Cooling off the sky; and then comes Aries

Dear Friend and Reader:

I think for most of us, this will be a somewhat easier week than last week, or at least I am knocking on wood and crossing my toes. Looking back for a moment, on Tuesday we had the Virgo Full Moon set off the Saturn-Uranus opposition, creating a highly polarized setup; and then over the next few days, the Sun moved across energized and unpredictable Uranus to form an exact conjunction that was in full force Tuesday through Saturday or so (and my most measures still is, but the energy is waning). It reminded me of that hoax video of popping corn with cell phones, only the astrology we lived through was an actual illusion, not a fake one.

Photo by Sean Hayes.

Since all of that — whatever it was for you — Mars has made its way from Aquarius into Pisces. (That whatever it was included a Mars sign change, which gave all of your late-degree planets a push in one direction or another.) This move should cool things off on the mental level; there is only so much Aquarius we can take (and there are still seven points or planets in Aquarius at the moment, and the main event is still coming: the conjunction of Jupiter, Chiron and Neptune).

Pisces being a somewhat cool, slow-acting energy will benefit from the fire and initiative of Mars: that’s good for the imagination, and may give us the idea that we can experience actual passion instead of just an interesting concept of what passion might be like on another planet somewhat like our own (i.e., Mars in Aquarius).

However, we are in an extended moment of a getting lot of whatever we are getting at the moment, and now we’re getting a lot of Pisces, too: in addition to Mars, we have Mercury, Uranus and the Sun currently camped out there. Pisces can be unstable, contradictory and given to addiction; Mars in Pisces says have fun, but don’t just play it cool; actually be cool. Make sure there are good boundaries (such as a lot of time, and an appropriate space) around your pharmacological, Bacchanalian or erotic explorations. For those who still experiment with substances, The Vaults of Erowid are an essential resource.

The Sun will ingress Aries on Friday, March 20 at 7:43 am (the vernal equinox), which will bring a lot of Aries to the mix: retrograde Venus is currently there, as is Eris. This will add a different kind of heat; passion, initiative and a sense or renewal rather than mental intensity. This is the Sun crossing a cardinal point and a direct alignment with the Aries Point. Once again we are in ‘big news’ territory.

I forget the name of the sky’s current pattern — most of the planets spread across one side of the sky, and one or two at the other end (Saturn and Ceres) picking them up like a satellite dish. This will focus some attention on both of those planets; Saturn in Virgo is a work horse (if a bit dull), and Ceres in Virgo is common sense, take care of yourself, and don’t forget to feel your feelings rather than just think of them (Virgo theme). Ahh yes, it’s a bucket pattern; Ceres and Saturn together represent the handle on the bucket. However, as I have not studied this particular set of methods (ala Marc Edmund Jones), I would love to hear from anyone who can describe this particular orientation on life.

The thing to remember at the moment is that we are in the last few days of the solar year, and this will come with a sense of closure and embarking on a new beginning. Astrology counts the year as going from one vernal equinox to the next. So this is the end of the one roundel of the seasons and the beginning of another; in astrology, endings have a way of being a little tense/intense. So I suggest you be aware of the transition, and work with an approach of resolving the energy of one cycle and gathering the energy of a new cycle.

These last few degrees are a truly mystical spot on the zodiac; many are focused on the Moon, emphasizing the Moon’s relationship to Pisces. In the Sabian symbols, the last five degrees of the zodiac are represented by these images:

Phase 356 or Pisces 26 (the Sun’s position Sunday): Watching the very thin Moon crescent at sunset, different people realize that the time has come to go ahead with their different projects.

Phase 357 or Pisces 27 (the Sun’s position Monday): The Harvest Moon illuminates a clear autumnal sky.

Phase 358 or Pisces 28 (the Sun’s position Tuesday): A fertile garden under the Full Moon reveals a variety of full-grown vegetables.

Phase 359 or Pisces 29 (the Sun’s position Wednesday): Light breaking into many colors as it passes through a prism.

