Astrology Today: The Oracle

Dear Friend and Reader,

Eric Francis’ horoscopes are currently available to subscribers only; the Oracle is the final gateway into his soul-nourishing weekly, monthly and annual horoscopes. Enjoy today’s Oracle, and check out our subscriber features to learn more about what we have to offer.

Rachel Asher

Today’s Oracle takes us to
the Capricorn weekly horoscope of March 25, 2005

(The Oracle is a random daily selection from among 10,000 horoscopes written by Eric Francis)

This is a time of various pressures and necessities adjusting themselves. I don’t think you’re the one pulling the levers and making the changes; rather I see a lot of activity in the world around you including in your home environment your family and your emotional life. You seem to be settling on your new foundations — foundations you have built with much work sacrifice and psychological effort in recent years. The strange revelation may be just how comfortable you feel now that most of this work is done. And in a strange way the remaining inner projects have the reassuring quality of an agenda. You can however ease off on that particular way of life — of planning and effort. I suggest you allow the energy around you to shift move and finally settle into a pattern that you can live with. Feel your bones shift gently into place; feel yourself grow gradually more comfortable with who you are. That sense of comfort is exactly what will lead you to the next stage of your life so I suggest cultivating your sense that you’re truly okay and that you belong in the world. Of course it’s impossible to have that feeling if you’re in an emotional uproar or facing any kind of security threat. The thing is you are not. You really are safe you just need to feel that way which is another way of saying it’s okay to be alive.

1 thought on “Astrology Today: The Oracle”

  1. Hey Oracle,

    Were you in my energy/therapy session yesterday? Uncanny!

    Thank you, universe, and thank you, Planet Waves ~


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