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Dear Friend and Reader:
The astrology of May is some of the most unusual of our lifetimes, and this time will stand apart in history from any we have known. It’s also gentle arrangement, working primarily on the level of awareness rather than of physical events. Involved primarily are Chiron and Neptune in Aquarius, which have been building toward a conjunction for many years.
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Eric, early in the 21st century, one day last week. Photo by iMac.
Neptune arrived in Aquarius in 1998 and faster moving Chiron arrived in 2005. As Barbara Hand Clow explained, Chiron and Neptune work together like the opposite ends of a funnel; Neptune is the wide end, and Chiron is the narrow end. Chiron focuses the watery, misty and difficult to perceive energy of Neptune, and (as it so often does) makes the qualities of the outer planets useful and accessible. There are two sides to Chiron aspecting Neptune: one is seeing the rampant deception that we have been subjected to since Neptune entered the sign of the collective, Aquarius; and also seeing how far we have come as spiritual seekers.
There is a lot in this configuration about discovering how much we have learned, and taking in what our more perceptive senses have to say to us. Later in the month, this conjunction is joined by Jupiter. Chiron to Jupiter grounds the questing spirit of Jupiter in a focused, useful way. Part of Jupiter’s problem is that it can be all promise and no action; Chiron becomes the working end of the equation, focusing the journey to knowledge, to truth and to love as a practical endeavor, ever mindful of the problems of idealism.
Allow the world to take on a transparent quality; see through the unnecessary, torturous maze of ego and remember that each of us is capable of expressing who we came here to be. Certainly you are feeling this potential, and it’s more than spring in the air. We each get there differently. In the immortal words of the Grateful Dead, “Some rise, some fall and some climb to get to Terrapin.”
Yours & truly,
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Aries (March 20-April 19)
You’re learning something special, which is how to embrace opposites at the same time. By that, I mean the opposites which comprise who you are. Few people would describe you as a person who strives for balance. Yet if you wonder why you spend so much time running in circles, consider that your left and right sides need to both do the work of living and traveling on our small planet, in harmony. The other message coming through abundantly is that despite Aries being the quintessential insecure soloist of the zodiac, you are not here alone; there is nothing solo about your life. However, the non-solo portion is less about the presence of a significant other or the dramas of relationship (interesting though they have been lately), and more about the presence of a community. Or rather, you recognizing your presence in the people, events and society that surround you. I suggest you specifically not wait for an engraved invitation; that you stand up and engage the world, and that you do so recognizing commitments that you have already made. And you have made a few; some in conscience; some unconsciously; and some with a mild sense of trepidation. The time has come to call yourself not just present, but accounted for.
Read your 2008 annual for Aries. Order your Next World Stories 2009 annual for
Aries and Aries rising here.
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Taurus (April 19- May 20)
You’ve had a look at your life as the transparent thing that it needs to be, and that it can easily be. You have begun to feel your head soften and your heart open. What will it take for you to recognize these as ongoing options rather than as a momentary awakening? Maybe pleasure will speak your name; it’s the one thing that will usually get you to look up. There’s nothing pleasurable or flattering about being hardheaded or stubborn, and you know it no longer suits your nature. Resistance is not a pleasurable experience for long. Persistent, devoted, dedicated — all of these work for you. The key to staying open is to turn them toward yourself. What I am suggesting is that if you want to have the life you say you want, you need to be open to it, and being open to ‘it’ means being open in general. I suggest you be open to yourself about three things: one would be your fears. Keeping your fears secret is one of the best ways to shut down. Second would be your values. Remind yourself every day what is important to you, and take one documented action in support of what is important to you. The third would be ‘fessing up to yourself about what risks you are actually willing to take, and then taking them.
By the time Mercury comes out of echo phase–if I am reading correctly–Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron all go retrograde until the fall (by which point they are also joined by Uranus). How would that impact a business incorporation?
Also, can you explain a bit why May is so powerful when it seems the connections between Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron stay aligned for almost a year? And, is it also best to keep out of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron’s echo phase as well?
I would wait until Mercury is direct, and preferably out of echo phase – that being said, this s a visionary month. Beyond anything I’ve seen: Chiron-Neptune would be amazing alone; add Jupiter; add the mutual reception with Uranus; add the Saturn-Uranus dynamic – we are poised for some beautiful changes, some true upheaval, if we stay awake.
How are the aspects this month for incorporating a business? It seems that Jupiter–Neptune–Chiron would be awesome for incorporating something that offered a “solution” to the world, yes? And if so, is there any particular part of the month that would be best–for say making money, ease of personnel management, an international angle?
Jupiter–Neptune–Chiron is a magic formula by Magi Astrology I know, but they seem to be based on what you might call “dime store astrology”, a quick gimmick designed to get a bit of attention rather than a spiritual development of the meanings and energies of the planets.