Nuclear Astrology and the Gemini New Moon

Dear Friend and Reader:

Eric Francis

Planet Waves Radio will be webcast tonight, Tuesday, May 26 at 10 PM ET on Blog Talk Radio. Over the past few days, it’s come out that North Korea has tested a nuclear bomb and a few short-range missiles. This plays into a chart called the Nuclear Axis, which is the mother of all nuclear horoscopes. I covered this today in my daily edition, which you can read for an introduction to the topic. In the second half of the program I’ll be taking some listeners’ questions about your personal astrology — if you want to get on the air, please call in early!

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

1 thought on “Nuclear Astrology and the Gemini New Moon”

  1. My Ascendant is Gemini 18. Perhapsy this is why I have such a love of apocalyptic fiction! LOL.

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