses Virgo and (in the Northern Hemisphere) the summer season begins to disseminate into the autumn. This is one of the most palpable sign changes of the Sun that I’ve ever felt; sometimes it seems as if the Sun actually appears different between its time in Leo and its time in Virgo. The rays seem softer, almost like they are coming through a wicker screen some days.

We’re not quite there yet. First we have the Sun-Moon conjunction, or the Leo New Moon. This is a pretty interesting piece of astrological work: the conjunction is opposite to within one degree where the Jupiter-Chiron-Neptune conjunction happened this past spring. All those planets are now retrograde, and the conjunction has fanned out a few degrees earlier. Over the weekend the Sun opposed each of them, one at a time. The New Moon later in the week reminds us of their influence when we combine them into one focused ray of light…

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