Poly Living, part 2: The need for scientific research

Dear Friend and Reader:

Problem: there is a lack of scientific information about families, relationships and sexual practices outside what is considered the normal range of activity. There is plenty of literature, but it tends to be focused on pathology. There is a lack of scientific information about what is healthy; what people consider normal within the context of their own lives.

Eric Francis.
Eric Francis.

People define their sexuality many ways. Practitioners of tantric sex, polyamorous people and those who practice BDSMВ are a few examples of erotic practices that tend to be ignored by scientific studies, or worse, are misrepresented. The existing literature tends to be created by academics writing for other academics. The ideas are framed in the institutional context, often with agendas having no relationship to seeking the truth: for example, wanting to get tenure.

Robert Bienvenue, Ph.D., from CARAS, Community-Academic Consortium for Research on Alternative Sexualities, suggested that people with other-than-monogamous ways of life should support research that connects with real issues in the communities and their lives. Research is needed that goes beyond descriptive reports “discovering” things that are obvious to most people in the community, into deeper areas. Communities need to influence these studies, he said, and the reports need to include as many people as possible. He proposes a community-based model of research, where participants help influence the research model, the theme and the purpose of the work.

To illustrate the need for more meaningful and accurate research, Bienvenue gave two examples of academic writing on a BDSM, which is a form of sex play and conscious power exchange in sexuality. “Non-prostitute females do participate in sadomasochistic sex, and heterosexual males are capable of making contact with them,” one journal published recently. Another wrote, “Having found that non-prostitute females do exist in the sadomasochistic subculture, although possibly in fewer numbers than non-prostitute males, further research in this area is necessary.”

He proposes that there be a community-based form of research such that participants rise up from the leve of guinea pig and lab rat. This means getting involved while the research is in the proposal stage. Community-based research recognizes that communities matter.

One common issue is that research is conducted, people take the time and effort to support — and then never find out the results. Community-based research calls for getting the results back to the participants in the research so they can assess its validity and understand the impact on their lives and the society.

From Poly Living 2009, this is,
Eric Francis

10 thoughts on “Poly Living, part 2: The need for scientific research”

  1. The research I think is more sociological than “scientific” in the sense of hard science. Simple surveys are not enough. There is no study we know of that assesses whether poly households are “better” or “worse” than conventional monogamous households vs. serially monogamous households (where most of us grew up).

  2. Oh, kristenb – I do so remember, “going to Tukwila” – think about it every time I pass Tukwila on I-5! Never did remember thier names, but bless Rex & Debbie, and Eric Lacitas!

  3. Sexual behaviour and scientific research, sure takes the fun out of it all. Would somone once and for all please explain to me the premise of sexual behaviours affect on world humanity. I just can’t zoom out that far. It’s not that i feel that my sexual experiences are limited, I just don’t see where this is going? What is the premise of all this research? What are they hoping to prove? Will it all end up just another way to diagnose and label people? Set me straight on this.

    Maybe I’ll get it after I watch the program?

  4. Yeah, that’s a great line. Eric Lacitas is a great, nonchalant writer. I love the follow up title:

    “Rex, Debby: Still `Visiting Tukwila’ And Liking It A Lot”

    And, these quotes:

    “Contacting them seven years later, it wouldn’t have surprised me if Rex and Debby had joined the rest of America’s stressed-out couples.

    Yet Rex and Debby persist in visiting Tukwila 1.48 times a day. I’m not sure what happens during the .48 times, but Rex and Debby seem happy enough.

    Yeah, sure, you’re welcome to post today’s column on the refrigerator in case you want to remind somebody else in your household about something.”

    Nitey nite.

  5. Kristin, I googled 🙂

    Loved it when “Debby” said, “there are worse things we could do” (then spend their time having sex).

    Thanks for the warm fuzzies…just got the image of full-body slippers…time for bed!

  6. Maybe we can all photograph and digi record our sexual encounters and then send them into the local editors and these scientists noted above? Wouldn’t that be a hoot and a case of local, participatory research?

    How many people herein read or know of the story published in the Seattle Times of the couple that’s always “Visiting Tukwila” ? Okay, that story is of two married folk, but so innocent and sweet. Sex on page 1, intelligently, lovingly. Okay, that was a long time ago now, you can google it.

  7. Seems there is an equal and opposite assumption going on… only non-standard folk would engage in non-standard behaviors??

    I just got off the phone with a multi-decade friend who is gay and he said his wild evening was about to start, we could strap a mic on him and find out more, or I could tell you all, all the stories which cross decades, continents and sex with men and women… but first he told me about a guy who crossed his path a few years ago who is back… that guy left suddenly because he fell in love with my friend, and my friend asked him, couldn’t they stay in each others sphere and the guy went and disappeared on him, so apparently not, until last week or so.

  8. Mandy wrote: “And can I ask why there is something to note about the fact that вЂ?non-prostitue females’ are involved in sado-maschistic sex?”

    I was wondering this myself.

    Guess the wrong people have been conducting their research with the wrong subjects!

  9. Ah the joys of the debate regarding what is considered ‘ scientific research’ or not within the social sciences *g*… Very interesting philosophical debate regarding the fundamental nature of *truth* to be had there….

    And can I ask why there is something to note about the fact that ‘non-prostitue females’ are involved in sado-maschistic sex?

  10. One easy thing to do? Reclassify pregnancy and giving birth from an illness and disease as claimed by insurance companies, hospitals and doctors to a natural loving process and POW, we’d have grown by 3 enlightenments right there.

    All those brilliant 5th Ave marketing minds need to be turned onto creatively opening the door to everyone’s closet. Once it’s sexy to just be YOU, then, maybe we can get to broader spectrum of research. But, research is still removed from common folk and wrapped in academic knowing which often is arrogant in tone, so maybe less research and simply more funding and acceptance and policy changes to make it easy for folks to operate in the world.

    Remember, a married woman couldn’t even be allowed to die properly after over a decade on life support. But, that pales in comparison to others who show up at the public school to support their sweetie on “dad” night when they are a woman. Then, both the kid and the woman are made to feel broken when really there is nothing broken or wrong at all, and in fact, more right because they showed up to participate!

    Participation, seems to be the key to me, just another way to say, communicate.

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