Sagittarius New Moon: Go deep, and bring your sense of humor

Today’s Sagittarius New Moon, occurring at 3:41 am EST, might seem simple on the surface, heralding a new lunar cycle during the festive holiday season. But it contains a doorway to curious depths. Kind of like many Sagittarians themselves: boisterous, cheerful, comedic and free on the outside, but palpably aware of striking cosmic truths when you get them to sit still, drop in and open up.

Simplified chart section for this morning’s Sagittarius New Moon; note the Sun and Moon next to each other, with the same numbers next to them. The Sun is just past its conjunction to Pholus (green flag), a centaur planet. Eric wrote about Sun-Pholus and friends on Monday. The New Moon is also sextile centaur Nessus (aqua glyph in Aquarius), suggesting an opportunity to resolve an old abuse pattern or sexual issue — but you have to make the effort. Also shown: Mercury (green glyph with horns) in Sag, squaring Chiron (orange key) in Pisces. View glyph key here.

This New Moon is conjunct some minor planets in Sagittarius that tend to be ignored by most astrologers (though Len Wallick gave them some attention Tuesday).

Centaurs are part of the mix; they relate to some of the darkest lines of human karma that exist. They are also known to bring the material to consciousness so that we have an opportunity to work through it rather than continuing to perpetuate it.

For example, various centaur planets deal with multigenerational patterns of alcoholism, every shade of abuse, the suspension of ethics, and the family constellations that support these things. They can feel dark and edgy when the Sun or another major planet makes a strong aspect to them. When that happens, it can take a little extra inner space and compassion (also known as love) to integrate their messages rather than project them onto others.

To quote Eric, writing for Chronogram this week:

If you feel deep stuff coming up today and through the weekend, there is an astrological map to the territory. Note that the issues go back a long time and that you’re not alone. Borrowing from Dr. Sean Maguire in Good Will Hunting, it’s not your fault. Indeed, the concept of fault is a big part of the problem, and self-blame is why the problem can seem so intractable.

Today’s Sagittarius New Moon takes us deep; it may shift your trajectory, and commence the beginning of a healing process for you, one that may last for many years. It may also represent a turning point in your existing healing journey, taking it to a new depth — illustrated by Mercury in early Sagittarius square Chiron in Pisces.

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