How do you make a flood? And astrology ahead, week of 9/1

Dear Friend and Reader:

Does anyone remember the old joke that ends with the punchline (spoken in an old-world Jewish accent), “A flood? How do you make a flood?”

The flood known as Hurricane Gustav is upon us, and the GOP has basically canceled its convention to show that the boys are on the job, helping out the Red Cross and not fucking up their FEMA plans. The guys have sent their wives to the convention center, turning it into the Republican Ladies’ Auxiliary. “Brownie” is sitting in his living room, watching the thing pound New Orleans and points south, wishing he could be part of the action — now, of course, that FEMA has to actually do something.

I am someone whose belief system and file cabinet include room for weather control weapons. I know personally the reporter who, in the early 1970s, did a piece for Long Island Newsday called “A Weather Arsenal,” about the use of weather weapons during the Vietnam War. I was reminded of this by a friendly reader who’s been sending me little notes all weekend about how she thinks that Gustav is an artificial storm and do I think she’s a nut?

I might, if I didn’t know about the Weather Arsenal. The thing about that thing is that it runs on computers. You need ion rays or whatever, and I am sure it helps a lot if the ocean is warm, but computers are the key and man, have we got computers these days. At a buck a byte (the going rate for memory at one time), my Mac laptop would have cost about a quarter trillion dollars in 1950. So now there is basically no limit.

So when contemplating the cancellation of the Republican National Convention, and the fact that (after a huge gaff of hiring Sarah Palin to be candidate for vice president before anybody had actually checked her background — but Laura Bush, at least, met her and liked her) I am thinking of it three ways. One it’s just a hurricane during hurricane season on a slightly warmer planet than we’ve had for a while. Second is if this is just nature getting poetic justice and allowing us a moment to remember just what a motley bunch of fools have been in charge (we all remember Bush not coming back from vacation during Katrina and so on). Three is if Karl Rove sent a text up to the weather control station in Alaska that said something like, “Give me a Cat 4, prime time.”

Something to think about before we get to your week-ahead aspects, interpreted by Genevieve Salerno, calculated by Tracy Delaney at, and edited by yours and truly,

Eric Francis

We are still in the early waxing phase of the Moon; tonight will be the third night of the cycle and what many cultures call the New Moon. New Moons are usually pretty helpful at creating patterns. Look around your email outbox to see the patterns you are creating.

1 Monday: Moon entered Libra at 7:44 am EDT. Venus sextiles Centaur planet Hylonome, putting deeper feelings within reach.

Genevieve writes, “Sometimes it’s easier to remove ourselves from a situation where we could use our empathy, because the moment we use it, we will be faced with the tremendous wall of grief that envelopes our communities. This wall is caused by the grief, and deep feelings, that everyone puts off. As a result, it is a lot like laundry you throw on the floor and let pile up. The Romantic art movement of the 1800s touched on the idea of sadness as an important vehicle for accessing the sublime. The Venus-Hylonome aspect today speaks to us about positive ways to use our private sadnesses creatively. The purpose of creation is to share it, and creation relies heavily on feeling. Do not be afraid to aspect that wellspring of emotion, though it might appear to be deep and dark. Even black grapes taste sweet.”

2 Tuesday: Sun squares Pallas in Gemini, a perfect little meme for the Non-Republican National Convention. The boys are flying in the face of politics, hoping for the best. Mercury sextiles Ceres, which is great for recipe collectors. Psyche trines Varuna, which should ease the mental trauma inflicted on everyone sitting in their nice dry living room as they watch the flood waters rise in the Gulf Coast. Juno squares Eros, which asks the question, “Is getting married the best way to get a lot of sex?”

Genevieve writes, “It is always a good idea to examine and re-examine your motives and your conduct. When you have two aspects like the Sun-Pallas and Juno-Eros, you have a diagram of what can happen when a person prefers to remain aloof by the processes of relationship that go on around them. Honor plays an important role in many of the decisions we make as far as our friendships and love-ships are concerned, and honor can be a strength, or a serious disadvantage, if used without discernment. Put another way, be wary of finding yourself on either end of a martyr-user, or good-evil scenario. Does the conduct in this situation reflect what you believe in?”

