That Was One Fuck of a Mercury Retrograde

Today Mercury echo phase ends, as Mercury crosses the 8th degree of Aquarius and ventures into new territory for the first time in two months. As I referenced yesterday, Mercury retrograde has three major phases — the echo before the retrograde, the retrograde itself and the echo after the retrograde. This would be easier with a diagram, but it’s about Mercury crossing and recrossing the same degrees of the zodiac, then entering new degrees after the whole circus is over — which it is today. It is kind of like one last new thing about the New Year, which no longer feels so novel. I am sure you have not written “2008” on a check in weeks.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

This was a Mercury retrograde combined with two eclipses and an ongoing, extremely unusual pileup of planets in Aquarius. It was a real scrambler, shake out the truth, get to the bottom of it, mess with everyone’s mind and glad that we made it through kind of phase. I have heard some very weird stories of things that happened to people. A couple of entirely new things happened to me.

If you have concentrations of energy in Leo and Aquarius, or angles there, it was likely even more significant for you.

As we all know, there’s been news of many changes in our lives in these weeks since Dec. 26. Actually it has seemed more nonstop than usual, which is saying a lot. Nothing stays the same for very long, particularly when Mercury is shaking the tree of the mind like it has been. One friend pointed out weeks ago that for her, this particular retrograde was about letting go of her old language in exchange for new ways to describe things. You would be surprised what happens when you take hold of your language consciously. A lot of emotion and psychology is bound up in the words and phrases we use.

Yesterday’s public notice that we should be expecting another wave of bank failures the week our nation committed to nearly $800 in economic “stimulus” (nearly half of which was tax cuts, which only affect people who pay taxes, i.e., not the poor or even the working poor). Banks do matter, but we matter more. I maintain that there is an issue of what is real and what is not in this crisis. We have heard, for example, that there is an extreme credit crisis. Yesterday, news was going around — I heard it three places, through three different kinds of sources, that Bank of America was insolvent and could be cut apart this very weekend. We do some of our banking there, and yesterday Chelsea, our business manager, walked into her local branch to do some transactions, and they offered her a credit card.

Chelsea has better credit than the Virgin Mary (though besides that, not so much in common), so she would have been a good investment; she told them to bugger off. This is precisely an example of the predatory practices that got us into this mess, and of bank employees (and marketing departments) scraping ice for their drinks off the iceberg that struck the Titanic.

Till tomorrow,
Eric Francis

5 thoughts on “That Was One Fuck of a Mercury Retrograde”

  1. Tell Chelsea two words…..”Credit Union.” They are waaay better than banks and they don’t offer or try to get you to dig into a credit card. At least the ones I have been with don’t. My CU takes fantastic care of me and doesn’t cheat me like so many banks did before. Free checking, free online e-banking, free bill-pay, rewards checking that pays me interest on my balances, no matter how small, only a $5.00 minimum deposit and overdraft protection with savings and an LOC if I ever need it (which I don’t).

    I tell everyone I know that Credit Unions are far better than banks because they are not in it so much for the money; they are more like a co-op.

    Going credit union is like going to a People’s Bank, for the people. It is just a good idea, like recycling.

  2. Oh, Rulerships: Maybe this is NEW era as rulerships are so suspect, take a look at this spread,

    House rulerships based upon –
    :antiquity/thema mundi 1st house cancer/modern 1st house aries:

    1: saturn/moon/mars
    2: jupiter/sun/venus
    3: mars/mercury/mercury
    4: sun/venus/moon
    5: venus/mars/sun
    6: mercury/jupiter/mercury
    7: moon/saturn/venus
    8: saturn/saturn/mars
    9: jupiter/jupiter/jupiter
    10: mars/mars/saturn
    11: sun/venus/saturn
    12: venus/mercury/jupiter

    However, check out how houses 3,6,8,9,10 align across time and discernment with rulerships?! 9th is only house with same, same, same, Jupiter or Zeus expanding, learning about foreign culture, travel, philosopy, religion, etc.

    And, Mercury touches three houses of comm, daily activity and unconscious…

  3. Agreed. And, agreed, go C! I have felt penalized this past 10 years for not buying into the credit system any longer. Humpf.

    Though not sure I can say anything “different” happened for me this period even though it kicked in hard on Dec 26/27 and continued through last week. But, maybe it did, hmmm, via taking the attitude and experiences of paying, up front, in cash so to speak, for all my “transactions.” And, no longer only the ones involving money. Allowing myself to be my own person no matter whom I was speaking to/with. Kinda like waxing bodily areas… rip it off, fast and true!

    I’m a minimalist, and am at the bottom which is a lovely because there is little to spend my time worrying on/about, and much more to be creative or meditate or dream.

    I was telling a friend that while I am glad to be moving definitely in direction of formal studies, those studies could be done anywhere on the planet because I have already gone through initial initiatory level of doubt, disappointment, jealousy, anger, indifference, feeling left out, extreme desire, before even beginning, but knowing full well teacher(s) are needed, and welcomed. Sort of backwards approach to situation(s) if comparing to status quo which usually jumps into something at extreme desire and then snags upon various nails. I sort of quit before beginning, quit emotional reactions.

    Maybe this is the secret which we all must figure out for ourselves that then makes us approachable by teacher(s)?!

    I sidle up, quietly, like a kitty lurking in the bushes scoping out the best sunshine meadow/brick patio/prayer wheel spot prior to complete full exposure, or like my sun sign, being an inchworm.

    I’m gonna miss the kitty that owns me/adopted me (animals do this to me, including birds) something fierce come next weekend… when I move housing. SNIFF, SNIFF, TEAR.

  4. Well I have a fair whack of the leo and aquarius going on and it was indeed a most peculiar time – I thoroughly enjoyed it all the same!

  5. Re: Bank of America—-” Chelsea…………; she told them to bugger off.” BRAVO!!! APPLAUSE !!! LOUD CHEERING!!! HIGH-FIVE!!!

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