By Judith Gayle | Political Waves
Yesterday came and went, and we’re still here (seriously, did you know anyone who thought we wouldn’t be?). We’ve arrived in a new baktun or, at minimum, a newly turned solstice. If we allow for the bigger picture, we have a clean sheet, waiting to be written upon. As Eric pointed out yesterday, the initial thrust of consciousness at such a moment leaves its mark. What we write on this new page will set the pattern, establish the weave of another long historical tapestry that our ancestors, far into the future, will study. On this first day, then, we take a snapshot of ourselves for posterity.
Those who pay attention to cycles — astrologers, mathematicians, historians, mystics — will validate the special qualities of this 2012 solstice. On the shortest day of the year, yesterday, anticipating the longest night, pagans everywhere celebrated the beginning of winter and the gradual turn from dark back to light. That works for me as a metaphor for this moment. Gradual is the key word: gradual, as in “the fog is gradually lifting, the light is gradually dawning, the mood is gradually shifting.” Gradual as in “building to a tipping point.”
A few years back, Eric asked staff what they thought the 2012 end-point might bring us, and my estimate then was that it was a Hundredth Monkey event. I believe that’s what we’re looking at today, that point where more than half of us here on beloved Planet Terra can be defined as decent, loving souls, vibrating at a resonance that can no longer ignore systemic darkness; that can tolerate nothing less than compassion, kindness and peace in the coming era or allow injustice and cruelty to define us any longer. This isn’t Congress, needing more than a majority; we already have our 51%.