3 Wednesday: Moon enters Scorpio at 4:02 pm EDT. Sun squares Chaos. Uranus opposes Logos in Virgo. Logos is a binary TNO orbiting beyond Pluto. It has a counterpart called Zoe. Together I think that the two are the astrological stand-in for all issues related to the soul of technology and what technology does to our soul. Have you noticed that the more we use the Internet, the more we bring our soul energy into this dimension that used to be called Cyberspace? I know you wouldn’t know it from most Facebook pages, but you might know it from the way Facebook users bring their sense of self into the digital realm. This is true of all of us who invest psychic energy into the technosphere, whether we recognize it or not.

4 Thursday: Sun conjoins Saturn and trines Jupiter, a very nice setup that should open a lot of doors. Sun squares Ixion in Sagittarius, which is suggesting that we not be too frivolous or lacking in moral courage when we use those opportunities. Material wealth is always involved with the Earth signs since all wealth comes from the Earth (in the words of the late multimillionaire/record impresario Alfred Schweitzman). Genevieve writes, “When we look at money as a means instead of an end, we force ourselves to restructure our values and find a different set of goals, and we come a step closer to freeing ourselves from the grip of never feeling like we have enough. This aspect denotes a time for just such a conversation to have with ourselves.”

5 Friday: Venus in Libra sesquiquadrate Neptune in Aquarius. Mars trine Chaos. Pallas conjunct Chaos. Oh this sounds like dandy astrology for politics by chaos. Borrowing a phrase from Book of Blue, someone out there in the political sphere seems like they plan to make a mess and clean it up.

6 Saturday: Moon enters Sagittarius at 3:11 am EDT. Mars trine Nessus in Aquarius retrograde. Pallas trine Nessus. I would say this sounds evil, but I know better.

7 Sunday: Mars in Libra squares Jupiter in Capricorn, which is about, you know, a crusade of some kind. Stand up and get ready to be offended by the viewpoint of your choice. Mercury trine Chaos — let it pour. Virgo Sun trine Vesta in Taurus, which is a friendly reminder how much of sex is service, and how we need to take self-service in erotic relationships to a fully conscious level. If you need something, ask for it. Maybe someone will say yes, maybe they will say no; at least you have a chance to get your needs met (a value in itself, in this world) and either way, you will know where you stand. Psyche opposite Sedna. Keep your mind open in hell.

23 thoughts on “How do you make a flood? And astrology ahead, week of 9/1”

  1. And *still* the question remains unanswered, and probably not even examined. Amazing!

    DS, I didn’t reject your love (I never ever, ever reject love. Love is fundamentally and always in circulation, and there’s plenty of it to go around); but ‘forgivenness’ is unnecessary. Nor did I bend to any ad mominem attacks. (I will, however, pun at will.)

    Someone else said I was hitlerian (not this lifetime, kids), but thanks for the confidence.

    And now for a little background:
    And a triple Cancer… yes. But which three? Who has given birth a time or two, and more importantly, worked with mothers and babies for years. Whose only ‘idiot box’ comes with a keyboard; who reallyreallyreally likes Taureans, and is under the impression that the sentiment is quite mutual.

    As for the planet being under a ouiouioui bit of stress. No? Really no? Really, really, really, NO? I’ve traveled not as much as I will, but enough to have seen entire forests, rivers and beaches disappear in my lifetime, replaced by human garbage. I’ve flown over (and over and over) a drift made of plastic garbage bags in the middle of the Pacific ocean – that was the size of Texas. I’ve seen people come out of the Gulf of Mexico with flesh-eating bacteria on their bodies from fishing in ‘dead’ waters.

    I’m not trying to make you mad, and given what is at stake, this is not a ‘rude’ debate. I am trying to pop that amnion around your denial long enough to let you feel what is happening here.

    But this is enough. I’m done now.

    Back to the sugarmines.

  2. mystes, sweetheart, did I call you hitlerian? No.

    Whether you believe you *don’t* need my love and forgiveness or not, you’ve got it darling. I get where you’re coming from *energetically* in spite of your pointed rudeness (and you must realise I’m accustomed to it, because you are by no means original in your disdain of my ‘reproductive choices’ in fact I do welcome it because it gives me an opportunity to strengthen my faith in what I do here).

