Heather Fae in the 12th House

This photo is taken in a specially constructed mirror sculpture, made with sheets of mirror glass and duct tape. After we finished the session, we stepped out of the room to get something to drink, and the whole thing collapsed with a crash. Photo for Book of Blue by Eric Francis.
This photo is taken in a specially constructed mirror sculpture, made with sheets of mirror glass and duct tape. After we finished the session, we stepped out of the room to get something to drink, and the whole thing collapsed with a crash. Photo for Book of Blue by Eric Francis.

14 thoughts on “Heather Fae in the 12th House”

  1. Well, I found the point in me of sobriety, piece of cake. I can zen out while the fog lifts, but on the seventh day while clarity and functionability are coming on strong, I feel bound to abstinence and break that bind by re-fogging. (Seven days is actually an accomplishment, as I probably haven’t gone that long in the last 17 years, add 4 more years to that, 2/3 of my life, and we have the total length of usage.) So I come up with this free-to-bind program which is more like a glitch/scratch on the record.

    Trees are my zen buddies. They seem to have this direct connection to understanding or wisdom. I kick it with them quite a bit but haven’t been able to maintain the states I reach with them. As if I truly haven’t tuned to their vibe.

    I’m a bit cloudy right now, as I had annihilated myself this weekend.

    It all seems to be directly related, personally/socially, micro/macro,… I can almost collapse the poles, but not quite, and the wheel spins a little faster and I lose balance, and the process starts over again. I feel as if I’m missing a fundamental key, and I’ve a feeling it’s so simple I’m overlooking it.

    That’s about as good as my head can get right now.


  2. Okay Jere, let’s take these one at a time – and I really need more information, so please try to expand (ask a Sagg to expand… look out now!) in a way that let’s me actually *see* where you are…

    >how does one escape the reality bounds that play deep cortex?

    I hear: how do I escape the reality imposed by the structures of the cortex (deep? meaning the hippocampus, etc? ) Is that close to what you are asking?

    >What’s that binding constituency that arbors faire.

    Harbors air? Are bores fair? Zplainme’lo, Lucy…

    >Where does one truly connect, through, within the chart (natal) to their “gifts, karma, shit”

    On your birthday, to begin with. But since we are at the day of the Full, pulling all of the Sagg energy through into this hothot Gemini space, we’re halfway around the calendar from that point. Hmm… Jere, are you having a little half-year shake-down? I do every year around Capricorn.

    But to get back to the question. Fire trine? And what have you got sitting on 21 Scorpio?

    More information, please.


    Auntie M

  3. Eric, thank you and certainly we have each lived through various levels of hell on the level of form. Some of the people who write into this blog seem to know the difference, and I do ask forgiveness from those who don’t.

    I recently listened to a Christian minister say “God doesn’t do fear,” which I thought was astounding to say the least. Understanding that God didn’t cause the holocaust might help someone.

  4. Patty, if you lived through the Holocaust, you would probably not be saying it’s an illusion, or a fiction as you call it. Not everything is ‘real’ to entities on different dimension of existence. Does a strand of measles virus worry about the United Nations? But both are real, relative to themselves and any peers who might be affected by their existence.

    A homeopath and a conventional doctor would treat measles two different ways, addressing different aspects of the situation; an energy healer would use other methods. But as far as my spiritual training is concerned, you don’t say to someone suffering that “your suffering is an illusion.” Certainly, their pain is real to them.

    Rather, one would hold space, and then work with the person using a modality appropriate to their training and the situation. Taking global suffering as ‘high theory’ is not going to help us get out of it. What I find is that when there is a dwelling on pain and suffering, it’s often reasonably safe and fairly easy to lead people to someplace closer to self-acceptance, love and freedom. In working with a client I will not say, “What you are experiencing is not real.” But I might say, “Let’s come up with another way to look at this.”


  5. evil – fear, same thing. Evil might be too strong a word – but what fear trumps up for some souls is surely evil, else how did we think up the holocaust and starvation at the genocidal level, the bomb, ‘climate change’ and who knows what other horrors. It’s all a fiction.

    Love reveals all, and conquers all. So conquer is also too strong a word, so perhaps better stated that love is light as fear is dark and where there is loving light, the darkness is revealed to be nothing. It just disappears and never was, and never will be.

  6. Hey Patty, I had forgotten about unconsciousness being parsed as ‘evil’ – and yeah, it (whatever “it” is exactly, a discussion in itself) – let’s call it ‘primordial fear’ is certainly here before we take on the identity suit. It’s a big old messy ball o’ unredeemed energy, that’s for sure. I can understand why anyone would look to Jesus or Buddha or Mataji or the Cookie Monster to unclog the damn thing.

    But the thing is, they can’t. Each incarnation has its own weentsy little God-trigger; finding it is half the fun (the other half is hitting that puppy – again and again!).

    Unconscious is just that. All of the stuff we keep on the other side of the “merely conscious me.” While damn scary every now and then, I doubt the unconscious categorically evil.

    There are special agents, of course. But we use the Really Big Kiss for those uh, beings.

