Astrology Today: The Oracle for Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Today’s Oracle takes us to the Cancer weekly of Feb. 22, 2008

The Oracle.
Photo by Danielle Voirin.

You’re likely to have experienced a breakthrough of some kind relating to an idea you’re developing. Since I am a writer, I’m hesitant to say that it involves writing, but that’s what the astrology says. Anyway, writing is not just for writers. It is one of the best ways to focus your mind, figure out what you’re thinking and evolve your ideas by one or two orders of magnitude. It also happens to be an excellent way to relate to the people around you. I suggest you take this thing that’s burning a hole in your mind and work on it for six months straight. Work at it every day, even if on certain days, you only have time to devote a single word to the effort. What you have is an opening. Now you can, if you want or more likely, if you must, go through that opening. Don’t plan — just feel, and write.

(The Daily Oracle is a random selection from one of 10,000 Eric Francis horoscopes. The Oracle is a divination tool like tarot cards, and also can be used to research any horoscope for the past 10 years. It is available to subscribers of Planet Waves Astrology News in all its working glory. This is a brilliant piece of programming combined with a full decade of Eric’s writing — when you have a question, it really works (as long as you’re sincere), and we know that you’ll love it. Sign up to discover how and why. Or enjoy one selection free here every day.)

4 thoughts on “Astrology Today: The Oracle for Tuesday, June 9, 2009”

  1. Hey Jlo, 6 months is how long I’ve given myself to hold the job I’m currently on. But now I’m down to one day at a time. I really hate this job and I hate most of the people. A few days ago I hated all of the people. I was even ready to meet you at your flower box corner to share a smoke, and I haven’t smoked since 1984.

    Don’t know why I got the job – it came to me, and I wasn’t looking for a job. I prayed about it and the answer was ‘because they need love’. So here I go each day trying to show some love and forgiveness to a group of real back-biting, mean-hearted, evil (or fearful) old nags and bags. The only one I liked immediately was someone who said his name was Buck, followed by a warning to not try to say it while drinking.

    One thing about it, I won’t be sorry about being retired when my sentence is up, but in the meantime, these dears who don’t know they are dear need to experience a thing or two about spirit and grace. Grace is what you have Jlo – look inside yourself to see it.

    Mystes I tried to read your article yesterday and the link didn’t work, but I’ll look again today. I know it is awesome…

  2. J. Six months. You can work this one out… well, maybe not in California where there is only one season. Who you are in sunshine surrounded by greenery is very different from You who shows up for freezing rain and longer nights. Each of you validates the other. You’re Other in *space,* not only time.

    Shiva’s Headband (Austin’s answer to the Grateful Dead) sang:

    “I’m a wave upon the ocean
    I’m a little ripple on the sea(ohbaby look at mehee!)

    Don’t you get no crazy notion (nonono)
    You know you’re very much like me.

    I looked out to the ocean and I’m gonna tell you what I see
    (tell me what you see in the sea, bro?)
    Out in the far far distance, I spotted the back of me!

    “Well I’m a wave upon the ocean… ”

    That ‘far far distance’ is the other side of the year.


  3. What, cosmically, is up with six months? Lately, I attempted to drop vices in order to celebrate my birthday, six months off. (Or something like that)

    During “Bowling for Columbine”, Trey Parker of “South Park” in an interview with Michael Moore, regarding advice he would have given those kids was “Six months man, wait six months, see how it is after that time frame”, (and that’s my memorial rendition)… I’ve also been told “Six months sans drinking”. Six months, at a time (3 1/2 years later) is how I’ve been able to get over the loss of my 6 1/2 year old daughter. Always, 6 months. What is that? To me it’s the kick-ass time to switch, something… always the other side….

  4. ” I suggest you take this thing that’s burning a hole in your mind and work on it for six months straight.”

    Sweet! You wrote this Cancerian oracle during my ‘fateful week’ last year (a game-changer of lifelong proportions), and what is coming down this month is a direct result of the events that transpired during that period. So, yeah, six months here, six months there…

    Mercury (7th house in my chart) and I are churning along, up to my elbows in foaming speech.

    Swimming faster than the Flow,


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