    Do you REALLY want to know why I have five children?? Will it really satisfy you?? Is it possible you just want to be right?? I could give you the story of the past fifteen years, and that’s all it would be – STORY. Here and now, which is to say, the only time and place there really is, I am the mother of five children, and extraordinarily blessed, that’s all there is to it.

    Would it make your *comfortable stance* any more comfortable if I fall down on my knees and beg your forgiveness for my error in bringing five **people** onto the planet – to breathe air that rightly doesn’t belong to them, to drink oh-so-scarce water and to take up space that clearly is meant for more worthy beings already in existence???? Would you like that?? Because darling I really am so very VERY sorry for your distress over this.

    Reality is, kiddo, that while you hold your space in this, and you are SO entitled to do so – what you are saying is that in your life you plan to encounter many people and scenarios that displease you greatly – and for this my heart goes out to you.

    Your admission that you are ‘triple cancerian’ makes a lot of sense (two of my five daughters have Cancer Suns, two have Cancer Moons). There is a great deal of fear of scarcity in Cancer – perhaps as a consequence of being opposite Saturn-ruled Capricorn (I’ll leave that to the professional astrologer to answer). I suggest that the love and forgiveness of a Mother is precisely what you long for.

    But you go on ahead and ask some other mothers of five children what the fuck they are doing and see what happens.

    (((I’d also like to add that in the making of **people** there is more than just Mum – there are also Father and Child who have a say in whether or not a conception will happen. I invite you to ask a fellow human, say one of five siblings ‘why are you here?’. Or ask a father of five ‘why did you impregnate her?’)))

    As a taurus sun (11th house, and Peregrine to boot) I feel deeply in touch with the Earth.. With Uranus and the Nodes at the Aries Point I feel a strong spiritual connection with my fellow human beings – we are One. There is no point to arguing that ‘the planet is in trouble’ – that is simply not my experience of it. What I see is that its all as it should be, there IS ENOUGH. The more people that turn their focus to this, and let go of the illusion of ‘not enough’ the sooner peace will come.

    I want to thank you, Mystes, for giving me the opportunity to affirm this once again, and wish you much love and happiness in your life.

    Steff, thank you too – you wrote a lot of what rushed through my mind. We have a similar population problem in Australia – aging population, low birth rates etc. The government is giving ‘baby bonus’ money (between 5-8 thousand dollars) for each child born to any woman (not means tested) – but of course this is problematic in itself as the poor/uneducated are the ones most motivated to have babies under this scheme (but that’s a whole other story!)

    joy all, d

  3. I just have to say, (forgive me;)), that this whole conversation has taken a gnarley turn. I “think” I understand both points of view, and I “think” I know this ain’t gettin’ anywhere.
    Facts and Figures my friend….. that’s a “tool” to understanding.
    Until one personally can experience that of another….. well, good luck!
    But…. if you can dial it in as an understanding…….

    Don’t know….. just sayin’, eyes, ears, PATIENCE,TOLERANCE… and VOICE, most definitely…..

    Love you all…… (I’m laughing on the positive vibes!)

    Loggins messina

    pisces, virgo rising is a very good sign, stong and kind, and a little boy’s mind!

  4. D’clair, I told you that your words were wasted, even the ones on forgiveness.

    Mystes, you really are on a slippery slope to eugenics. We’ve gone from protecting a woman’s right to abort to now demanding that women justify and explain why they are giving birth — whether to a Down’s baby or to five healthy ones. What will it be next? Infanticide? Picking out the poor, the sick, the disabled and shooting them because they are ‘wasting’ resources and not contributing enough to the Fatherland?

    Your overpopulation theory is riddled with holes. Social scientists and economists are concerned about the future viability of Europe and Japan, not because of overpopulation, but because of critically low birth rates. The German gov’t must overhaul its entire system because there won’t be enough adults to support an aging populace. The only thing saving the USA in this regard is immigration. Think about that the next time you complain about too many ‘people’. It’s those same people whose tax receipts will be funding your retirement.

    On a purely economic, physical reality (the one you are obsessed with), you could argue that it’s the childless who are the drains. Hey, it’s actually more energy efficient to heat a home for five kids than house for one adult.

