Sun-Neptune; The Moon in the Opposition

Good Late Morning to You:

The Sun is conjunct Neptune right now, and an impressive conjunction it is: after crossing Aquarius, the Sun has finally reached the mighty invisible god. I am reluctant to make any predictions or concrete observations about this — good training, to be judicious what you say about powerful Neptune aspects. They will have many expressions, some of them apparent and some of them not.

Photo by Sean Hayes.
Photo by Sean Hayes.

The Moon is, as I write, sitting in the Saturn-Uranus opposition, so we are at the resolution point of an emotional drama or pressure situation that has dominated the past couple of days. Indeed, the astrology for a while refers to a gradual working out as the eclipse and Mercury retrograde untangle themselves — but two new stories are developing involving Venus and Mars: Mars about to make a long series of conjunctions in Aquarius; and Venus working her way into a retrograde.

These Mars conjuinctions are going to be interesting, because we are such a culture of caffeine-laced slackers. Mars adds some actual energy to the equation. It will activate every one of those planets and points as it goes across it, bringing out one particular side of their nature — concluding with the conjunction of Mars to Chiron and then Neptune the week of March 5.

Stay tuned, a good way to say Sun-Neptune. Tuned to the music of the spheres.

Eric Francis

5 thoughts on “Sun-Neptune; The Moon in the Opposition”

  1. mystes, about the caffeine lethargy. I do alot of physical stuff in the warm weather, but I do tend to hang out in the cave in the winter. I’ll have to see what the spring thing does with my consumption. And I do agree, coffee is good for mental gymnasticswriting. It seems to add juice to the focus.

  2. Victoria writes: “caffeine laced slackers”. Caffeine stimulates mental energy but I feel it depletes physical energy.

    Ah but it’s great for writers. I haven’t experienced the physical drooping effect since I a) began working out regularly, and b) changed the consumption schedule.

    I don’t usually do the 4 p.m. coffeebreak or tea-time anymore. An old boyfriend foisted off his ‘one cup-strength of three-before 8 a.m.’ habit on me and it stuck (except during grad school).

    But more to the point… Venus is moving *back* into Pisces? while Mars is advancing through Aquarius? The latter seems to be kicking up my old Uranus/Mars conjunction in atypically useful ways. Or maybe I am just getting used to the fact that when people start hissing, its a sign I am doing my job.

    Sparkykisses, y’all,


  3. Well, what Anna and I meant to say (I think!) is “. .”increasing exponentially”. . .; Neptune not exactly inclined to catching spelling errors. However, Saturn (and the Moon) in Virgo has(have) no qualms in correcting mistakes!

  4. We should all give AnnaT a hand for giving us what (seems to me anyway) a perfect expression in words of the Sun/Neptune in Aquarius energy. In response to Eric’s article yesterday, Dust & Debris, she wrote:

    “I can’t adequately explain my joy and excitement at all the changes I see (seeds from the ’60s blossoming; the move to look out for each other, as people did in the ’30s; astounding technological advances in sustainable energy and living on the planet; greater consciousness about food and food sources, etc.; etc….and consciousness and magic and synchronicity just increasing expontially, it seems)!

    “Joy” and rapture and bliss to me are representative of the positive Neptune energy, and people looking out for each other and technological advances are hallmarks of Aquarius energy. I guess the awareness of this, being conscious of it, is the Sun energy, although it took a lot of work by Chiron to get us here.

    Thanks Eric for this and for teaching us so much, and for allowing us all to express our feelings on your website. And thank you Anna.

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