Today is New Year’s Eve — although, given what a big solstice we had this year and that we just had a Full Moon on Friday, the turning over of the calendar from 2012 to 2013 may seem anticlimactic. Or, it would if we were not in the midst of a conjunction between the Sun and Pluto in Capricorn (exact yesterday). That is some strong energy pushing into our consciousness, and it is not alone.

Speaking of pushing, Sun conjunct Pluto can feel as though forces beyond your control are constraining or steering whatever strides you’ve been looking to make in the world. Especially when it comes to any type of power, authority or recognition by others, a sense of conscious control can be hard to come by.
This could feel frustrating; how do you know when life is asking you to ‘put your shoulder into it’ versus when doing so would be trying to push the proverbial river?
Astrology is all about seeing the patterns and feeling the rhythms, but it can still be hard to go with the flow; sometimes it can feel like all you’re doing is getting in your own way.
That might be one reason why things like New Year’s Eve get so much attention. It may be a construct, but it’s visible, widely recognized and gives us the impression of an official, collective ‘reset button’ that does not depend on the inner stillness and sensitivity asked of us by astrology.
This month, however, the whole world had something akin to an ‘astrological moment’ with the solstice — even if many missed the deeper messages, in particular the one delivered by the Sun’s conjunction to Juno. Fittingly, as if she knew we might need to hear what she had to say more than once in order to get with the program, Juno is part of today’s astrology, too, as she starts talking to the Uranus-Pluto square.
While the Sun receives Pluto’s urgings, Juno in Capricorn is making a square to Uranus in Aries. Juno-Uranus is exact today at 11:13 pm EDT; Juno will conjoin Pluto on Jan. 14. This means that Juno’s messages about relationships, jealousy and social justice will be a driving force for a good couple of weeks.