  5. Let’s see… let’s see.

    It is *possible* to disagree with someone’s personal choice because of global consequences and not be stigmatized as Mean, Bad or Mad?

    I hold my own space on this issue. If that bumps up against someone else’s actions, I’m okay with that too. It would be a colossal waste of my time to start issuing a list of things I am NOT doing in this discussion, but one of them is trying to prevail *over* anyone else.

    Back to my question: Why does a person, any person have 5 children? As a triple-Cancerian you’d think I’d be all kinda down with that, but hmmmm… that’s not how my nurturing goes.

    Why have more than 1 or 2? Why have 1? I don’t expect DS to answer it here, but somewhere, somehow the next person sitting on that fence needs to hear *energetically* the manner in which I am asking that question.


    Let me see if I can restate this: Try to see this as making PEOPLE. Not babies, not mini-me’s, not the cipher-reduction of 1 or 2, 2 or 5, but the whole tegument of a fully-consuming 20-30-40 year-old h. sapiens sapiens. Why would someone need to build and launch another four or five WHOLE human beings on a planet already begging for mercy? I am asking you to consider what it is *in* you that seeks to produce what we already have in overstock: human bodies.

    Yeah, I know I’m pushing this. Blame it on Pluto, hopping up and down on my true node which is aligned (oh joy) with the GC.

    However. I can still ask a straight question, and would truly love a straight answer.

  6. Let’s see… let’s see.

    It is *possible* to disagree with someone’s personal choice because of global consequences and not be stigmatized as Mean, Bad or Mad?

    I hold my own space on this issue. If that bumps up against someone else’s actions, I’m okay with that too. It would be a colossal waste of my time to start issuing a list of things I am NOT doing in this discussion, but one of them is trying to prevail *over* anyone else.

    Back to my question: Why does a person, any person have 5 children? As a triple-Cancerian you’d think I’d be all kinda down with that, but hmmmm… that’s not how my nurturing goes.

    Why have more than 1 or 2? Why have 1? I don’t expect DS to answer it here, but somewhere, somehow the next person sitting on that fence needs to hear *energetically* the manner in which I am asking that question.

  7. I note that the ‘why’ goes untouched.

    No need for ‘forgivenness’ DS, I am quite comfortable with my challenge to your decision to repopulate Australia.

    Why should I try to change you? I simply don’t like your reproductive decisions, which appear grounded in willful oblivion (to put a *very* fine point on it). That makes me opinionated, yes… but ‘hitlerian?’

    Oh please.

    “Positive” change. I’ll have to think on that…

  8. Beautifully put, d’clair! I only have two, but want more! Love is never-ending and limitless — you learn that with children. But I think your words may have been wasted, as some of these bloggers seem to have been educated at Hitler’s Online School of Sociology and Psychobabble!

  9. I forgive you Mystes. Boorishness and fussing indeed.

    You ask me why, and I don’t have to justify the existence of my children to anyone, particularly as I’ve done enough apologising for appalling you.

    But I will say that the five people (so far) brought to the world through me are being given the best of everything (that counts); growing up in a place where the air and food are clean, where there is good health care freely available to everyone; they are entitled to an excellent low-fee education (although they go to a private school) and will likely graduate from university (like both their parents). They live in a country where less than 15% of the population are religious, but where a fair social-welfare system exists, and where its governmental leaders are multi-lingual, open minded and interesting people (as opposed to dangerous criminals who take from the poor to give to the rich). They are growing up to live not as part of ‘an unconscious herd’ but as aware and wide-awake expressions of Love. As a consequence these five one-day-women are a pleasure to know and to love, and as far as I’m concerned the world is a better place because they are here.

    My heart really does go out to you mystes, that you feel so negatively and are willing to judge without knowing who I am, what kind of parent I am (that is, soulful, loving, educated, well travelled and fucking amazing) or what my children are like.

    ‘as above, so below’ is one interpretation of the alchemist’s/astrologer’s axiom – the other is about the microcosm being the same as the macrocosm. My ‘oblivion’ being maintained here – my ‘tight little circle’ – is a world of abundance, love and harmony. You could try it – turn off the idiot box and focus on what is real and good, and then perhaps you may be less inclined to make uncalled for attacks on groups of fellow humans

    (oh yes we mothers are human, as are our children).

    seriously, I think I’ll go make another one, right now…

  10. DS… why? I’m serious. Why I find it appalling is pretty self-evident. But I am oddly intrigued by what could have possibly moved you to have brought five people out of your body.

