Venus stations direct in Pisces today

Venus stations direct in Pisces today, Friday, at 3:24 pm EDT. It is in the last degree of Pisces, meaning it’s in the last degree of the tropical zodiac. Being so close to the first degree of the zodiac, this qualifies as an Aries Point event. Because it involves Venus and Pisces, it’s deeply personal. So we stand at an intersection of the most intimate and private feelings, and the state of the world.

Planet Waves

This Venus retrograde began March 6, though the echo phase — when Venus entered the degrees where it would be retrograde — began Feb. 2, 2009. Venus will now re-cross the same degrees of the zodiac it’s been in for the past two and a half months, and finally enter new territory on May 20.

If you’re working with this transit as part of your personal history, Venus last crossed the Aries Point the first week of April 2008.

When Venus stations direct, the Sun will be in late Aries and the Moon will have just entered Aquarius.

Venus is in Pisces, along with Mars and Uranus. Pisces is also a focus because its two ruling planets, Jupiter and Neptune, are forming a triple conjunction with Chiron, which will be exact the last week of May.

The Sun enters Taurus at 6:44 pm EDT Sunday, April 19, with the Moon in an exact conjunction to Neptune, and less than one degree away from Chiron.

While I’m on the subject of inner planet retrogrades, note that Mercury will be retrograde from May 7 through May 31. The echo phase begins April 23, and the second echo phase (when Mercury enters new territory for the first time since the retrograde began) ends June 15. Those times are available at this link.

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