Briefly, re Mars Chiron

Before I forget, here is a piece that I did with Dale O’Brien a few years ago, in the first weeks of the Iraq war, actually. Dale is one of the people who handed me key pieces in the Chiron puzzle, including my first male point of view. The article is about Mars conjunct Chiron, in Chiron’s prior sign Capricorn. This conjunction is happening now in Aquarius.

Dante and Virgil in Hell by William-Adolphe Bouguereau (1850).
Dante and Virgil by William-Adolphe Bouguereau.

This is an aspect I hold in high esteem, perhaps just because I have it (in Pisces, with a love of fantasy and image), though I do need to count the, well, let’s put it this way.

I am on an interesting trip about sex and how we think about sex. Mars Chiron in my chart to me represents the power source of that; at the same time as it suggests something inflicted on Mars for me; I think it’s ancestral, as in emanating through parents and grandparents.

Both of my grandfathers had something a little odd about their sexuality, though the point is so does everyone. Sexuality is unique…in everyone. Mars Chiron is an expression of how every identity of desire is unique; how it would stand out if it could, because Chiron always does; the Maverick; the Awakener; the Healer who Wounds; the injury as an evolutionary engine, because creativity is fostered in the healing process. Self-forgiveness may be the only healing we need.

Vis a vis Prop 8 arguments before the California Supreme Court on the day of this aspect, well, ain’t that cool. And Venus stationing retrograde the next day is the long introspective journey that will come along with understanding homophobia, since ultimately such is fear of self.

1 thought on “Briefly, re Mars Chiron”

  1. Eric,

    Thank you – the chiron/mars article was what I remembered reading (reference the Mystes article). I’ve actually read it several times since it was originally posted, finding it through the chiron searches.

    One of the things that the spiritual healer told me (and I’ve read it on PW too) is that we tend to reincarnate in the same family over and over, and that an evil spirit(s) persists and controls the family until it can finally be cast out. Does that make sense? Fear is how the evil spirit controls the family. Love God; love your brother as you love yourself; do not do what you hate; forgive others as you forgive yourself; and most of all do not be afraid.

    What we hate in others is what we hate in ourselves. If we are all of one spirit, one mind, one body, then we must love each other. Something in my brain clicked when I read your article on nessus – it was an aha moment, finding the tie that binds. Now to put it to use and heal a few families I know….

    What a healing vibration you are! There must be a chi wave with your name on it running around the universe! God bless you!

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