Phase 360 or Pisces 30 (the Sun’s position Thursday, the last degree of the zodiac): A majestic rock formation resembling a face is idealized by a boy who takes it as his ideal of greatness, and as he grows up, he begins to look like it.

The first degree of Aries carries a touch of Pisces to it, being an image of the ocean reminiscent of the birth of Venus (appropriate enough for Venus retrograde in Aries). To really appreciate the Sabian symbols (available in a book called An Astrological Mandala by Dane Rudhyar), remember that they were channeled randomly in the course of one day, then put into order using numbers on the backs of the index cards:

Phase 1 or Aries 1 (the Sun’s position Friday, the first degree of the zodiac): A woman just risen from the sea. A seal is embracing her.

And on that note, I bid you a good day.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

26 thoughts on “Cooling off the sky; and then comes Aries”

  1. hey, whatdoya know. My natal chart is a great big bucket. From what the referenced writing states, I think I can make sense of that is some weird sort of way. Ah yes, my new friend Mars. I am a martian.

    I like my bucket right now.

  2. bk:

    the totem I was talking about was a beautiful slim golden mink. Or minks. They were a conjoined twin that slid down into my spine in my dream. I traveled through the rest of the dream with my male anima. The word finesse comes to mind.

  3. BE, thanks for that – v, helpful. Eros and Saturn are at 22 deg and Chiron at 17 they appear close. That’s all that’s in there. I’ll muse on this some more…

  4. BeK Go rent “Waking Life” – Rick Linklater’s millenium film. One of the characters (Jon Christensen) came to one of my dream workshops a few years before Rick tapped him for the film (super profundo on the early evening of your day…) – and he’s as good as an ambassador for the dreamstate as anyone I know. Knew.

    (Jon’s a Crossing Guard now… he died shortly after the film came out.)

  5. be, I guess I only said dump, because I’m an old farm girl. It’s what you do with the bucket. However, it the bucket gets full, it will run over.

    And be, about restrictions and Saturn and the dump, yeah most definitely, for me. Feels like a clean refreshing shower.

    Am overjoyed to be understanding my natal Mars in Pisces energy. And then comes aries . . . oh, oh, oh.

  6. musicman, I am compartmentalizing all this stuff into dimensional theory to get off the free float? Ya or nay from you?

    I’m a processor.

  7. mystes, no one gets in without being invited. That’s something to chew on.

    The old office patter was always: I drempt about you last night. The reply: was I good? The answer: Oh yeah.

    I had a long standing “dream relationship” as you would call it. It was definitely interesting. He’s a very intense person. His moon is in my eighth house.

    kristenb, as far as help with dream space, I let dream space help me.

  8. victoria: I think you do have a handle on the bucket concept; even though it feels like a dumping (into the handle which is the virgo saturn/ceres) it is actually a channeling into (the virgo handle). If you don’t live with it every day it could feel like a bombardment I would think. And thanks for the tail grounding technique.

    dreamers: I’m baffled by what you are saying (mystes, you have some really interesting experiences) but want to mention that I have had, more than once, dreams that have absolutely nothing I can relate to. . .not the people in them, or the things that happen or the places they happen in. I’ve said to myself “I’m dreaming somebody else’s dream”, but I have no idea who it would be. Once saw a scene on a tv show where a man dreamed his brothers dream, but he KNEW it was his brothers dream.

    fe: what totums?

    Musicman 1. . .”an understanding of the way each of us deals with power”; that much I understood and agree with.

    paletiger: Are Chiron and Saturn the bucket handle? And if so, are they very close to each other? That being the case I would guess emotional(pisces, 8th) restrictions (saturn) could be released and healed(chiron) by becoming aware (chiron) of them through relationships associated with birth, death, sex, inheritance and other 8th house matters. On the other hand, if they aren’t very close, you could have a locomotive pattern, which Eric spoke of a few months ago.

