About That Yod Pattern in the 12/21/12 Chart

People are starting to figure out that there is no special “2012 alignment” in the sense of something lining up with the Great Pyramid or the Galactic Center on Dec. 21. I am however starting to get inquiries about the yod pattern that’s in the solstice chart, which is illustrated here, highlighting only the planets in this discussion.

The yod is that triangle pointing at Jupiter. It consists of Saturn in Scorpio (yellow glyph, above left) and Pluto in Capricorn (red glyph lower left) making a sextile, which is then met by Jupiter at a 150-degree angle to both of them. Not shown is the hypothetical planet Poseidon, which is very close to Saturn in Scorpio.

Most astrologers consider yods (of which there are several other exotic varieties — this is the garden variety) to be powerful aspects. Let’s give them the benefit of the doubt. I will note that they are not especially rare; they happen a lot and you can find one on many charts. But this is a pretty hefty one, made stronger by the fact that Saturn and Pluto occupy one another’s signs of rulership. I covered this in the subscriber edition two weeks ago.

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