    Five people. Five. Five more on a planet that is bordering on 7 billion already. Five. One-two-three-four-five, not numbers, not ciphers or words – but humans. Were you lonely? bored? horny?

    It’s done, so I’m both appalled and realize the boorishness of fussing about offspring already sprung. I don’t wonder at the im/morality of your choice, just the strange little oblivions that one must maintain in order to ignore the implications of actually creating that voracity.

    Or perhaps you have given birth to a flourish of bees who dance from one rainbow blossom to another, pooping nothing but honey.

    One can hope.

  11. mystes, mother of five daughters here – thanks for that very BROAD view you just expressed, sorry to appall you with my population contribution. No excuse, but here in Australia we are encouraged to go forth and multiply. Just the way it is, go fight reality if you like, but you’ll lose. This is an abundant world from where I stand.

    and…weather control doesn’t seem all that far fetched, nor does the idea that Bush/Cheyney aren’t really in control over there.

  12. Hmmm… I wasn’t saying that weather control (the weaponized kind) isn’t possible… just that a hurricane is just about the biggest weather system one can have – and oddly enough, the dot-mil people kind of respect them. Someone ‘official’ (sorry, I was kinda busy during Katrina/Rita and only listened sideways) floated the idea –in 2006– of nuking a hurricane to see if could be re-routed. You could hear the National Hurricane Center people laughing all the way from the Florida.

    What I said about Those People understanding what they *can’t* control wasn’t directed to Dick and George, either. I was speaking of the ever-so-clever boys and girls at our Black Ops facilities. The thing about 180+ I.Q.s is that they have a little man standing behind the hypothalamus saying : “Unhh-oh… that there would be the end of the Solar System your thinkin’ about.” I know because my cohort has been building and installing those suckers for *years.*

    (Kidding, kidding… but what a great art project…)

  13. I think it is not her personal choices that are a problem. It is her wanting to legislate her personal choices into laws for all of the rest of us.

    And I agree with the concept of having five children as being remiss in a world where resources are becoming more and more scarce.

  14. Yes, they were commenting on Palin’s personal choices, and commenting in a spirit that is antithetical to the true nature of esoteric work, which is what I thought this site was all about in the first place.

  15. CheneyBushCo didn’t invent the Weather Arsenal any more than they invented the nuclear bomb. They inherited it from several generations of nutty predecessors. I’m also not saying that’s what they’re doing here — I’m saying that they have the capacity to manipulate the weather, and I am open to considering it, as referenced, as being one of three possibilities.

  16. Steff, I get that you are tuning in to the narrow side of people’s commentary. It seems to me that they aren’t commenting on SP’s personal choices; it’s the symbolic value that Palin might have wielded (she’s toast, we all recognize that, yes?).

    And yes, I do think people who have five kids are unbelievably focused on their very tiny circles. I am appalled by anyone who has more than two, actually.

    Don’t blink.


  17. As far as this theory on manufacturing hurricanes, you can’t have it both ways — you can’t say Bush-Cheney et al are a bunch of idiots and then turn around and say they can control the weather! Yeah, these guys can perfectly time a hurricane to land just in time for the RNC. I really don’t think so. What happened to global warming?

  18. Thanks, Gardener. It’s a hard, hard world when people condemn a woman for continuing with a pregnancy. That, too, is a choice, and it’s an admirable choice when a woman knowingly carries a baby with a birth defect full-term. The very foundation of esoterism is looking for the good in all things and people, even when you don’t like or agree with that person. Instead, we had people on this blog taking something positive and twisting it around because it didn’t fit into their extreme worldview. One of these extremists was downright perplexed that since Palin didn’t abort her Down’s baby then she should stay at home and not work! Oh, that’s really giving women lots of choices — abort your child or stay home barefoot and pregnant.

  19. Hi there,

    Hopeyou’re following the Palin story today – seems like a true case of do as I say but not what I do…

    Mandy H. xxx

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