  9. Mystes: Hey, I use some help with dream space. You available via email for a quick chat? I’ve got an energy coming in that I can’t shake/integrate properly, prolly me, but I would love to figure out what’s really goin’ on and address issue rather than keep guessing, assume.

    email me: gegelpani at gmail com

    Many thanks either way!

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    There are little flames to indicate the heat level of the downloads. This is a good way to spend mars in Pisces and venus in aries, dreamlike and steamy hot

  11. I’ve been curious about the ‘bucket handle’ – I have one and everything is pushed out through the 8th house where Chiron and Saturn are in Pisces. Any suggestions about what that means would be truly welcomed.

    And today I had a marvellous time taking part in a 1 – 1 Transformation Game…much to contemplate, which I am off to do so with a nice hot soak in the bath tub. Love H.

  12. Beth Underwood, who taught me what little I know about astrology, said the bucket pattern is where all that energy on the one side (the “bucket”) gets pushed out through the “handle.” Whatever planets are the handle and what houses the handle-planets are in or rule, are what colors or flavors how that energy is released from you. The energy of the planets in the “bucket” are what gets released.

    She also said that transits to the handle could change how the energy of the bucket planets are let out but what transits the planets in the bucket changes what comes out. So transits to the handle change the how, transits to the bucket change the what.

    I didn’t continue my studies so I have forgotten a lot of the rest of it that she said but that was the gist of it. I don’t know if that helps much.

  13. addendum: I wrote: ” The consorts, my husbands, certain non-tantric lovers have all had concurrent, real-time, conscious dream experiences with me. ”

    And both of my kids. And certain people in my dream workshops. And the Dames in my Circle (with whom I have not had sex).

  14. V. “mystes, you may not be dreaming, but being dreamed by someone else? Dreaming together, that’s kinduv cool. Would like to hear about that ride.”

    Well… it’s a little tricky to explain. (another plug for Tantra for Bobos)

    Almost anyone one has sex with shares the ‘pleasurebody’ (technical term: sambhogakaya) – which is the body you use in the dreamstate. The consorts, my husbands, certain non-tantric lovers have all had concurrent, real-time, conscious dream experiences with me. But ‘being dreamt by’ is not exactly how it works. This time, I basically did what I do when I co-self, but since within that body one is already in a state of high non-duality – even there I thought: “this is weird…, and somewhat redundant, what gives?”

    Turned out to be necessary. I was doing something very specific for this person, and it was a little like turning up a shirt sleeve to expose what was under, his presence –rolled under– needed to be on the surface. But no, he wasn’t dreaming me.

    The borders to my truthbody (a layer beyond the dreambody) are extremely active, and that level –oh let’s give it a name, how about VeriMyst?– determines what happens in the dreambody. Nothing gets through without an explicit invitation – the Verimyst is Sealed. Which is why I found the dream events of two weeks ago so puzzling. That’s been clarified since.

    This will useful for some people maybe. Gibberish for others. I don’t mean to be cryptic; some things are just naturally twilit.


  15. What seems to me to be at the epicentre….of Marc Edmund Jones analyses ……. of the 7 different shapes of chart…….and which is well illustrated in “The Round Art” by A.T.Mann………as well as a great exposition on pre- birth experience……………is an understanding of the way each of us deals with power…!!

    “Fear ….Power….Complacency…..and Old Age…” said Carlos Castaneda…in the guise of Don Juan…….!!

    The way in which we attract experience…..the energy level at which it occurs………..and the channels that that energy flows through….and is turned into understanding.(or not…..) would be governed by the kind of matrix through which the energy flows……….!!

    The Bucket tends to give one a choice of two alternatives………..

    “hey man…….I really got a handle on this…..” ie. I can channel this all day…………. cos I am gripping it so tight…my knuckles are white…………. and my brain is monopolised by a single recurring trip of such intense proportions that it keeps me from admitting that I am shitless…………….!!

    Ceres and Saturn would suggest that this has something to do with the fertility of ones relationships……………!!

    “what do you mean………..she has gone to visit her grandmother…….I need my socks washing……..!!!


