Astrology Today: The Last Days of Leo

Dear Friend and Reader:

I’m listening to what people are telling me they’re going through and it sounds like ripple effects from Saturday’s eclipse of the Moon. We’re also in the last days of the Sun’s transit through a sign, and those are always tense days.

Eric Francis

But the ends of cycles are meaningful times to observe and guide carefully. They contain the roots of the next cycle. That happens to be Virgo, when in the Northern hemisphere we feel the light shift and we’re sure that autumn and hence winter are coming.

The main effect of the seasons changing is to remind us of the passage of time, which brings a sense of the inevitable…and that is change itself.

I just want to remind us all what stressed out lives we live, which are often stacked like houses of cards. That works fine to distract us, until we face a moment when we have to change…and that means fear; fear of disruption; fear of the system falling down.

We have a lot, but the cost of that is mainly flexibility. We don’t see this, usually. Typically we coexist with this tension, and the sense of something missing. The usual coping method is to not feel. In other words, it’s all well and good…till we start to feel, and then we can feel something such as the tension itself.

A good bit of that was released with the Full Moon and lunar eclipse a few days ago. I think most of us will feel a lot more grounded with the Sun arrives in Virgo on Friday. Until then, try to remember why you’re here.

Yours & truly,
Eric Francis

12 thoughts on “Astrology Today: The Last Days of Leo”

  1. No worries Tachikata, it’s more than ok! I do agree with you, finding someone that’s going to stick is the hardest task of all…I do wonder whether it’s worth all the heartache.

    On the fickle side of things, I seem to be made to feel like a villian, 2 weeks ago my ex’s best friend and her boyfriend was inviting me round for drinks, haven’t had any contact regarding this since, I’m supposed to be going round this weekend. On another note i’ve also spoken to another of my ex’s friends who i don’t think is interested in my life but speaks to me anyway….sometimes you can sense things are not right, all this contact has been across social network site…..i am beginning to sense fickleness amongst it all, i haven’t done anything to them and cannot work out why I am possibly be made into some kind of villian….I obviously don’t have proof of this, I don’t know whether I should just delete them all cos that’s how it makes me feel, but at the same time I’m too reasonable to do such a thing and I don’t actually see what it would achieve.

    On top of all this there is other things going on in my life at the moment that is tough and i’m not looking forward to something that i have to do later…it is going to be emotional in a sad way.

    I do feel like I’m going through a very dark patch and I’m struggling to see the light, it’s like one thing after another at the moment, but I’m trying not to let things get me too much and battle my way through.

    I’m beginning to wonder if i’ve done something wrong to have such a bum set of cards in my hand at the mo.

  2. I also would like to thank everyone for their comments, I really appreciate it and have found them helpful in trying to understand the situation.

    It also made me aware that as one door seems to have closed and as I have become disconnected from a person who’s now in my past, that another has opened up, I never realised that there was so many people out there who I could connect with and I’m glad I responded to this article initially as I otherwise would never have found any kind of healing in the situation…I’d still be somewhat puzzled and trying to figure it out.

    Thanks again all


  3. thank you very much for sharing back (Kitty and Brinda and all). I really appreciate it.
    I need to take in, breathe in that I am not alone with this, that there are others experiencing this in various ways. Your words and acknowledgement help me feel and see this.
    I guess that the attacks that may come our way (intense judgement, shaming, blaming, gossip, even ganging up with another) help us to face some our oldest wounds too and potentially respond and/or be with it a different way. but no matter what, it still hurts and smacks right in the core heart.

    thanks again.

  4. This is for sara and spacesurfer and about breakups and the so-called dissolution of relationships. Not sure if its about the astrology and the eclipses or just about life, but they say people come into our lives for a season, a reason or a lifetime and there is not so much we can say or do about the entering and exiting of souls and spirits except to accept the natural ebbs and flows of human interaction.

    Sometimes we feel we have to delete the person from our psyche or our facebook because the memories are painful or because we think we can have a clean slate but we never really can. My view is that we do not really erase or delete or dissolve, but rather transform the relationships in line with different needs through different phases or our lives.

    Transforming a lover or deep friendship to a lighter one is a daunting task and like all healing and transformation it takes time. You go to sleep, you wake up, you go to sleep, you wake up and then you gradually realize that not only does the pain get less, but you find away to integrate the person and the experiences you had with them inside of yourself in a way that can be rich and not so hurting.

    But if you try to jump steps (move to forgiveness or understanding or healing before you actually feel it), then you usually have to go back.