    And Anna of the T-tribe (good blood, better bones…)

    “this bobo thanks you again for wisdom you shed! xxxa”

    Pftt, Lovergirl… >Insert Chip and Dale routine here: After you, my dear… Oh no, I shan’t… After *you*… No, really, you! I simply couldn’t, you first… <

    And so on.


  7. Amen Mystes,

    I get a little twerked now and then when someone comes along and preaches it is their way or the highway, and that we are all fucked up but if we follow their lead we will be fine, only they are preaching about how much they hate General Motors and the President or whatever and that we should be ashamed for having the good fortune to born in America. The life story was written before we arrived, and even as the cells split that first time in our mama’s womb, evil was present. We are not born into innocence at all, but we can become innocent.

    Love is the conquering hero. Maybe understanding love is a sagitarrius thing more than Pisces, after all. Pisces can fall into the martyr trap, which causes a lot of unneccesary death to others by association (age of Pisces guilt and shame). Sag has an innocence about it, and it is after all where the GC is located. It is the spiritual quest, but in past associations like during crusades and witch burnings, and the war on terror, the quest was misguided.

    The next few years should reveal a lot.

    EF, the writing has been very interesting the last few week…..and provoking.

  8. JL, by ‘shelling out’ I’m invoking an old programming term. Means go to another level in order to get a more comprehensive take on the system – to see if you can catch a glimpse of where it is grinding.

    In yogic terms, it’s ‘Vairag’ detachment + ‘Viveka’ discernment. The reason I don’t generally suggest this as the first remedy is because sometimes we become entranced at the point of the grind – as EF mentions in his article on Xibalba – fascinated by our attachments to misery, as though they are prizewinning cows.

    The “I am an addict” cow, the “I have writers block” cow, or the ever-popular “nobody-loves-me” cow.

    “You” got nothing. It’s all in the machine, Jere. The mysti-machine goes on, for example, eternal-returningly running all of its little subroutines. We are here to tweak a few sensitive moments, gently recalibrate the thing to make and give more love. You can’t do that effectively if you overidentify with the J-story. That. Story. Doesn’t. Belong. To. You. Nor do you belong to it. When you really get this, freedom stops being theoretical, or something that you expect for or from others.

    The machines are always going to behave like machines. Thrice-great Hermes gave us a round number: one in five of us are capable of unforgetting our Origin (I’m not talking about a timeline, dude). The rest are pretty much automata. Smile and nod, and realize that they can be Cheneyesque in their unconsciousness, that is, dangerous as hell.

    Ya feel me yet?

    Spin down.



  9. “Shelling out”, what do you mean? I’m pretty damned disengaged from reality in the massive sense. I’ve seen the brightness of individual. I exist it when I’m not funked. I also watch it pass by in others, and their “reactions” to stimuli,…. it hurts when they hurt. It’s so easy sometimes to see where one needs to lean… No understanding. I try my best to respect them though.

    I’ve actually a pretty kick-ass sextile to my chiron/aries 24, and Jup. 15 rx,… That’s the top-o the chart. This shit aint goin’ away…. I’ve a perfect grand fire trine to boot, and a node at 21 Scorp. This shit WILL work through. I’m just trying to become aware enough to Understand it.

    I imagine I could slip out of a bit of the focus… it couldn’t hurt, time’s a joke…..


    The body-mind, or Heart-mind… that’s the structure I’m intimising with.

  10. Jere…

    Sounds as though Chiron has you (Sagg ecstatic that you are) in his embrace. You might consider ‘shelling out’ of that level a little bit. I normally don’t recommend ‘detachment’ without lots of prep, but in your case, it might work just fine.

    Listen: you are not this story. You are *not* that story. The story of ‘Jere and his F’dU, wonderful life’ was there before you arrived, will continue to play long after you have slipped into another ID-system called a life. It isn’t merely a construct, it is an actual, functioning, internally-consistent mechanism. You are *visiting* it, babe.

    Remember the feeling of ‘just arrival’? When you walk through the door and everybody is stoked to see you? Approach ‘your life’ (it is not “yours” you know, it belongs to the Black – who is paying you to dream there) as the curious, beautiful, strange, artwork that it is. Remember (or know for the first time – over and over again) that the only real thing you can do with that lifetime is inseminate it with little love bombs.

    Emphasis on love. Not so much on bombs.

    I’ll back you up.


  11. Ok, so how does one escape the reality bounds that play deep cortex? What’s that binding constituency that arbors faire. Where does one truly connect, through, within the chart (natal) to their “gifts, karma, shit” it’s all a roll of the cosmic dice but, I’ve played with time man,… some wicked shit.

    Questions for anyone, and definitely me in that particularly fucked up state of being.

    (I think it’s a lesson in fast track transit.)

    “As long as we can chill through the shit, we’re cool.”

    “Of course, I could be totally wrong, we’re dead next week, LIFE implodes, soap operas overrun our reality and we suffocate on our own breath. Shit, that sucks!”


    There’s gotta be a better way….

    smiles, and peace…. maybe?…

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