    The bucket as victim………… where all of the energy simply piles up in ones psychic dustbin.

    ie all of the energy input excites a lot of planetary receptors in the bucket side of the chart……………..leaving the recipient as victim and full of growth experiential data…..a tricky little pandoras box……….which can be extremely difficult to process…………….!!

    In a nutshell………..I became an astrologer/musician .cos being a psychiatrist involves ………….allowing all of the analysands to dump their shit in your bucket….!!

    And counter transference…………does not allow for a clean getaway at the bank….!!!

    Toodle Pip


  16. mystes, you may not be dreaming, but being dreamed by someone else? Dreaming together, that’s kinduv cool. Would like to hear about that ride.

    Our perceived boundaries of our “own” energy field are ah, kinduv like only a perception? It’s all just waves in the ocean?

    These are great sensual and dimensional days.

    Per me, if you are feeling spacey, “Grounding” (being in the body) is very important right now when doing the physical body functions. It is the thing many energy workers do not always teach their students. The student releases the baggage and is somehow lighter, different and can become spacey. Not that I have anything against spacey until i lose my balance or run into a hard object.

    Feet feel the ground. When driving the car, the wheels are on the pavement, hands feel the wheel.

    Some ancestors had tails. Feel the tail extend downward from the base of the spine and wrap it around the center of the earth. I think that is a standard grounding technique.

    I find earth contact grounding, much more pleasant than jumping into ice cold water.

  17. Victoria…
    ” the awareness of the Mars energy moving into Pisces would definitely be on that list.”

    Do tell…

    # victoriao
    me thinks the bucket is turned over and dumping everything into virgo.

    That could be useful…

  18. If I had to make a top ten list of experiences since I took my year sabbatical three and a half years ago, the awareness of the Mars energy moving into Pisces would definitely be on that list.

  19. Eric:

    Me and my Pisces ascendant. Since last week, I’ve been going through other-body dreaming, similar to what mystes described.

    I feel as though totems are coming through me in dream state.

  20. I started this day (week) doing something I have never (evereverever) done before: I dreamed *for* someone else!

    First, I had the dream in my own terms, then I was approached by someone else who asked me to dream it for him. I self-generated him through my dreambody, went back and re-dreamed it *as* another person.

    Feels like Mars popping into Pisces has stimulated the appearance of a new set of tools. (I never look for the practical value of these ‘skills’ – only regard them as yet another facet on the diamond of sensibility).

  21. My bucket handle is a Moon Mars conjunction in the 11th house. All the other planets are below the horizon, 1st through 6th house. After living with it for many years, I see that most people who know me know only the moon mars part but the energy from the other planets does channel up to that conjunction eventually. This is because of the aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, Sun/Chiron/Ceres conjunction, Pluto, & Mercury that Moon and Mars makes to them. Needs being what they are, I lived about 75% of my early years totally unconscious of my Sun, and primarily for my social contacts until my first Saturn return.

    That “handle” is still my main way of being involved with the rest of the world, but there are many more rewarding experiences (I never dreamed would be rewarding) now that I’m older and understand the energy beneath the surface. I thank astrology for that.

  22. It was a train wreck for me at work. Six bid openings in 24 hours in a struggling economy. I had a knot in my left lumbar that took several massages and finally some kava kava to relax. Managed to make it to dance class for sanity and return to my body. Don’t want to go through that again if I can help it.

    Today I unconsciously left my cell phone at home. I think my little voice who hovers above me, knows what she’s doing.

  23. I hope you knocked on wood after my chaotic dash to the day’s starting line, and that this week will smooth out and not be as hectic as this morning; I’m already burned out. Last week was neutral for me; Monday has definitely started out negatively. I’m grateful that I have a few moments of “free time” right now before going to my next class…breathing deeply, massaging the tightness in my throat, unclenching my jaw. I must have something somewhere in my chart that wants to shake me by the shoulders, scream in my face, and push me violently from behind…whoosh!

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