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I was turned on to Planet Waves by Carolyn Baker via Maurice Fernandez’ Evolutionary Astrology website in 2005. I have been a comp subscriber since then and a paid subscriber to Spiral Doors, the Compersion series, and the Mars Calling project. I feel what I have paid for is really in return for the comp subscription I have had for the last two and a half years I have been a college student. The rest is just an amazing bonus worth much more than the dollar value. Planet Waves is a place to ask the questions you might be afraid to ask of others because those questions may form barriers or a create a distance from those we think we are close to. PW is a place to share astrological ideas and test social and sexual theories experientially or vicariously. PW is a safe place to try something we may not be and a safe place to say so. PW is a place to read reflections of our shared selves. PW is an abundant resource for astrology, sexuality, spirituality, community, politics, environment, health, and the arts.
Best, Chad Townsend
Tucson, Arizona
Dear Friend and Reader:
Ah, it’s the weekend!
Looking over the minor aspects, it seems there’s a lot going on over Saturday and Sunday. Today Pluto (moving retrograde) enters Sagittarius for the last time of this 250 year cycle. It will remain there until Nov. 26, when it returns to Capricorn to stay until 2023.
Eric describes Pluto in Sagittarius as having a psychological affect. The combination of the two is quite potent, as Pluto can be fixated and articulate Sagittarius is often connected to religion. For a more complete description, read “Neptune and Aquarius Rant” below.
And, as always, we have the daily aspects and the Oracle.
Enjoy the weekend,
Rachel Asher
Neptune in Aquarius Rant
May 28, 2004, London, England
Aquarius is the sign of “isms” that exist as fixed patterns or what I call standing waves in society. Republicanism is a good example; fundamentalism; science; the political system itself. And with Neptune in Aquarius, there is a message to look at the extent to which we are a culture that is all about drugs and drug-like energies, including religion.
Now, I’m certain most astrology students are thinking at this moment: this sounds like it has something to do with Pluto in Sagittarius. Yes it does, because Pluto, which represents obsession, mass consciousness and the focus of evolutionary process, is moving through a sign that has a lot to do with religion and ideas, Sagittarius. The two placements are quite analogous, but one seems to be a yin energy system (Neptune in Aquarius) and the other a yang system (Pluto in Sagittarius). Sagittarius is like the brother of Aquarius: exactly the same and completely different, as brothers often are.
The rise of intense ideologies was promised to us at the beginning of the Pluto in Sagittarius transit in the mid-1990s, and now we’re seeing the full expression of that in the form of the Islamic world in a war with the Christian world (stick a lot of quote marks around Islamic and Christian please, because both sides are faking it and using their religion as ideological garb — advertising and packaging — to justify their existence). There is a relationship between the processes of Neptune and Pluto in their respective signs; they are working together, with Neptune in Aquarius acting like a drug that makes people sleepy or highly unrealistic and Pluto in Sagittarius doing the psychic surgery: adding very specific ideas that can be extremely destructive if taken unquestioned.
Both Pluto and Neptune tend to work unconsciously, that is, with effects, but beneath awareness — until we become aware of them, a task with which astrology itself can be enormously helpful. This has been fairly easy with Pluto in the fiery, expressive sign Sagittarius. Yet Neptune is particularly insidious in this respect — that’s why Dave Arner suggested I write the meanings of Neptune on the wall of my studio. I have spent long sessions looking at many client’s charts and only at the end noticed that something extremely interesting was happening Neptune-wise; but I could not see it or did not notice. I’ve noticed no other planet behave in this strange way, going so far as to vanish from perception and reappear.
Subscribers to Planet Waves Astrology News can read the full article here. It’s a good one, definitely worth checking out.
Saturday 14 June 2008
Mercury (14+ Gemini Rx) opposite Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Ceres (1+ Cancer) square M87 (1+ Libra)
Pluto (0 Capricorn Rx) square Aries Point (0 Aries)
Pluto enters Sagittarius (retrograde)
Venus (24+ Gemini) semisquare Pallas (9+ Taurus)
Sun (23+ Gemini) sextile 1992 QB1 (23+ Aries)
Juno (21+ Sagittarius Rx) trine Eris (21+ Aries)
Vesta (24+ Aries) sextile Neptune (24+ Aquarius Rx)
Sun (24+ Gemini) trine Neptune (24+ Aquarius Rx)
Sun (24+ Gemini) sesquiquadrate Pandora (9+ Scorpio Rx)
Sunday 15 June 2008
Saturn (3+ Virgo) square Hylonome (3+ Sagittarius Rx)
Amor (18+ Taurus) sextile Varuna (18+ Cancer)
Eros (3+ Cancer) quincunx Hylonome (3+ Sagittarius Rx)
Eros (3+ Cancer) sextile Saturn (3+ Virgo)
Asbolus (6+ Taurus) quintile Varuna (18+ Cancer)
Sun (24+ Gemini) sextile Vesta (24+ Aries)
Mars (20+ Leo) quincunx Jupiter (20+ Capricorn Rx)
Juno (21+ Sagittarius Rx) sesquiquadrate Asbolus (6+ Taurus)
Eros (3+ Cancer) semisquare Amor (18+ Taurus)
Eros (3+ Cancer) quintile Eris (21+ Aries)
Eros (3+ Cancer) conjunct Kronos (3+ Cancer)
Arachne (2+ Libra) quintile Great Attractor (14+ Sagittarius)
Venus (26+ Gemini) opposite Galactic Center (26+ Sagittarius)
Venus (27+ Gemini) conjunct Hades (27+ Gemini)
Today’s Oracle takes us to Dec 19, 2003 – Libra – Weekly
The Sun changing signs later this week to Capricorn will help take some of the pressure off and entice you to feel a little more secure in your position. That you have set things up so well is the result of careful planning, conscious choices, and, as you’re now experiencing, continuous review. But don’t get too carried away going over the past. It is what it is, and the more obvious lessons are the more important ones, anyway. This is actually one of the more stable times in your life, and you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. Have confidence in that. You really have whatever it takes.