    As for the attacks and what parts we take and own and what parts we realize are the other person’s stuff: I think its also a fickle and nebulous equation. At the bottom is acceptance and love of self. As we get closer to this we know rather naturally what to take in and learn from and what is more about what the other person has brought to the party.

  5. I feel like I need to give a deep bow to all of us for going through this. And a big hug might be good, too :). It does help somewhat to know I’m not alone. And that’s a biggie, since part of what these eclipses are showing me has to do with my sense of connectedness vs. disconnectness with the rest of humanity.

    The dissolution of relationships in intense (and even horrifying) ways seems to be a theme now. For me, I know it has to do with the dissolution of old, old patterns. I’m going through a doorway that’s the inevitable culmination of everything I’ve done so far in this life, and probably lifetimes. So this is a magnificent time, but also incredibly painful.

    Sara, I relate to what you’ve said; your experience and the questions you’ve asked. This thing about not being able to choose between what you take in and what you don’t … at some point, it got so untenably insane (which has a lot to do with those old patterns, as a matter of fact) that I had to let go and simply have the intention of allowing it all to act on me.

  6. Just wanted to share a little about my experiences during this eclipse time; there definitely seem to be real similarities.
    It’s felt like little (though they feel big) earthquakes or bombs going off around me. Two men (one a former boyfriend, the other, someone I was in the beginning stages of a developing friendship with plus a couple kisses) blew up at me in really attacking ways.
    I’ve been really struggling and suffering with myself, not sure what to take in and not, and at the same time realizing that ultimately I may not have a choice about what I take in. There was a lot of persecuting judgement in both of these attacks. Instead of responding defensively I haven’t responded outwardly at all to either; I am working on being still with it until I have integrated some things a bit. But there’s suffering.

    Also, realizing that some of the things that one of they guys said are true adds another important dimension to this…
    As an human being (and energetically sensitive one) how do I take responsibility and own my own stuff and utilize feedback without taking in and on the shame and guilt, hostility and persecution that seem strongly attached to these people’s messages (and other people’s down the road)?

    thanks for reading and sharing folks,


  7. On a side note to “Eternal sunshine of the spotless mind”, I attended a class of Dr. Karim Nader, whose studies of muting traumatic memories was the inspiration of this film.

    There are drugs that can do that for people with extreme cases.

    This movie does a lovely job though of showing why we may not want to eliminate every painful memory in our lives, and fundamentally raises a lot of questions in terms of who we are with or without our memories…..

  8. Thanks, I will check the film out,I’ll rent it at the weekend. Funny enough, I have turned 30 this year, the relationship ended 2 weeks after my birthday…part of me did also think that maybe I am too old for this (which is also possibly why I never deleted her).

    Now that the ex has deleted me from her life, today I’ve been pondering whether I should delete the photo albums, notes, gifts etc from the social networking site…then it could get to a point where you never stop…after that, do you start deleting the wall posts? :-)…it can get completley out of hand! We live in a world in which it becomes harder to erase the past even if someone wanted to,technology plays a big part in our lives now.Despite the fact that we will be in each others past forever, you cannot completly forget people, you just eventually think less about them I guess.

    You know what…just by typing this, I think I will just leave the photo albums, gifts, etc on my page…life’s too short to sweat over it,she came in my life caused a whirlwind for a couple years and then left…possibly when my saturn return started (that is if that played a part too).I do question whether we are destined to meet people… for whatever reason that certain someone was meant to enter your life no matter how much it doesn’t make sense at the end.

    We are both now leading our seperate lives and moving on…slowly but surely I am, even if maybe the result of it is that I’ve become a little cynical over love…maybe one day I’ll be ready to let it in again =o)

  9. There has been some pretty strong stuff going on these last four months, if it is the effect of the eclipses, then I hope the universe knows best cos I’m a little miffed, my ex and I broke up roughly 4 months ago, we’ve not spoken since cos why force trying to talk…I have a lot of hurt feelings that I’m moving on from…I’m better than I was 4months ago. Yesterday the ex deleted me from the friends list on a social networking site, what i find strange is that I really wasn’t bothered about the ex still being on my friends list and I did get to a point where I considered deleting the ex but couldn’t be bothered a couple months ago….the reason I didn’t delete was cos I decided that you cannot erase the past, you can only try and move on. Anyway yesterday I got deleted, someone tried to erase me from their past… Still cannot figure out what the point of it all was

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