Astrology Today: The Oracle for Monday, August 17, 2009

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Sagittarius weekly of April 2, 2004

The Oracle.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

You are likely to be feeling antagonised by someone who neither understands your feelings nor respects your views — and this may be someone you presently call a friend or lover. Pay attention and you’ll notice someone else on the scene, someone from the past, who possesses and displays considerably more respect for you. But it would seem that for whatever reason you don’t quite trust them. I suggest you get clear on who you call a friend and why. One excuse that keeps coming up is that you trust stability, but are the people you wind up trusting actually stable? There are greater virtues in life.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. The Oracle is a divination tool like tarot cards, and also can be used to research any horoscope for the past 10 years. It is available to subscribers of Planet Waves Astrology News in all its working glory. This is a brilliant piece of programming combined with a full decade of Eric’s writing — when you have a question, it really works (as long as you’re sincere), and we know that you’ll love it. Sign up to discover how and why. Or enjoy one selection free here every day.)

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